Opinion: SONY not supporting Day&Date Releases on PC is wake up call for the company itself


22 Jun 2022
We don't live in that world anymore. GTA, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Yakuza, Sports games were all exclusives. OG Xbox was DOA, Dreamcast was discontinued. PC gaming was not accessible and internet was slow. Those days are over.

Platforms need exclusives more than ever. Look at streaming services. They are fighting for content.

So system sellers and exclusives were important for Xbox but for Playstation it's fine they don't need any? 🤡


Sony didn’t need First party games cause they had huge third party support especially from Japan.

Most who jumped ship after Nintendo went cartridge with the N64.

That is not the case now with all 3rd party publishers going multiplatform including PC. Square have also decided the same now.

Sony can only rely on itself.


21 Jun 2022
False correlation. Day and date release for games on Xbox and windows isn’t what hurt Microsoft. It was gamepass
That makes no sense. Game Pass was actually a system seller for many people. Just look around gaming forums for the last 3/4 years. Game Pass was basically a religion for them and they bought a Xbox because of it.

These people were not enough obviously but they still sold 20-25 millions mostly because of Game Pass.

You think they would sell more consoles if it didn't exist? 🤣

All these mental gymnastics when the obvious is right in front of you. Some of you are trying way too hard with the "PC and consoles are totally different markets with no overlap at all. Zero console gamer would ever consider buying a laptop or vice versa"

I have both and I am not some weird phenomenon 🤷‍♂️
24 Jun 2022
Round and round we go.

There is no evidence that PC Day 1 caused a decline in Xbox ownership. In fact Xbox was strong out of the gate this generation despite starting PC Day 1 the previous gen.

All evidence suggests that GamePass Day 1 (particularly on PC) would have had a stronger impact and the lack of system sellers.

Xbox marketing has gone out of its way to say, you don't need an xbox.

It's not as if any of their PC games have been hits. If anything Sony has had MORE success on PC while maintaining their sales numbers. Evidence that Sony has more bangers.

I've never said Day 1 PC was the singular or the biggest cause for Xbox's decline in console sales. However, pretending it's had no impact is hilarious. It obviously has had an impact, otherwise it would not be a reason constantly cited by many as to why they didn't bother to buy a new Xbox console.

There's no reason why PC Game Pass would have a bigger impact on Xbox console sales considering games that sold poorly on Steam like HiFi Rush, also failed to meet player engagement metrics in Game Pass which would include PC Game Pass. That's a major reason (among MS just being greedy for profits and short-sighted) why Tango Gameworks was shut down. PC Game Pass is available on more devices than Xbox Game Pass yet can't get player metrics good enough to save underperforming games like HiFi and Starfield.

So if anything, no I don't think PC Game Pass is a bigger factor there. OTOH, games like Forza Horizon 5 did very well on Steam (yes this game was a 'hit' on Steam and Sea of Thieves has done pretty well on PC as well, better than on Xbox clearly); a good portion of those would've been Xbox sales (alongside a Series S or X) if it weren't for Day 1. Which maybe would've also led those would-be purchasers to buy additional games on Xbox Store via their console vs. Steam, meaning more revenue and profits for Microsoft.

We understand it well enough. Believe me. If Sony's strengths rely on a handful of games and without them the castle crumbles then they should review their value proposition because it's not a robust enough. Tastes change and you damn well know that one flop sends a studio down the drain.

One flop would only send a studio down the drain if that studio is bad with their spending because of budget bloat, and didn't take calculated risks in how they developed their game relative the costs and market potential. The lower the budget, the less need for additional platforms to make back the investment with profits on top.

Also I have not said that Sony ONLY relies on exclusives to provide value to their platform; just like Valve, who have multiple exclusives of their own on Steam (Counterstrike 2, DOTA 2, that upcoming shooter of theirs, Half-Life: Alyx etc.), exclusives provide additional, and I'd say a key driver incentive, towards the value proposition of the entire platform.

Yes a platform still needs a good stable of 3P support and yes the platform still needs great UI, QOL features and services...but acting like exclusives can be removed from the total package and it'd change nothing for the worst, is asinine. We already SEE how that is a detriment with the deterioration of the Xbox console brand. We KNOW the benefit of exclusives through other platform holders; not just SIE, but others like Nintendo or even Valve. Or if you want to look outside of gaming, just turn to HBO Max, Disney+, Netflix, and so on and so forth.

Even your preferred platform understands the value exclusivity in content brings when it's complemented by the other things I mentioned. That should tell you something.

