Historically what made Somy stand up and successful is to have a large and diversity library of games.
And not focus in a single type of game.
Between narrative single player game Sony always delivered a unique, high praised and innovative games… but you seem to forget that Twisted Metal, Parapa The Rapper, Warhawk, WipEout, Crash Badicoot, Jet Moto, MLB, GT,, MediEvil, Syphon Fighter,Dark Cloud, Eye Toy, Ape Escape, Siren, Flowers, MAG, Motorstorm, SOCOON, LittleigPlanet, Journey, etc etc etc etc never happened.
BTW if I will go look on Twitter you will see a lot of posts hating the third-person narrative template that Sony used in a lot of games lately.
But you close your eyes to own PlayStantion hand history and what goes against what you like
PS. I just listed some games I remember up to middle PS3 and give up after because there are so much more than narrative games on Sony portifolio.