Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Naughty Dog are taking longer to make games because they aren’t crunching anymore. You can’t have it both ways, either the staff are free to be healthy and put out games when they want or you want them sleeping under their desks to put out more games within 3 years
They have made 4 games in PS3 era: UC 1-3 and TLOU. Naughty Dog definitely become worse.
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25 Mar 2023
So basically, he's not to blame for anything. Good to know. I wish I had his job, where I can fuck everything up and still have people say "it's not your fault".
If first party output is light then it is 100% on Jim Ryan and Hulst. To go two years like we did we hardly any exciting announcement for PlayStation games is just unacceptable and something that never happened before.

It's not a surprise to anyone that games are taking longer to be made, as I have shown multiple times Sony has been very reluctant to expand over the years and MS acquisitions since 2018 just highlight that.

Halfway during the PS4 gen Sony already entered coasting mode where they just started taking PlayStation players for granted. They haven't been proven wrong yet regarding that assumption but it already allowed MS to hang around and become a much bigger threat.
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21 Jun 2022
Who’s buying an Xbox?
ryan reynolds hd GIF


25 Mar 2023
I don’t like modern Naughty Dog. Their prime was in PS3 and early PS4 gen. Every Uncharted was a masterpiece and first TLOU was nice. But now they have gone mad with their woke agenda I am not interested anymore in Naughty Dog. This studio has fallen deep.
Uncharted 4 and TLoU Part 2 are two of the best games they ever made. TLoU Part II is alongside RDR2 the pinnacle of PS4 games.

If a bigot sandwich line, a gay character and a buff women are too much for you to handle, you are just too soft.


21 Jun 2022
The ultimate irony it would be if the UK judge actually blocks the deal.
CMA never saw the deal but they already decided they will accept it.

Holy crap the CMA are literally capping for Microsoft right now in the court. This is ridiculous.
Microsoft always finds a way. Corruption 100% with the government and the CMA don't want to get caught.


14 Aug 2022
Seems the CMA broke down to UK politicians behind closed doors...... a few moments later, MS gets a call from a random person and was told to try the cma again. Seems Sony got the same call.... Im just saying
Here we are.

The cma is fighting for MS too hard here, so the whole saving face argument is out the door because the cma look stupid anyway after today. So the cma most likely got a call and told to play ball.
This acquisition just revealed worldwide corruption, lies and incompetence across the board. And people want sony to compete with this?


25 Mar 2023
And people want sony to compete with this?

They need to asses if they can compete or not and if they conclude they can't then they need to sell the PlayStation division to a bigger company willing to face off against MS.

The worst thing Sony can do is to allow PlayStation to wither away while they cope with GaaS/PC/mobile dreams that won't ever result in anything.

I think PlayStation could easily compete if Sony had their back.


Active member
19 May 2023
My guess the only true way Sony can compete with MS is if they allow themselves to be absorbed by the likes of Apple, Alphabet, or Amazon.
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24 Jun 2022
"The world has moved on, and we have moved on with it".


Also, it's funny as hell that so many shills for this acquisition were saying the FTC were protecting Sony, when the CMA are literally acting as Microsoft & ABK"s defense lawyers in front of the CAT. And quite overtly so.

The CMA are dead-set on making sure this gets wrapped up before tomorrow. Within the hour by latest.
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Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
When playstation itself stops making record revenue and selling a shitload of consoles and games, then yeah…maybe you might have a reason to give him the boot.

Jim Ryan’s job isn’t in service to you its in service to the company, he’s not a politician. The company right now is doing fine despite doom and gloom on the internet

Why do I care if they make record revenue? I play games, not revenue. If they were using that record revenue for more than 1 exclusive and 1 DLC in 12 months that would be fine, but they aren't.


25 Mar 2023
My guess the only true way Sony can compete with MS is if they allow themselves to be absorbed by the likes of Apple,Alphabet, or Amazon.
PlayStation 6 by Apple, starting at $3500 not retro compatible with the PS5. :LOL:

But your point is correct, if Sony can't come up with the necessary funds to protect their business it's time to sell it before it becomes worthless.