Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


8 Jan 2023
At least the Playstation OT on Era are willing to call out the nonsense on that forum.


Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Big tech is not left wing, they do love to virtue signal.

But I'd love to know how companies that union bust, offshore production and revenue, etc, are left wing.

The companies are highly left wing and support democrats by a huge margin. Those are just the numbers, I am not making any value judgement. I don't think Republicans get anything even close to right when it comes to tech.

I just think this anti FTC, anti Sony stuff is the result of just the usual politics of just taking an opposite stance of your supposed enemies.


2 Jul 2022
That's because it's a Democrat administration and it's led by a Biden appointee. This is just regular politics.

Are you trying to deny big tech is left wing? 😄
No big tech is left winger. That is contradictory by itself. You can't be a massive company and be left winger, it's impossible.
Are you saying Microsoft and Google are communists or even social democrats like nordic countries? They are not.
Left wing politics is nonexistent in the US.
There are simply liberal right wingers (democrats) and conservative right wingers (republican) in the US.


29 Jun 2023
Big tech are mostly fiscally right wing and culturally left wing and authotarian on diaplomatic policy.

The whole left-right wing is a vertical axis is an outdated concept.


21 Jun 2022
At least the Playstation OT on Era are willing to call out the nonsense on that forum.

They should divest the PlayStation OT, and merge with xboxera ;)
Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022

The companies are highly left wing and support democrats by a huge margin. Those are just the numbers, I am not making any value judgement. I don't think Republicans get anything even close to right when it comes to tech.

I just think this anti FTC, anti Sony stuff is the result of just the usual politics of just taking an opposite stance of your supposed enemies.

Sorry mate, you have no idea what left wing is.


2 Jul 2022
Big tech are mostly fiscally right wing and culturally left wing and authotarian on diaplomatic policy.

The whole left-right wing is a vertical axis is an outdated concept.
You're not entirely wrong, that's why this compass exists:
Big techs can be mostly classified as libertarian right wingers.


14 Feb 2023

The companies are highly left wing and support democrats by a huge margin. Those are just the numbers, I am not making any value judgement. I don't think Republicans get anything even close to right when it comes to tech.

I just think this anti FTC, anti Sony stuff is the result of just the usual politics of just taking an opposite stance of your supposed enemies.
Ahh so you're going by employees of these companies. When the actual meat and potatoes decision are made by the execs, and the CEO's and VC's like Zuck, Musk, Dorsey, and friends are all right libertarian. Not to mention the actual platforms of big tech companies are filled with extreme hate speech.

But I digress since I'm not trying to change anyone's mind.
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
No big tech is left winger. That is contradictory by itself. You can't be a massive company and be left winger, it's impossible.
Are you saying Microsft and Google are communists or even social democrats like nordic countries? They are not.
Left wing politics is nonexistent in the US.
There are simply liberal right wingers (democrats) and conservative right wingers (republican) in the US.
You're not American I take it. I don't want to get into this on the board, but if you don't live here you probably don't really understand the country. I've heard your comment from European friends many times. I also don't pretend to know what it's like to live in Europe, or elsewhere.

Left wing politics DO exist out here, but there is an inherent antagonism to things like socialism and communism from the populace, I will agree with that.

How can you be a massive company and not be left wing? Because they make money?

I got news for you, everyone, of every creed and political bent wants to make as much money as they can. And that's what makes all of the screeching from places like Hollywood and Big Tech so hilarious. Just the typical rules for thee and not for me that anyone in power seems to espouse. Again it's not limited to left or right. It's all of them.

My only point was that the reason the Republicans are complaining about the FTC is because it's run by the Democrats right now. That's it. And they are in the wrong. And also for the wrong reason. The politicians don't care about Sony at all, guaranteed. They care about trying to win their little battles.

Back to your regularly scheduled thread. :)

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
You're not entirely wrong, that's why this compass exists:
View attachment 1903
Big techs can be mostly classified as libertarian right wingers.
Ok, one more.

Not even close. They have tried to control what discussions can be had online and on their platforms in collaboration with the news media and the government. Look at all the baloney that happened around Covid. Libertarian? :p

Big Tech wants to control everything they can. They are not altruistic, and this is the industry I am in myself.
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14 Feb 2023
Anyway, back to Activision and MS. It'll be interesting to hear what comes out after today, the terms of the deal extension etc.
24 Jun 2022
Microsoft bankrolls Democrats too. Big tech is very left wing.

Yeah, no. They may have low-level employees who are left-wing, progressive, socialist etc. but the actual people who own the companies, their board of directors, many of their shareholders etc. are generally right-of-center on socio-economic issues, if not even more right-leaning than that.

A lot of the DEI (Diversity, Equality, & Inclusion) stuff you see from these Big Tech companies is virtue-signaling so they can boost their ESG scores with massive investment firms like BlackRock, and look "safer" for investors in general. The big brass at the Big Tech companies don't actually give a crap about or even genuinely support the DEI stuff.

The unfortunate part is these companies (and others like Disney) basically virtue-signal DEI paired with genuinely bad stories and writing, so people conflate DEI stuff now with bad products, as if there haven't been trash shows/games/music/movies etc. that have also 100% lacked any DEI (and continue to). I don't know if that conflation has come about accidentally or if it's been an intentional thing, though, knowing the ease many low-level thinkers in consumer markets can be manipulated through misdirection, to engineer dislike for something that is inherently neither good NOR bad. Like many other things, DEI is inherently neutral. It can be good or bad depending on the intentions and talent of those who push for it in their works.

But I think this is veering a bit off from MS/ABK in particular, so I'll stop here.

Ok, one more.

Not even close. They have tried to control what discussions can be had online and on their platforms in collaboration with the news media and the government. Look at all the baloney that happened around Covid. Libertarian? :p

Big Tech wants to control everything they can. They are not altruistic, and this is the industry I am in myself.

I get what you're saying. And one thing 100% right about Big Tech is that they want to control everything. In that sense, they thrive off of an authoritative environment, and have gotten many cues from governments like the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

But I'd still say in terms of the personal beliefs of the company founders, and their biggest investors and board members...when it come to socio-economic things they are probably right-of-center, though in some cases they may be just to grift and virtue-signal to right-wing people (and honestly, they virtue-signal to pretty much everyone). They are fiscally 100% against things like socialism, though.
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Active member
19 May 2023
I’m staying out of the political aspects of this. As an aside, what options does the CAT Judge Marcus Smith have?


14 Feb 2023
Are there any more updates expected for the day? Like an announcement of the deal extension. I'm also curious to where the Playstation OT from resetera will migrate to.
24 Jun 2022
I’m staying out of the political aspects of this. As an aside, what options does the CAT Judge Marcus Smith have?

He was definitely irritated with the CMA's sudden change of heart, I could tell that much xD.

Are there any more updates expected for the day? Like an announcement of the deal extension. I'm also curious to where the Playstation OT from resetera will migrate to.

Guessing some will go back to NeoGAF, some will come here, and they might just make their own PS-centric forum. I mean XboxERA is a thing; I'd expect a PlayStation equivalent to be quite better tho.
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Active member
19 May 2023
Are there any more updates expected for the day? Like an announcement of the deal extension. I'm also curious to where the Playstation OT from resetera will migrate to.
Why is it migrating? Is there an exodus of PS players from ResetEra?