Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Anyone still thinking this deal isn’t done and finished at this point is just fooling themselves.

Its Over GIF
Duh it's been over for a long time a trillion $ corporation gets what it wants still they'll get fined by the UK shame all that money will just end up in Richy poo sacks pockets & not help the economy


29 Jun 2023
I don't like the consolidation of gaming but I'll weigh in with what I want Sony to acquire .. capcom & sega
Call me crazy but I think Sony will invest in Sega Capcom, Koei Tecmo. Last Sega annual earnings they just ask some more shareholder, maybe Capcom and Koei Tecmo will also do the same thing. Perfect time for Sony to jump in.
Just 20-25% will allow them to have right to say in board and strategic partnership. No need for full acquisition. Other hostile investors from US and Saudi cannot get more than 10% of Sega and Capcom because they are on that list, so no worry about that.

Square Enix is pretty close to Sony, I think Sony will fully acquire or heavily invest in them, at least <51%

Bandai Namco has good relationship with Nintendo and one of their main toys manu customers, so Nintendo have shares in . Nintendo don't own Pokemon outright but Nintendo owns one third of TPC stake allow them to leverage the IP.

Deleted member 223

Sega/Atlus is probably their next target, dude. So Sony securing Square-Enix as a pre-emptive measure rather than a reactive one would be a better course of action for them. Plus, they don't need to necessarily make acquisition and investment moves timed to the beat of what Microsoft does; that's not how a market leader should act.

Also FWIW, PS1 & PS2 did perfectly fine, and did not chase after what their competitors were doing at the time. The strengths of those systems was just as much being a defacto exclusive platforms for Japanese 3P content as well as having a healthy serving of Western 3P support in the big genres. Sony's strength in the first area has weakened considerably over the year with the combination of Nintendo Switch, Microsoft enticing Japanese 3P with Game Pass deals, and growth of mobile and PC.

I feel that PlayStation as a platform needs to solidify itself in both Western and Japanese areas to be a truly successful platform. But in terms of also serving their entertainment interests in transmedia properties, it's Japanese 3P who would easily provide what they need there versus Western 3P. The fact is, Japanese publishers would be cheaper to go for, and provide more overall value when talking about transmedia expansion in addition to games. Most Western 3P would cost more and have significantly more limited IP opportunities for transmedia growth. The only one off the top of my head that may compare with the more prolific Japanese 3P publishers, is Ubisoft, but they are bloated in terms of employees and other redundancies.

Meanwhile, to accomplish a lot of what you are suggesting, I think Sony's best option would be a strategic partnership/alliance with EA and Epic. That doesn't just mean marketing deals with games like Battlefield and Fortnite, but also pumping investments into both companies and buying big shares into them (or to buy more shares into them, in the case of Epic). That gets them preferential access to massive shooters; meanwhile games like Immortals of Aveum and even Horizon can expand into more proper WRPG entries over time, the latter already having a big fanbase.

In all honesty, I don't think Sony need to focus on matching Microsoft beat-for-beat in terms of shooters or WRPGs; there will still be quite a lot of 3P in both genres they'll keep getting, and they can prioritize strategic partnerships for certain games with specific 3P publishers on top of that, and secure those investments in ways they did not with ABK. But if Sony don't secure some of their biggest Japanese partners and IPs therein, they are going to lose a lot of enthusiasts (especially those who have been with the brand for years largely due to PlayStation being the hub for those games), and that WILL affect a lot of casuals and mainstream later on when those types are ready to jump into a console ecosystem.

It'll also betray their gaming heritage; Microsoft are a laughingstock among many partly because they've let their heritage rot. Halo is basically in a coma, Rare's legacy IP have been MIA for years (decades in some cases), PGR is dead, Blinx has been dead for decades, they didn't secure rights to a KOTOR Remake, they never bothered doing anything else with Jade Empire, never did anything else with Shenmue, Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio etc. and basically did performative arts with the few Japanese 3P exclusive JRPGs they had early in the 360's life, among other things. PlayStation's legacy is largely driven by key Japanese gaming franchises; it's time for Sony to secure them.
Microsoft has a shopping list. You first address the immediate and potential audience gaps that the ABK/Bethesda acquisitions create = FPS/WRPG crowd before acquiring Square premtively because SEGA is somehow talked about by MS behind the scenes. The ABK/Bethesda acquisitions are real - SEGA is not. Opportunity cost and time of acquiring Square for something that may or may not happen is a foolish errand, and the JRPG audience is more bulletproof on Sony's ecosystem than the FPS/WRPG audience is, regardless of Microsoft acquiring SEGA. It's not a critical audience or need. Shooter/WRPG audience are critical.

