Sony, no PC day and date til April 2027

24 Jun 2022

Read carefully: mostly agree. I said I mostly agreed with his take 😂.

That last part is his own choice, and I obviously disagree with it. There is a lot of circumstantial data to support why it's a bad business strategy for SIE, at least until they have more robust vested interests in the PC space.

But outside of that, his take is sensible. He's not calling SIE "anti-consumer" or idiots for not doing Day 1 PC, he's not being a petty PCMR crybaby over it, either. Which is more than I can say for people like Tassi, Warren, Corden etc.
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21 Jun 2022
Following microsoft as alaways despite microsoft destroying their business.
I don't fucking understand it.
MS has been the one following Sony, not the opposite. Sony did consoles, game subs and cloud gaming before than MS. And like MS has been making computer games since the early-mid '80s. Sony has been the market leader and MS the last one in the race, so it's MS who normally copies what works trying to catch up and not the oppposite.

But both make AAA games, which every gen get more expensive and this one are costing over $300M, meaning they need to sell more than around 9M copies to be profitable and isn't sustainable to do it only in a single console for most of their games.

If they wanted to have a profitable, sustainable business they had to expand to GaaS and multiplatform.

MS destroyed their console because is part of their plan to slowly become a full multiplatform publisher moving to Windows as their home platform.

It's destroying basically for putting all their games day one on PC and GP, something Sony isn't doing and won't do because it's a financial suicide. And well, having a worse exclusive lineup and 3rd party support during these 20 years also has been a key reason of why MS never has been able to catch up and keeps dying.

Perfoming a Sega will help MS Gaming to become stronger than ever even if killing their own console, because in PS+PC+Nintendo+Mobile they will make way, way more money than they ever did in Xbox. Specially having spent around $100B in acquisions, and more that will follow somewhere in the future.

It's almost the polar opposite case of Sony: they are the console and game subscriptions market leaders, depending on the quarter or year also the market leader in the whole gaming. Plus are breaking records and growing in basically all their areas. So Sony doubles down on their console, while also successfully growing in other platforms to compensate the rising costs of AAA games and hardware components and also grow and diversify their audience.

Why can't they be like nintendo?
Because Unlike Nintendo Sony makes very expensive high end AAA games and consoles, so they need extra revenue and profit from expanding to GaaS and other platforms like PC, mobile or movie/tv shows.


...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
MS has been the one following Sony, not the opposite. Sony did consoles, game subs and cloud gaming before than MS. And like MS has been making computer games since the early-mid '80s. Sony has been the market leader and MS the last one in the race, so it's MS who normally copies what works trying to catch up and not the oppposite.

But both make AAA games, which every gen get more expensive and this one are costing over $300M, meaning they need to sell more than around 9M copies to be profitable and isn't sustainable to do it only in a single console for most of their games.

If they wanted to have a profitable, sustainable business they had to expand to GaaS and multiplatform.

MS destroyed their console because is part of their plan to slowly become a full multiplatform publisher moving to Windows as their home platform.

It's destroying basically for putting all their games day one on PC and GP, something Sony isn't doing and won't do because it's a financial suicide. And well, having a worse exclusive lineup and 3rd party support during these 20 years also has been a key reason of why MS never has been able to catch up and keeps dying.

Perfoming a Sega will help MS Gaming to become stronger than ever even if killing their own console, because in PS+PC+Nintendo+Mobile they will make way, way more money than they ever did in Xbox. Specially having spent around $100B in acquisions, and more that will follow somewhere in the future.

It's almost the polar opposite case of Sony: they are the console and game subscriptions market leaders, depending on the quarter or year also the market leader in the whole gaming. Plus are breaking records and growing in basically all their areas. So Sony doubles down on their console, while also successfully growing in other platforms to compensate the rising costs of AAA games and hardware components and also grow and diversify their audience.

