PlayStation Factions Civil War


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
How much of the games from the last 3 years were on Jimbo and Hermen?

Things that we know were on them:
Closing Japan Studio
Acquisitions of GaaS studios, PC port studio and mobile studio
Going all in on PC
Shutting down ND multiplayer, shutting down Dreams,
Backing remakes made by Team Bloober and Aspyr.
Allowing Kojima to make a game with MS
Getting cucked by Valve, MLB, Bungie and Xbox.

Yeah Im defo not a fan of most of those decisions. Especially Hermens it seems
-Japan Studios yep, that was awful.
-Gaas I expect and mobile too because its such a huge market. If Gaas is done well like FF14, Destiny, Sea of Theives then why not. Online games have been around for decades, they are just a bit different. Sony use to make Ultima Online. I wish they returned that.

-PC ports I dont like. Im glad at lease Jim isnt going day 1 and giving titles a couple years at least between ports.
-ND MP isnt shut down yet. Dreams was as good as it was gonna get tbh. Maybe a PSVR2 mode would of helped a bi/
-Team Bloopand Aspyr yep, bad decisions.
-Kojima.. another bad decision.
-Indeed… Whereis HLaLYX when PS games are going to Steam…

Ill add they’ve lost/missing 3rd part exclusives like Persona 6, Bloodborne, HellBlade, Detroit, Until Dawn, Yakuza etc etc.
Lots has been awful. But Im gonna wait and see till maybe end of the year to see if any of 1st party and 3rd party stuff is showing to judge anything more.


25 Mar 2023
Yeah Im defo not a fan of most of those decisions. Especially Hermens it seems
-Japan Studios yep, that was awful.
-Gaas I expect and mobile too because its such a huge market. If Gaas is done well like FF14, Destiny, Sea of Theives then why not. Online games have been around for decades, they are just a bit different. Sony use to make Ultima Online. I wish they returned that.

-PC ports I dont like. Im glad at lease Jim isnt going day 1 and giving titles a couple years at least between ports.
-ND MP isnt shut down yet. Dreams was as good as it was gonna get tbh. Maybe a PSVR2 mode would of helped a bi/
-Team Bloopand Aspyr yep, bad decisions.
-Kojima.. another bad decision.
-Indeed… Whereis HLaLYX when PS games are going to Steam…

Ill add they’ve lost/missing 3rd part exclusives like Persona 6, Bloodborne, HellBlade, Detroit, Until Dawn, Yakuza etc etc.
Lots has been awful. But Im gonna wait and see till maybe end of the year to see if any of 1st party and 3rd party stuff is showing to judge anything more.
You lost me at Sea of Thieves, 10 years of Rare dedicated to what looks like a mobile F2P.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
You lost me at Sea of Thieves, 10 years of Rare dedicated to what looks like a mobile F2P.

It doesnt look great but it has a decent fanbase. Like PSO or Ultima etc. Wasted resources happen even with single player game like rare knows. Sometimes its worth it. FF14 is a perfect example of that. Awful launch too.. Like dead, but has since been a great title for them and the best FF in years. And now the director who saved FF14, is coming to make the next mainline offline FF
  • thinking_hard
Reactions: Nhomnhom


8 May 2023
Sea of thieves is the biggest game Rare made by a landslide. Even if its not my cup of tea. Also it looks great when maxed out. Far from a mobile game.

It's not, but it's symptomatic of a problem. Bringing the marquee traditional games to PC, at least in any timespan that isn't several years out, dilutes the brand prestige of the console, impacts its selling power, and removes some of the magic of those games in terms of audience attention and covet-ness. Nintendo understands these concepts very well (almost stubbornly so), which is why you have not once heard anything about PC for their games and never will until their console business completely falls apart.

2 different markets that don't overlap. A handful of games won't convince hardcore PC gamers to get in the Playstation ecoystem, and even if they did, they would make very sporadic purchases or even buy used games (something console gamers love to do, and does not bring any revenue for Sony)

With those late full price PC ports, you are giving that target market what they want. A way to play games as they see fit and won't reduce PS sales because Sony wasn't going to get any from them anyway.

Nintendo wont do it because they have nothing but their games to offer. Unlike Sony, they don't have the strongest third party support, quality HW or a robust online infrastructure. You can be a core Playstation user without even buying a single exclusive. Good luck doing that with Nintendo.

Deleted member 223

All I see is that the cope for this fanbase is at an all time high. Who would have thought a lot of the folks saying "We ain't like those filthy Xbots bootlicking Phil" "We ain't like that" didn't really mean it.... boy ohh boy. What happened?

In a couple days: "Wait till next showcase - end of the year" - Source: Trust Me. "Sony acquiring CDPR" - Source: trust me!

"Wait till next..." and "acquisition talks..." narratives B2B

We down bad for sure....



25 Mar 2023
Sea of thieves is the biggest game Rare made by a landslide. Even if its not my cup of tea. Also it looks great when maxed out. Far from a mobile game.

