Redfall is launching on Xbox consoles with Quality mode only (4K30FPS)


21 Jun 2022
I'm glad Xbox is getting some much-needed hate after "the most powerful console ever" tagline but I think 30 fps is fine.

I hate how 60 fps is now the standard and you need the option Day 1 or you get obliterated (like Tchia or Gotham Knights). Very unfair when people have been playing 30fps for decades with no issues.
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16 Jul 2022
I'd be willing to bet the cancelled PS5 version was going to be the optimized version at launch. It's down right hilarious though that we keep seeing results like this on the worlds most powerful gaming console. I know that Microsoft themselves aren't the ones out here misleading everyone, but they've let Xbox positive content creators run absolutely bonkers with various performance delta claims, etc. The chickens are coming home to roost.
Get the popcorn ready for starfield.


Phil Spencer is a visionary, am I right?

I do believe that he is for a few things, yes. This isn't one of those things though. And I never said he was a visionary for everything. Come on now.

You know if @peter42O is upset, xbox really fucked up.

Hahaha. True. I'm not happy at all because while majority are more hyped for Starfield, im more hyped for Redfall so this is very disappointing. On a side note, the previews were good but were all running off PC. Now we know why. I knew it was something but I wasn't expecting it to be "oh, no 60FPS option" on Series X. That's just insane.

You can't? Gamepass needs 1st party games.

You've ASKED for it. You, XBOX FANS, are constantly ASKING for Gamepass and constantly yelling how it needs 1st party games. This is what you get when game is designed for Gamepass and around Gamepass. Now stick with it and live with it.

I actually agree with you, however, I never once asked for games to be released when they're not ready. I would rather see Redfall and Starfield delayed to 2024 and have nothing for two years as opposed to having either game get released at 30FPS because fuck that, im waiting or skipping them.
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14 Aug 2022
This is the downgrading shit Jim Ryan was talking about.
If they willing to downgrade on there own platform wtf you think they gonna do on NS and PS5?


Enter The Fox
21 Jun 2022
Shadow Moses

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
I'm glad Xbox is getting some much-needed hate after "the most powerful console ever" tagline but I think 30 fps is fine.

I hate how 60 fps is now the standard and you need the option Day 1 or you get obliterated (like Tchia or Gotham Knights). Very unfair when people have been playing 30fps for decades with no issues.

Agreed. But I also think this is entirely deserved since their whole marketing strategy was based on having their minions sell the tower of power argument.
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
The real question is, how long with people have to wait for the 60 fps patch for red fall, weeks? months?

Surely they should just delay the game a bit for it, its a big big deal for a shooter.


28 Jun 2022
Guys this isn’t a big deal. My sources tell me that 4K quality is the preferred way gamers play games. 60 fps mode is for people too poor to afford a 4K tv and so you shouldn’t be gaming anyways really if you can’t buy a 4K tv. You can laugh all you want about how redfall looks but it on GAMEPASS so 25 million people are going to play it. That’s a lot more than the 11 million people who bought god of war. Microsoft doesn’t care about sales, or mindshare, or profits, they want engagement for their ecosystem which redfall, starfield will do because they’re Xbox exclusives. A lot of anger is due ps fanboys being jealous that Microsoft has games this year and Sony only has spider man 2, which won’t even be that big of a deal compared to starfield.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
I do believe that he is for a few things, yes. This isn't one of those things though. And I never said he was a visionary for everything. Come on now.

Yeah, I'd put him right up there with the likes of Tesla. A true renaissance man, for a few things of course.

Now for real, I'm actually sad you think someone so incompetent is a visionary at anything. Just goes to show how some people cheer and applaud mediocrity.

He has what we call in Portugal the "toque de merdas". It's like Midas's touch, but everything he touches turns to shit.


21 Jun 2022
The real question is, how long with people have to wait for the 60 fps patch for red fall, weeks? months?

Surely they should just delay the game a bit for it, its a big big deal for a shooter.
looking at the footage, they have serious problems with AI, with glitches and bugs too. even if they release 60fps mode, they have to give up on fixing the game.
so priorities, it will be soon or it will take months to release.


Yeah, I'd put him right up there with the likes of Tesla. A true renaissance man, for a few things of course.

Now for real, I'm actually sad you think someone so incompetent is a visionary at anything. Just goes to show how some people cheer and applaud mediocrity.

He has what we call in Portugal the "toque de merdas". It's like Midas's touch, but everything he touches turns to shit.

I think he's a visionary for going in a subscription based model because it is a huge risk but they had to do something. Staying the same wasn't going to work regardless of what anyone wants to believe. He is still the guy who turned around the brand and kept Xbox alive. I know some here would have preferred Xbox to die but im not one of those people. I want them to better compete and Spencer is the only guy that is capable of accomplishing that because let's be honest, who else could do it? Everyone else is either old and past their time or may not have the same vision so imagine someone wanting to change everything back. That would set them even further back. Forget this generation being a "reset", that shit would be this generation and next generation.
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The real question is, how long with people have to wait for the 60 fps patch for red fall, weeks? months?

Surely they should just delay the game a bit for it, its a big big deal for a shooter.

While it's pure speculation, it could take up to 3 months to patch in 60FPS. Also, patching in 60FPS as opposed to it being natively in the game can also cause another set of issues. Again, just delay the fucking game.

Screw it, just delay all the major games (Redfall, Starfield and Forza if needed) to 2024, take the ass kicking and move on to 2024.
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20 Jun 2022
Lol and I thought focusing on less platforms would help them? They cant even get a performance mode out on time. What's funnier is that Deathloop and Ghostwire launched with multiple modes. Xbots told me Microsoft was helping and improving these studios


Active member
24 Jun 2022
This is beyond embarrassing. All the clowns who were trying to throw shade at R&C, Spiderman, HFW, GT7, etc. and all the stellar PS5 games that have RT modes and 120fps. MS can’t even get this mediocre Xbox360/XB1 game to run at 30fps on their own system. What happened to the monster that eats monsters for breakfast?


Deleted member 417

What's this? A first party game with performance issues?

Could it be that Xbox was, in fact, not the lead development platform, and that the actual lead platform was suddenly dropped due to, let's say, "new business priorities", leaving developers with an unoptimized mess to clean up due to all the suddenly abandoned work?

Nah, must just be bad luck.
This makes a lot sense and has me thinking big picture.

Are the delays we are seeing to Xbox games, caused by devs having to remove work that was once in the game for PS5 or VR? Starfield, Halo, Redfall would all be big seller's for a new VR platform. Throw in Halo and away you go.
If not VR, then were the capabilities of the PS5 going to make such a difference that MS had to buy those studios to save their brand?


25 Mar 2023
I'm glad Xbox is getting some much-needed hate after "the most powerful console ever" tagline but I think 30 fps is fine.

I hate how 60 fps is now the standard and you need the option Day 1 or you get obliterated (like Tchia or Gotham Knights). Very unfair when people have been playing 30fps for decades with no issues.
30fps is fine if your game looks much better or much more complex than other 60fps games.

That hasn't happened a single time in this gen so far.

30fps with nothing to show for it's just devs flexing their incompetence.