Because Unlike Nintendo Sony makes very expensive high end AAA games and consoles, so they need extra revenue and profit from expanding to GaaS and other platforms like PC, mobile or movie/tv shows.
going public is the worst thing a company can do.
From that point onward only shareholders matter
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4 Jul 2022
The reality of the situation is this:

No one who plays a 2-year late PlayStation Studios port to PC is going to buy a $500 console to play the sequel on a vastly inferior system. They'll just wait for the sequel to also come out on PC while they chip away at their backlog. Very few people who own a PS5 are going to spend an insane amount of money to build a PC that can run games better than that console.

If Sony is porting these games to PC anyways, doesn't it make more sense to have their PC releases also benefit from the marketing dollars spent on the console version's launch? Square Enix appears to be arriving at this conclusion.
the reality its a lot of pc "elitists" will buy a ps5 to play gta6 next year


21 Jun 2022
The amount of reactions, controversy and articles this small business meeting generated is unbelievable. And NOTHING new was announced, same strategy since 2019 🤣

The power of HULST

  • haha
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16 Jul 2022
These guys taking Ls left and right

This goober is having a meltdown.

I'm loving it.



31 Jan 2024
That's a fair point.

Anyone with a Steam account, take a look at your 2023 year in review. It has stats for playtime based on the age of games.

The percentage of Steam playtime in games released:
in 2023: 9%
in the last 1-7 years: 52%
8 or more years ago: 38%

Sony will eventually realize that this pipe dream of luring PC gamers into buying a PS5 for sequels of better running PC versions of earlier installments in a franchise is not going to work. PC gamers will simply wait, and going day-and-date will do little outside of improving PC sales, with a negligible amount of cannibalization
  • haha
  • thinking_hard
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Admin | Mod
21 Jun 2022

Sony will eventually realize that this pipe dream of luring PC gamers into buying a PS5 for sequels of better running PC versions of earlier installments in a franchise is not going to work. PC gamers will simply wait, and going day-and-date will do little outside of improving PC sales, with a negligible amount of cannibalization

I am starting to think the only person you are trying to convince now is yourself.

People will and do buy PlayStations that already own a PC and that number will increase by % over time for those people that don't want to wait.

SONY is a Hardware and Entertainment Company, They want to sell Games, Consoles and TV's etc
SONY are not only a publisher of games.

Microsoft killed there Console doing it
Nintendo don't do it and there doing great
Sony don't do it and there doing better then ever

Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
the reality its a lot of pc "elitists" will buy a ps5 to play gta6 next year
Don't bang people the fuck out like that man, it's too cruel. There are flatulent steamlickers and Xbots out there who really think Sony will ever release 1P SP games day and date on PC of all platforms, or want to believe it, when the most expensive and most popular game ever is giving the platform a wide berth like it's stinking trash on launch.


14 Jul 2022
Thing is we can argue this until we’re blue in the face but this is the second time now they’ve reiterated the exact same strategy. GaaS day one, single player, whatever makes sense. Consoles are a core tenant of the PlayStation brand and they’re not going to jeapordize that now unless something drastically changes, which by most accounts, things are looking fine. The argument of “executives are gonna override this” doesn’t make sense when the executives are the ones pushing this strategy. It honestly just comes across as needless fearmongering because there’s nothing to substantiate this stance.

It's wishful thinking, as well. There's definitely many people who primarily or only play on PC who are hoping Sony will follow Xbox's footsteps in this area.
24 Jun 2022

Sony will eventually realize that this pipe dream of luring PC gamers into buying a PS5 for sequels of better running PC versions of earlier installments in a franchise is not going to work. PC gamers will simply wait, and going day-and-date will do little outside of improving PC sales, with a negligible amount of cannibalization


The better conclusion would be, in light of most PC gamers choosing to just wait, to just increase the stagger window to prioritize the console for optimization and sales. I mean those PC players are always gonna be there, right? It's just "free money", right? Why risk the stability on console side to chase a side piece?
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