All I see is that the cope for this fanbase is at an all time high. Who would have thought a lot of the folks saying "We ain't like those filthy Xbots bootlicking Phil" "We ain't like that" didn't really mean it.... boy ohh boy. What happened?

In a couple days: "Wait till next showcase - end of the year" - Source: Trust Me. "Sony acquiring CDPR" - Source: trust me!

"Wait till next..." and "acquisition talks..." narratives B2B

We down bad for sure....

Turns out that the "real" PlayStation fans were all about Halo, Destiny, Sea of Thieves all along, Hyenas and shit.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Sea of thieves is the biggest game Rare made by a landslide. Even if its not my cup of tea. Also it looks great when maxed out. Far from a mobile game.

2 different markets that don't overlap. A handful of games won't convince hardcore PC gamers to get in the Playstation ecoystem, and even if they did, they would make very sporadic purchases or even buy used games (something console gamers love to do, and does not bring any revenue for Sony)

With those late full price PC ports, you are giving that target market what they want. A way to play games as they see fit and won't reduce PS sales because Sony wasn't going to get any from them anyway.

Nintendo wont do it because they have nothing but their games to offer. Unlike Sony, they don't have the strongest third party support, quality HW or a robust online infrastructure. You can be a core Playstation user without even buying a single exclusive. Good luck doing that with Nintendo.
The sailing and ocean in sea of thieves looks great. Everything else looks like dogshit.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Nhomnhom


8 May 2023
The disrespect for DKC and the franchise from these younglings...

I own that game on the SNES. Still remember the manual referencing tech used from T2 Judgement Day. Unreal visuals for the time. But it is what it is. The market is different these days and SoT is Rare's biggest sucess for better or worse.

Deleted member 223

The market is surely different that's why to make a comparison between the two is not proper from just a sales perspective of the first 3 games. The DKC franchise spans 6 games, 2 of which were not made by RARE (but just as successful). I would posit the DKC franchise has had a more industry wide impact and appraisal from fans and critics alike than Sea of Thieves that thrives on Steam users wasting time doing monotonous shit every day to get their dopamine fix. Sales for the franchise as a whole vs. Sea of Thieves I'm not sure I would have to dig Tropical Freeze and Returns numbers to the latest counter. Not to mention I don't even remember how much the old games sold - then add them all up and compare vs. the endless GAAS SOT. One thing is certain, DKC franchise on the original SNES sold considerably better than Sea of Thieves on Xbox - that I can bet my avatar on for sure.
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  • brain
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


25 Mar 2023
Seo of Thieves is nothing in the history of video games compared to Rares former games, nothing. Xbox at it's purest form.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Sea of Thieves is the biggest thing to come out of Xbox In a decade. I don't get the downplaying of it in this thread.
  • Like
Reactions: Systemshock2023

Deleted member 223

Lol just read that again. I don't think it's even close compared to DKC franchise. DKC OG alone at 9.4 million unit sales (and that was wayyyy back before inflation - Nintendo is still milking it with Virtual console etc). We're looking at, for the 6 main games, at like at least, 35 million copies sold - Nintendo sales btw... they hardly discount. For the OG trilogy - 20 million units sold more or less for a nice round number. Billion dollar franchise with a capital B.
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
And that's fine. I never commented on the game. But the commercial aspect.
Oh, yeah, in terms of userbase they are doing well for themselves. Although IMO if Microsoft were willing to really invest in that team they could make it explode. There's a lot of untapped potential in that game and rare just hasn't capitalized even years after release. Look at how much Hello Games has done with no man's sky...sea of thieves has done nowhere near as much to improve on that game.

Deleted member 223

Port begging exists for a reason. "Nobody cares" tho... "Exclusivity is counter to what gaming is about" and the whole movement and narratives against exclusives in the run up to the launch of the PS5 and shortly thereafter.... which died down as soon as Sony starting porting to PC. Says a lot about "Nobody cares"....

A ton of hypocrites and BSers hiding their agendas, motives and intentions thinking shaming the other side of the coin will somehow net them their "victory"...

Nobody cares as long as your platform of choice is not getting the wrong end of the stick. Humans can't fight their nature... no matter how much they delude themselves they're above those simple urges and motives. People do lie to themselves all the time...

Self-interest is a helluva thing as are people who will BS you to death, provided you're an idiot to take them seriously and believe that their actions and mentality are not a reflection of that.

There are those that have a self-interest in seeing Sony as a publisher going full multiplat (a bunch of stakeholders - millions of consumers and billion dollar corporations who are direct and indirect competition to PlayStation/SIE).

There are those whose self-interest is seeing PlayStation exclusives stay PlayStation exclusives.

The two sides will never reconcile nor are they supposed to. So far, the side that wishes for SIE to go multiplat and erode its differentiation strenghs is slowly making inroads and winning the long game. To the victor, goes the spoils.
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