NDrake: An acclaimed Xbox 1st party title, in GOTY convo for the year it released, will come to a compt pltform in 2024. HiFi Rush, Sea of thieves


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022

These guys are not handling these rumors well. Desperately reaching for straws and trying to argue that a hypothetical port of a third party exclusive happening after the exclusive period is up is comparable to what is about tovhappen to Xbox. Dude has been posting nonsense all day.

No joke, Timdog may have a mental illness.

Considering the slurring in his speech I think it’s just severe alcoholism.
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10 Jan 2024
What really make the entire situation delusional is the counter striking back with rumor's and the fear mongering that Sony has to follow pursuit of Microsoft's strategy. All of sudden your hearing narratives that the console market is no longer viable its niche and its all about ecosystems.

Ecosystems are still determined by where your predominant digital library is kept, and no one has proven that native experience is dead because if that is the case i dont have any shout about how brilliant cloud streaming is or pushing it forward.

Talk about throwing your toys out of the pram!


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Looks like the shills got the memo.
It's absolutely bizarre... It's like saying PCs will go extinct because mobile phones and iPads can do everything a pc can.

TVs will take over from PCs because they will be so powerful that you don't need a box beside your screen.

They are desperate to somehow undermine PlayStations market positions, consumer base, product demand and importance.

Good luck to them.


Well-known member
24 Jun 2022
Looks like the shills got the memo.

Oh god.

In short, he believes Sony's strategy is failing, but Microsoft's strategy will eventually pay off because of Game Pass, cloud, gaming, and mobile. He says big things will happen in 2024 and technology will eventually catch up for Xbox in cloud gaming. 😄

- He fails to acknowledge how subscriptions are on the decline.
- Sony has been doing more for cloud gaming than Microsoft.
- If Sony's profits are small when it comes to their revenue, then doesn't that make things worse for Microsoft? They're going to release a lot of triple-A games, but they're going to make far less money than Sony.

Somehow this turns into, "This was Microsof'ts strategy all along" and not because they lost and they need to make a profit because their growth in console sales and subscribers are stagnant. LOL


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
They already started.... "Consoles are niche and top out at 150 million sold, mobile and GAAS are where the real money is"
the funny thing is, if consoles are niche, then what does that make the xbox brand lol, they have no identity aside from that. When I think of their most well-known products, I don't think of Microsoft OR xbox. Minecraft is not a microsoft or xbox game, Call of Duty is not a Microsoft or xbox game, Candy Crush is not a Microsoft or Xbox game. Even the things that most people associate with MS/Xbox like Halo and Gears of War have withered on the vine because Microsoft isn't the one who made them, they just bought it. The entire project is an abject failure.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
the funny thing is, if consoles are niche, then what does that make the xbox brand lol, they have no identity aside from that. When I think of their most well-known products, I don't think of Microsoft OR xbox. Minecraft is not a microsoft or xbox game, Call of Duty is not a Microsoft or xbox game, Candy Crush is not a Microsoft or Xbox game. Even the things that most people associate with MS/Xbox like Halo and Gears of War have withered on the vine because Microsoft isn't the one who made them, they just bought it. The entire project is an abject failure.

And they think that Xbox suddenly being on phones and streaming is going to change the status and lack of success all of a sudden.... It's more delusion on top of the overdose they are already suffering from.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
And they think that Xbox suddenly being on phones and streaming is going to change the status and lack of success all of a sudden.... It's more delusion on top of the overdose they are already suffering from.
I still have this pet theory that Microsoft wants to kill xbox but Satya is afraid of how it'll damage the stock price; even if Xbox division isn't profitable it still accounts for like 10-15% of the overall company revenue; even if the division is losing money, if they shut that down and the quarterlies drop by 10-15% that's going to be a big scare to the investors.


25 Mar 2023
At this rate the next Xbox event might be the official death of their consoles, the shills seem to have completely lost hope and we know that MS uses them to prepare their audience for bad news.

I wish Sony has an event of their own soon to completely bury Xbox and send them on their way. Once Xbox is dead for good Sony should send MS an offer to MS for them to include their games on PS+ to completely take the piss.

Looks like the shills got the memo.
MS was anti-console all along. They always hated physical media, they tried to tank the market with Gamepass, they tried hard to push for a cloud future, they tried to make console more and more like PCs, they tried to sabotage this gen with the Series S, etc.

It makes sense that when forced to leave the market they would try to distort things to make it look like the problem is the console market and not them.
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Well-known member
21 Jun 2022
They already started.... "Consoles are niche and top out at 150 million sold, mobile and GAAS are where the real money is"
Ah yes the modest number of 150 million consoles sold.

There is some true to Mobile and GAAS number but it's not really that smart to put all your chips in that market. Its a race to the bottom, people will naturally float to what is free and spend on microtransactions, and in a market filled with that shit, specially with big hitters like fortnite, apex and (vomits inside own mouth) genshin impact saturating the market, every new GAAS that releases just saturates the market even more and makes it a less viable option for studios, its why single player will never go away, its why sony is the biggest manifacturer in console spaces and its why i'm fucking glad Jim Ryan is leaving.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Well-known member
21 Jun 2022

I actually tried Gamepass on my samsung tv and it was quite decent. It wasnt Ideal, sometimes the input delay could be horrible and the visual quality NEVER felt good. And I know for a fact that its not my internet connection, i get 600Mb both up and download speeds.

I also like how this tweet promotes not buying an xbox at all lol
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Well-known member
24 Jun 2022
The problem with Xbox fanboys is that they only see the sales number. A decline in console sales means players are losing interest in your platform and cloud gaming isn't going to change that.

They're also using the mobile market to show people how Microsoft will benefit from cloud gaming. What they don't realize is that the majority of console games won't appeal to mobile gamers.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
The problem with Xbox fanboys is that they only see the sales number. A decline in console sales means players are losing interest in your platform and cloud gaming isn't going to change that.

They're also using the mobile market to show people how Microsoft will benefit from cloud gaming. What they don't realize is that the majority of console games won't appeal to mobile gamers.

Well said and even down to retail presence and space, sure they'd like to believe that doesn't matter but that branding and existence in the real world has a lot of meaning and influence on people.

The option of physical media too is important for enthusiasts and even many casuals.