I am so glad nobody of this mass consume zombies here sitting in Sony’s board. You guys defend persistently GaaS and WRPG because it’s your taste. And yes it does matter where the HQ of a publisher lies. You’re so heavily in denial, you don’t even see it. Your hate on Japanese games is truly frightening. Saying FF is only for weebs disqualify you for further discussion. It‘s pretty arrogant and tasteless how degrading you talk the entire time about Japanese games. I can’t hear your annoying and shallow arguments anymore. You know nothing about Sony. Also Sony doesn’t need to copy Microsoft, we have already enough medicore franchises on PlayStation. As I have seen you only care about prestige and heavy hitter franchises. The door is open, Microsoft will welcome hardcore casuals like you. I will say it again, you will wait for nothing. Sony is not buying a western Publisher. Being in denial doesn’t prove anything neither does it mean said scenario won’t happen. I don’t see no difference to you and Fanboys on Twitter. Yeah just buy heavy hitters to screw Microsoft. To hell with this mindset.
PlayStation has already enough western studios.
Funny how you call yourself a knight, you are no different than the mainstream casuals who play all day COD and GTA. In this regard I must admit Nintendo fans have much better taste in general. They have taste unlike some casuals here.