Naughty Dog has stopped development on The Last of Us Online. Also an image showing The Last of Us Online’s menu leak

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

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16 Jun 2023
Hundreds of millions of dollars down the toilet, WOW !!!

What kind of stupid reasoning is this? They didn't know live service games would require a lot of work to maintain? WTF !? Amazing foresight.....This is why I said Neil was a horrible pick for President of Naughty Dog. He should've stayed as a creative director and writer. I sincerely hopes he steps down or gets demoted for this
TBF Bungie killed their game. We ave no idea how good it could have been.
  • angry
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16 Jun 2023
Where is everyone that were calling out people that opposed GaaS pivot now?

Sony was delusional thinking this would ever work and seems like the leadership did not understood the strengths of Sony studios and what it takes to make successful GaaS.
But as a business you can’t just only focus on your strengths. You have to expand. If that was the case, Apple would have only made only computers and they would of never have gotten into the phone business. Look how that went for them.
  • brain
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28 Jul 2023
Crazy to think that ND thought that a section of their studio could take on what I guess now was a obvious full blown GAAS standalone title. This was a total misfired. Like of course it would take the whole studio to manage and keep up with a full blown GAAS. Glad they came to their senses.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
They know how to do multiplayer just fine, they were being forced to become a 24/7 content mill for live service engagement which is the problem.
According to insider SneakersSO, they were not forced at all by Sony.

I can factually tell you, SIE didn't force anything on ND. ND truly believed they were fully capable of launching and supporting a live-service title all on their own.

To be fair to ND, what we're now seeing happening in the GAAS/live-service economy is something no one could've predicted really back when they first endeavored into this project (2018/2019). The bar to enter the field is simply far too high, with the resources required, both in terms of manpower and in terms of money, far too steep. When ND set about this, it felt like easy money. The game is also a year late (Covid), which didn't help that those problems grow way worse during that time frame.
Post in thread 'Any correlation between Jim stepping down and TLOU getting canned?'


18 Nov 2023
hundreds of millions down the drain and 4 years of wasted resources. Hopefully they made the right decision by not releasing nothing.
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22 Jul 2022
It's a shame we didn't get a proper TLoU Part 2 Factions, the multiplayer on the first game was actually good.

GaaS is cancer for quality games and Sony does not know how to develop them anyway. As If ND would keep this game a secret for 5 years, with no community feedback at all and just show up with a great game, that is rarely how successful GaaS are made. They should've made something playable as soon as possible and put into players hand and see how it would land.

Hopefully we avoided the worst case scenario like what happened to Blizzard, Rockstar, Valve and Epic: company develops some sort of successful GaaS and after that can only thing about that same type of game and couldn't care less about single player games.
GaaS by it's pure nature needs the biggest user base to sell the junk to. Means, low spec hardware, outdated tech going on for years to accommodate lowest common denominator etc etc.

Would have stifled everything Sony excellence stands for,
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: JAHGamer


28 Jul 2023
Lol remarks like these make it sound like Naughty Dog aren't already legends with their Uncharted 2 and TLOU 1 multiplayer. They know how to do multiplayer just fine, they were being forced to become a 24/7 content mill for live service engagement which is the problem.
Traditional multiplayer with added modes was all they had to do. Uncharted multiplayer was lit.
  • Shake
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18 Nov 2023
what makes this even more weird the director of this game said he was still working on this a month ago! And now a month later its dead? Probably been dead for awhile.


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10 Mar 2023
Traditional multiplayer with added modes was all they had to do. Uncharted multiplayer was lit.
The one remaster I been begging for is an Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Remaster... From way back in 2015 when they announced the Uncharted Collection.

Now that game was lit. It had so many modes, maps, content and a ton of non predatory MTX that actually made them a lot of money. Plus it had a good sized competitive crowd. Naughty Dog use to participate in weekend events and even sponsored a tournament.

Good times. That game stayed active up until 2019.
  • Shake
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Didn't get that Bungie stamp of approval and ended up in limbo. Sonys worst acquisition, ever!

Time to make a hostile takeover before they destroy all PS multiplayer games with their exceptionally bad "guidance".
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: JAHGamer