Instead of dropping 2-4 billion on Square preempting a move by MS for SEGA Sony should be addressing, with that money, and time, the FPS/WRPG response that's immediate, today, in the now.

So again, not serious assessments. Most are emotional in nature.

Edit: Now I know I sound harsh and like an a-hole sometimes with my clear cut responses but that's just me trying to get the point across firmly. I will say this to the rest of your reasoning. It's partially because of thinking like that, that a Bethesda/ABK acquisition has the potential to damage PlayStation in the first place. The reliance on third party partners. Obviously, Sony can't, by themselves become fully self-sufficient in everything and replace all of the third party publishers out there but the competition is clearly forcing them to become "sufficient enough" in key audiences that were surrendered to third party partners - WRPG/FPS audiences being the obvious main ones. It's by no accident MS went for these audiences - they scouted Sony very well. Sony focused heavily clearly on the action-adventure audience and it paid dividends and then some but that is just part of the gaming audience, not all of it. The solution is to not over rely on third party partners and partnerships for these audiences. You want successful efforts of your own. Third party partnerships will factor into the response, and I fully support, embrace and recommend - obviously a no-brainer but should not be main dish. You want to create your own IP's for these audiences to coexist with those of the third party partners so you own something exclusive to you, full control, no ifs or butts. Not just create, but something big, of worth.
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27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Call me crazy but I think Sony will invest in Sega Capcom, Koei Tecmo. Last Sega annual earnings they just ask some more shareholder, maybe Capcom and Koei Tecmo will also do the same thing. Perfect time for Sony to jump in.
Just 20-25% will allow them to have right to say in board and strategic partnership. No need for full acquisition. Other hostile investors from US and Saudi cannot get more than 10% of Sega and Capcom because they are on that list, so no worry about that.

Square Enix is pretty close to Sony, I think Sony will fully acquire or heavily invest in them, at least <51%

Bandai Namco has good relationship with Nintendo and one of their main toys manu customers, so Nintendo have shares in . Nintendo don't own Pokemon outright but Nintendo owns one third of TPC stake allow them to leverage the IP.
I know capcom wouldn't sell they're probably the best publisher in the business right now (not in profit that goes to greedy shitty company's like Activision & EA) & sega might still hold a grudge against Sony because of them beating them in consoles but yeah I'd hope they'd be smart enough to invest in them they're definitely 2 of the best investments in the industry


29 Jun 2023
I know capcom wouldn't sell they're probably the best publisher in the business right now (not in profit that goes to greedy shitty company's like Activision & EA) & sega might still hold a grudge against Sony because of them beating them in consoles but yeah I'd hope they'd be smart enough to invest in them they're definitely 2 of the best investments in the industry
Grudge really means nothing nowadays. Sega gaming branch at least has really LaD exclusive for Playstation for years though.

Not to mention Sega and Sony Group biggest shareholder are the same, they are also has stake in Kadokawa, Bandai Namco. So it goes full circle.

Nationality and loyalty is more important that money for me, but idk


Active member
19 May 2023
My suggestions for Sony to buy and invest in:

Buy: Square Enix, Capcom, maybe EPIC

Heavily Invest In: SEGA, Take 2, EA, Kadokawa/FROM, Bandai Namco, Koei Tecmo, Konami

Moderate Investments: Ubisoft, Acquire, Chunsoft, Embracer, LEVEL 5, Vanillaware, Platinum, THQ Nordic

Yeah, I know this list is a bit out there, but my 2 cents.

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Doesn’t matter, the CMA can’t stop Microsoft for good, the best they can do is slow them down.

Well that’s your speculation and opinion. The fact is CMA mentioned that their final report on the merger still stands. 100% block.

Whatever new deal MS is trying to bring to the CMA won’t be resolved until, or before, August 29th.

And we know CMA wants full divestiture or MS gets nothing at all.


Well-known member
9 Feb 2023
Well that’s your speculation and opinion. The fact is CMA mentioned that their final report on the merger still stands. 100% block.

Whatever new deal MS is trying to bring to the CMA won’t be resolved until, or before, August 29th.

And we know CMA wants full divestiture or MS gets nothing at all.
While that is true. However in the recent CMA document MS said there were material changes and because of law CMA have to investigate.


Well-known member
24 Jun 2022
Well, here's what happened within the past few months.

