Stop with the fake computer tht just runs off air and floats lol a pc is not just a GPU but (drum roll please) cooling, ssd, disc drive, controller, mouse, keyboard, body, etc.... No one tht isn't into PC gaming is just buying a gpu and cpu. You guys kill me with this bs thts why I don't take your responses seriously.A RX 7600 costs like $200 bro.
There is no law that forces you to play games at max settings or native 4K. You can run them on the same configurations as consoles.
Pretty much any CPU will beat what the consoles have as well and online is free and games are usually cheaper. Using money as the reason to buy consoles makes no sense since you pay more in the long run.
Come with real world prices of a competent gaming rig and yes with everything included it's more than a PS5 plus the hassles. Also for a rig to do 4K etc and have gd performance is more than a that.