When I saw "ads" I thought he meant that randomly added here ads of games you don't own or even non-gaming stuff.
Now you enter a game's page and shows you some news about this game, and related art of that specific game. These are not ads, these are just news about this game you own and whose game page you entered on purpose. Stuff like a a devlog in Space Marine 2, a recently released warbond in case of Helldivers 2, or a recent trailer in case of Elden Ring Endtree.
I think it's ok because it helps you to keep updated about a game, particularly useful and informative for the average not hardcore player who isn't following the game news super frequently. And well, it's just a page you see maybe a second before hitting "play".
I don't understand why the drama here and I don't see why then call this 'ads'. Seems that nowadays people has to complain about everything.
Regarding the quality of the artwork/image selected for the backgroud: they just released this, so the images weren't made with this in mind, so a few will look weird until they release more news of this game. Once devs release new ones will do them with this in mind, so will look/fit better.