We thought it was over when the CMA reversed its decision on the console market. People were celebrating. Even PlayStation fans thought it was over until the CMA announced its decision that it was blocked because of the cloud market.

People were giving Microsoft a low chance to pass this deal, even though they knew they had a good chance to win against the FTC.

But reports started to surface that Microsoft is exploring ways to close over the UK.

Later, the EU passed it and now Microsoft has won its case over the FTC for the P.I and all their appeals were rejected. Shortly after this was announced, people were reporting that the CMA agreed to a deal with Microsoft, but that turned out to be false.

Many journalists on Twitter were saying Microsoft could close as soon as Saturday. You have guys like Benji and Tom Warren saying it's basically done deal with that's not entirely true.

So really nothing has changed from the CMA's decision other than the fact that Microsoft paused their appeal to offer remedies, which are being reviewed by the CMA.

I'm 60/40 on this deal (60 for passing) because I don't trust those behind the scenes, but the CMA are the only anti-trust regulators that are truly independent of the government. We knew it was shady that the judge ruling over the FTC has a son who worked for MS and made a ruling within days before the deadline.

If this isn't resolved by Monday, then there might be a good chance that his deal doesn't pass, with me being 70% on the deal getting blocked (my personal opinion doesn't mean anything TBH).

But it's also going to change people's feelings in regards to this deal passing.

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
While that is true. However in the recent CMA document MS said there were material changes and because of law CMA have to investigate.

Yeah and that doesn’t mean they will approve it because of that. They can still block it after doing another round of investigations. Which they said they might have to do.

I learned my lesson last time reading Twitter and listening to people on forums that made it seem like the CMA got scared and cancelled the appeal case. When it was MS who got scared and pleaded with the CMA.

All for the CMA to come out and say there’s still a block. Unfazed.
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Deleted member 223

Well, here's what happened within the past few months.

We thought it was over when the CMA reversed its decision on the console market. People were celebrating. Even PlayStation fans thought it was over until the CMA announced its decision that it was blocked because of the cloud market.

People were giving Microsoft a low chance to pass this deal, even though they knew they had a good chance to win against the FTC.

But reports started to surface that Microsoft is exploring ways to close over the UK.

Later, the EU passed it and now Microsoft has won its case over the FTC for the P.I and all their appeals were rejected. Shortly after this was announced, people were reporting that the CMA agreed to a deal with Microsoft, but that turned out to be false.

Many journalists on Twitter were saying Microsoft could close as soon as Saturday. You have guys like Benji and Tom Warren saying it's basically done deal with that's not entirely true.

So really nothing has changed from the CMA's decision other than the fact that Microsoft paused their appeal to offer remedies, which are being reviewed by the CMA.

I'm 60/40 on this deal (60 for passing) because I don't trust those behind the scenes, but the CMA are the only anti-trust regulators that are truly independent of the government. We knew it was shady that the judge ruling over the FTC has a son who worked for MS and made a ruling within days before the deadline.

If this isn't resolved by Monday, then there might be a good chance that his deal doesn't pass, with me being 70% on the deal getting blocked (my personal opinion doesn't mean anything TBH).

But it's also going to change people's feelings in regards to this deal passing.
Fair recounting of events, even the opinion probabilities are reasonable.
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27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Konami would be a good purchase aswell they're shite ATM because they're neglecting their IPs & focusing on dumb shit like nft of course under Sony the could blossom & have all that IP start materializing (only like silent hill from them but I know they have a lot more than that)
24 Jun 2022
Microsoft has a shopping list. You first address the immediate and potential audience gaps that the ABK/Bethesda acquisitions create = FPS/WRPG crowd before acquiring Square premtively because SEGA is somehow talked about by MS behind the scenes. The ABK/Bethesda acquisitions are real - SEGA is not. Opportunity cost and time of acquiring Square for something that may or may not happen is a foolish errand, and the JRPG audience is more bulletproof on Sony's ecosystem than the FPS/WRPG audience is, regardless of Microsoft acquiring SEGA. It's not a critical audience or need. Shooter/WRPG audience are critical.

Instead of dropping 2-4 billion on Square preempting a move by MS for SEGA Sony should be addressing, with that money, and time, the FPS/WRPG response that's immediate, today, in the now.

So again, not serious assessments. Most are emotional in nature.