What happens in the scenario where Sony has a bad run with their first party games? Will people stop buying their consoles? After all, according to this site exclusive games are the only thing that matters.

Nope. Just means less people will buy their consoles. How much less, depends on how bad the 1P output gets, and when. I don't know why you blatantly ignore nuance on this subject of consoles and exclusivity.

Sony's best selling console barely had major first party games.

Gran Turismo 3 and 4 are the only games that sold anywhere close to big sony first party games today.

This is an extremely disingenuous take. You're assuming that A: games on PS2 (let alone PS1) had budgets anywhere near the AAA games or even higher-end AA games of today and B: assuming that a game which didn't move 15-20+ million copies wasn't considered "major" when almost all of the big games during PS2 era regularly sold less than 10 million copies.

It's a similar mistake as people who look back on a retro system with an awesome library and ask "why did this fail?", but don't consider what the week-to-week release reality for that system was when it was commercially relevant, don't consider what competing systems were offering at the exact same time, and don't consider the fact that a lot of games maybe weren't even released in certain territories due to regional restrictions.

In the context of what those games did to bolster the PS2's profile and complement in sales bigger-selling titles, stuff like Ico, Dark Cloud 2, Parappa 2, Rogue Galaxy, God of War etc. absolutely mattered and collectively helped make a positive difference in the PS2's value proposition within the market. Dismissing them simply because they didn't sell 10 or 15 million copies is very reductive IMHO.

False correlation. Day and date release for games on Xbox and windows isn’t what hurt Microsoft. It was gamepass

You're wrong. Day 1 PC DID hurt Xbox consoles in the long run. It just wasn't the only contributing factor.

Game Pass is a big component to the problem too, of course. But people need to stop pretending Day 1 PC wasn't a contributor. It was 100% was.


24 Sep 2022
Playstation are dominating their sector of the market, and yet this PC porting strategy completely lacks ambition. It looks like trying to squeeze a few extra dollars from their catalogue in the simplest way possible at the risk of undermining console sales.

They should be using their position of power to expand and diversify into PC gaming. Playstation should already have it's own PC launcher. Stop using Steam. Have a parallel brand on PC releasing games better suited to mouse and keyboard, along with some GAAS. Keep games exclusive to the platform that makes most sense. Protect their big IPs with mostly console exclusives to push hardware sales. Build new IPs on PC. Avoid competing with themselves.

When the competition is floundering they should make bolder moves, not this uninspired short term thinking.

Just my 2c


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
What happens in the scenario where Sony has a bad run with their first party games? Will people stop buying their consoles?
If it's only 1 bad run, why would people need to stop? There would still be a backlog of good exclusive first party games for new console buyers, or at least there would have been before they started putting games on PC.

But if they continue dropping the ball, then yes, people would stop buying their consoles.

Sony's best selling console barely had major first party games.

What are you talking about? You can't compare the sales back then to today.

Series like God of War, Ratchet and Killzone started there. ICO and SotC, Sly, Jak and Dexter, Dark Cloud (+sequels) and so many more.

And then you had the games with accessories like Buzz and SingStar and the EyeToy games.

They had so many 1st party exclusives, 3rd party exclusives, so much variety.

It's when they started losing the 3rd party ones AND started dropping the ball with their own games that they started having troubles, until they concentrated again on their 1st party output.


8 May 2023
If it's only 1 bad run, why would people need to stop? There would still be a backlog of good exclusive first party games for new console buyers, or at least there would have been before they started putting games on PC.

But if they continue dropping the ball, then yes, people would stop buying their consoles.

You sure? Without Xbox, where do you think the traditional console gamer is going to go? Nintendo to play games at 640x480, terrible online, perioherals and pricing?

PC gaming? Only a small subset of enthusiasts.Which would be offset by Xbox gamers going to PS anyway.

In fact, Sony could pull a valve, kill their first party single player studios and would still sell 80/90M boxes each generation. Xbox games would still be on PS it seems and third parties will release on every platform.
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Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
You sure? Without Xbox, where do you think the traditional console gamer is going to go? Nintendo to play games at 640x480, terrible online, perioherals and pricing?

PC gaming? Only a small subset of enthusiasts.Which would be offset by Xbox gamers going to PS anyway.

In fact, Sony could pull a valve, kill their first party single player studios and would still sell 80/90M boxes each generation. Xbox games would still be on PS it seems and third parties will release on every platform.

Again with short-term vision.

Power gap with Nintendo might be closer when next-gen comes, if the rumors regarding a hybrid PS6 have any truth.