I don't agree with this. At least, not in full. The fact of the matter is, the market is consolidating now. Microsoft aren't the only ones Sony have to be concerned about going forward; Tencent, Amazon, Apple, Google, heck even other 3P publishers could become issues for them to deal with. Say in some hypothetical situation, Sega/Atlus and Square-Enix merged. Sony may not have an interest in Sega/Atlus but would in Square-Enix...well, now the asking price goes up and there's a very good chance the Sega/Atlus side would not agree to part with the Square-Enix side. Divesting that type of merged entity just for a buyer like Sony to get the part they want can get messy and expensive, when that could be avoided much sooner.

It's not like Sony aren't getting ANY FPS or WRPG games, either. They still have Battlefield, still have Witcher 3, still have Cyberpunk, still have XDefiant, still have Fortnite and quite a few others. They can enter more secure strategic partnerships with the publishers of those games, alongside buy majority shares in them, rather than outright acquire. And, again, what would acquiring a FPS/WRPG Western 3P do for Sony in terms of effective transmedia growth? Hardly anything IMHO. That type of 3P would be valuable for the revenue stream they introduce but further share purchases in them would help in many ways with that, plus pursuing more content partnerships with those games via crossover IP appearances would drive further MTX, DLC and B2P sales of those games on Sony's platforms.

This is a perspective that is being done from an analytical POV; sure emotion is a part of it. Emotion's a part of it for all of us, no one here or anywhere are making arguments WRT acquisitions purely based in data. We're human beings, we literally can't do that.

My suggestions for Sony to buy and invest in:

Buy: Square Enix, Capcom, maybe EPIC

Heavily Invest In: SEGA, Take 2, EA, Kadokawa/FROM, Bandai Namco, Koei Tecmo, Konami

Moderate Investments: Ubisoft, Acquire, Chunsoft, Embracer, LEVEL 5, Vanillaware, Platinum, THQ Nordic

Yeah, I know this list is a bit out there, but my 2 cents.

Buy: Looks good. Both have big revenue IPs with global appeal (Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Dragon Quest etc.), treasure troves of legacy IP that could absolutely be expanded upon (Parasite Eve, Einhander, Ergheiz, Xenogears, Rival Schools, Dino Crisis, Onimusha etc.), and IP with lots of transmedia (movies, music, TV, anime, manga) potential as well as strong merchandising sales.

Epic is a bit trickier to assess in that way, though they do have a game with bigger revenue than Square-Enix and Capcom's games combined: Fortnite.

Heavily Invest In: I'd put Sega/Atlus into the Moderate Investments category; they are already leaning to Microsoft's corner and if there's one Japanese 3P publisher Microsoft could ever realistically buy, it'd be them. I don't think they would be worth heavy investments as a result. The others, though? Yeah, quite so. I would add Annapurna and Devolver Digital to that list as well or...

Moderate Investments:...replace Embracer with one of those two. I'd also personally replace either Platinum or THQ Nordic with Arc System Works, and put CDPR in there.

For all the investments, they have to be paired with share purchases as well, majority shares in some cases. Kadokawa/FROM, Bandai Namco, Koei Tecmo are ones I think Sony could buy majority shares in relatively easily. Among Western 3P publishers, similar with perhaps Devolver Digital and Annapurna. Take Two and EA less so in terms of majority shares, but a good amount either way, same with Ubisoft and CDPR. Sega/Atlus, Konami and Ubisoft I think Sony could get away with lowest amount of share purchases (relatively speaking).
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29 Jun 2023
Konami would be a good purchase aswell they're shite ATM because they're neglecting their IPs & focusing on dumb shit like nft of course under Sony the could blossom & have all that IP start materializing (only like silent hill from them but I know they have a lot more than that)
Konami got 3 console IP, none of them are relevant nowadays, their biggest cash cows besides from gambling bussiness are Yugioh and efootball. What would PS gains from it?

Square Enix probably the choice for Sony right now, they holds a shit ton of comic and games IP that A-1 could farm for the rest of tome. Gaming department would thrive . FF14 makes a ton of money, would be stupid not to buy them rn.


Active member
19 May 2023
Konami is starting to make a resurgence in the console game sphere. Suikoden, MGS, Silent Hill games, rumored Castlevania revival.

They would be good for Sony as an investment, not an acquisition.
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29 Jun 2023
I think Sony would lock down Square, invest money in Capcom and Koei and fiddle stake with Sega.

Also Bamco is kinda irrelevant here since those guys make more money from Im@ alone than Tales and what other gaming property they could pump out.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Sega/Atlus is probably their next target, dude.
Unless something just falls into their lap, Microsoft isn't going to be buying anything big unless they think the economy is going to continue doing well. Which, you know, they seem not to. Then again we're nearly a year into people talking economic doom and gloom and it still hasn't happened so that shit might gradually go away.