We just had a thread with a portable gaming PC device for ~800$, you think such devices won't be an alternative to consoles even for casuals in the future?


21 Jun 2022
Again with short-term vision.

Power gap with Nintendo might be closer when next-gen comes, if the rumors regarding a hybrid PS6 have any truth.

We just had a thread with a portable gaming PC device for ~800$, you think such devices won't be an alternative to consoles even for casuals in the future?
thanks, but no thanks, i don't need any hybrid. i am good with straight up console..
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22 Jul 2023
Sony will probably never go day and date, or at least not this generation, but since the PS6 will be ARM, it might be very interesting how the porting of PS6 games will look like in the future. Will they port it to x86? Probably, but that will take tons of time and resources.

People need to understand, that this PC strategy is mostly held back by technological barriers.
Some of you guys think that Sony execs are sitting in SIE HQ disscussing which game to port next. No.
Sackboy and Returnal were not ported to PC becouse Sony thought that it will be a great business decision, but becouse both are Unreal Engine games, making the port easy and cheap to make, while developers were willing to do it.

That's why for example Demons Souls still isnt (and probably will never come to) on PC;
1 - Bluepoint is not willing to work on it.
2 - the BP game engine is not designed to work on PC. Their engine works amazing on its dedicated hardware (DSRemake is still a graphical benchmark), but many issues start appearing when you try and make a multiplatform game on it. (Which is the reason why Demon Souls Remake PS4 was cancelled) Even SOTC Remake required patches to fix some issues on PS5 AFAIR.

Going day and date would require multiple Sony studios to rewrite their game engines, which would result in months or even years of additional work and huge dip in quality.

The developers were the ones pushing for PC releases, and since Jim Ryan's strategy was to keep all the talent inside PS Studios - they had to bend the knee.
That's why there seems to be no plan for the PC strategy. Just chaotical decision making.

That's how I see It at least.
I certainly hope PS6 is not ARM as you suggest. ARM is weak af, PS5 practically has desktop class cpu cores and people want PS6 to downgrade to ARM is crazy talk. Xbox hand held will be ARM not main console if there will even be one.
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8 May 2023
Again with short-term vision.

Power gap with Nintendo might be closer when next-gen comes, if the rumors regarding a hybrid PS6 have any truth.

We just had a thread with a portable gaming PC device for ~800$, you think such devices won't be an alternative to consoles even for casuals in the future?

No, they won't. There is a reason PS models have successive numbers on them. That's the console target audience. They won't go buy a PC handheld... These handhelds are just devices for PC gaming enthusiasts to be used as secondary platforms.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
thanks, but no thanks, i don't need any hybrid. i am good with straight up console..

Me neither, but that's the point:

We don't know what these companies will do next.

We just had an interview with a SIE exec saying how in the future games will shift focus from graphics, we have people complaining about high budgets for games and greedy shareholders seeing Nintendo's success. I wouldn't exclude a hybrid console next from Sony.


25 Mar 2023
Homogenization is inevitable. It happened both ways. First from PC to console and then vice versa. FPS is the most popular genre on consoles ffs... comsoles can play games like cities skylines, WRPGS and many others that were thought as PC only games in the 90s and 00s

The differences that you see between PC and console were only a byproduct of japanese developers being archaic in their thoughts for a long time.

Once reality straighted them out (growing pains of the 7th gen and a dwindling local market) they started releasing their games on PC. So now you have JRPGS and fighting games among others on pc as well.
I deeply dislike console fps games, one of the many reason Xbox line up nevwr appealed to me.

RPGs made just for PC were much better and I cant see me playing a game like BG3 on console without mouse support.
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mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
I've never said Day 1 PC was the singular or the biggest cause for Xbox's decline in console sales. However, pretending it's had no impact is hilarious. It obviously has had an impact, otherwise it would not be a reason constantly cited by many as to why they didn't bother to buy a new Xbox console.

Argumentum ad nauseam. Major logical fallacy that because you all continue to repeat the same baseless claims that there must be some validity to the argument...

There would be clear signs that day 1 PC was eroding Xbox consoles sales, i.e. increased performance of Microsoft games in the PC space, which we haven't seen.

There are so many other factors that have clearly lead to an erosion that have been more impactful than day 1 PC.

There's no reason why PC Game Pass would have a bigger impact on Xbox console sales considering games that sold poorly on Steam like HiFi Rush, also failed to meet player engagement metrics in Game Pass which would include PC Game Pass. That's a major reason (among MS just being greedy for profits and short-sighted) why Tango Gameworks was shut down. PC Game Pass is available on more devices than Xbox Game Pass yet can't get player metrics good enough to save underperforming games like HiFi and Starfield.

You can get GamePass for a dollar and play a game like Starfield or HiFi Rush and then immediately cancel. Hilarious that you somehow think being on PC Day 1 has an impact, but not the fact that you don't even have to pay for the games on PC... Starfield was the most played game on GamePass for months.

So if anything, no I don't think PC Game Pass is a bigger factor there. OTOH, games like Forza Horizon 5 did very well on Steam (yes this game was a 'hit' on Steam and Sea of Thieves has done pretty well on PC as well, better than on Xbox clearly); a good portion of those would've been Xbox sales (alongside a Series S or X) if it weren't for Day 1. Which maybe would've also led those would-be purchasers to buy additional games on Xbox Store via their console vs. Steam, meaning more revenue and profits for Microsoft.

Because it doesn't fit your narrative.


Active member
1 Mar 2024
But they didn't change anything. PC ports will continue as usual. The day and date thing was just wishful thinking and doom and gloom because guys misinterpreted the beyond boundaries tagline.

As for Xbox. They've had much bigger issues that lead to their current position, day 1 PC was just one of them, not the sole reason.
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21 Jun 2022
You can get GamePass for a dollar and play a game like Starfield or HiFi Rush and then immediately cancel. Hilarious that you somehow think being on PC Day 1 has an impact, but not the fact that you don't even have to pay for the games on PC... Starfield was the most played game on GamePass for months.
If that was true PC GP would be A LOT more popular than on consoles and we know that Console GP is the most popular by far. Very few people use PC GP at all. It's a footnote.

The stats for Microsoft Store are also public and Starfield is all the way down on the second page at number 150+. PC GP is really not as popular as you pretend.

What are you arguing anyway, that these people would buy a Xbox and subscribe to GP if the games were not on PC GP (but still on PC)?

What kind of pretzel is that. You lost all logic to absolve the damage PC Day 1 did to the brand.

PC Day 1 or PC GP Day 1 = it's the same thing
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Active member
1 Mar 2024
Sony will probably never go day and date, or at least not this generation, but since the PS6 will be ARM, it might be very interesting how the porting of PS6 games will look like in the future. Will they port it to x86? Probably, but that will take tons of time and resources.

People need to understand, that this PC strategy is mostly held back by technological barriers.
Some of you guys think that Sony execs are sitting in SIE HQ disscussing which game to port next. No.
Sackboy and Returnal were not ported to PC becouse Sony thought that it will be a great business decision, but becouse both are Unreal Engine games, making the port easy and cheap to make, while developers were willing to do it.

That's why for example Demons Souls still isnt (and probably will never come to) on PC;
1 - Bluepoint is not willing to work on it.
2 - the BP game engine is not designed to work on PC. Their engine works amazing on its dedicated hardware (DSRemake is still a graphical benchmark), but many issues start appearing when you try and make a multiplatform game on it. (Which is the reason why Demon Souls Remake PS4 was cancelled) Even SOTC Remake required patches to fix some issues on PS5 AFAIR.

Going day and date would require multiple Sony studios to rewrite their game engines, which would result in months or even years of additional work and huge dip in quality.

The developers were the ones pushing for PC releases, and since Jim Ryan's strategy was to keep all the talent inside PS Studios - they had to bend the knee.
That's why there seems to be no plan for the PC strategy. Just chaotical decision making.

That's how I see It at least.

Not just rewriting their engines. They would also need much more staff to keep up with multiplat development. Most Sony studios are currently struggling with just the PS5, lol. Adding another platform like PC (which has thousands of different hardware configurations) would make everything much worse. Yes, there's Nixxes but they can't work on multiple projects at once and still hit the deadline.

I don't see Sony hiring enough people to support multiplat development anytime soon. Not after they've fired 900 empoyees just a couple of months ago.
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Well-known member
30 Dec 2023
console sales will be just fine. Consoles are for casuals and there are a lot of casual gamers out there. Playstation guys also said pc ports in general make no sense. And Sony did just that.

That’s not even true, PC is more casual than consoles, the reason why PC market has been growing is all because of potato pc’s/laptops that can play forever games. Sorry to break it to you.


Active member
1 Mar 2024
That’s not even true, PC is more casual than consoles, the reason why PC market has been growing is all because of potato pc’s/laptops that can play forever games. Sorry to break it to you.

People with eastern european potato or office level PC's who play browser games once in a while are a completely different target audience. I wouldn't compare them to your average console gamer.