The Astrobot port begging has already begun

24 Jun 2022
No, people can ask for it. I just did a re-read of the post and thought about it for a minute and wondered if it could even run it
As I said, I'm all for people wanting a Switch port, I just spent time thinking about it and realized that the logistics of a Switch port wouldn't make sense at its current power. Not that there aren't miracle ports (Doom 2016, for example) but, well, those miracle ports are of games that are aging.
Now Switch 2 on the other hand...

I generally think port-begging is just a shameful thing to do. People should play the games; that means if you really like a game that much, you'd go out of your way to get the platform that game is on. Gamers have done that plenty in the past and when someone couldn't get a certain platform, they were generally content with having made that choice, knowing what they'd miss out on.

Maybe it's the combination of game development taking longer, games costing more to make in the AAA space etc. combined with social media creating this culture of portbegging (which comes right along with "exclusivity shaming"), I dunno. Just because the variables are there, doesn't make the act itself okay.

And I think people in media like Dring have a responsibility to not feed into what's an increasingly toxic activity, because we all know what factors in the market have really laid the seeds for these "all games in all places", "anti-exclusivity" etc. narratives and specifically, what "company" has been paramount at pushing that ideology to best fit their own market goals in light of their console's failure.

It's Microsoft. The company is Microsoft.

This stuff doesn't happen by coincidence, especially at the rate of which it's been occurring these days.


22 Jun 2022
Perfect for steam deck.

Hungry Dinner GIF
24 Jun 2022
Isn't this what EVERY PlayStation fanboy/extremist was doing in Fall 2020 when Microsoft announced they were acquiring Bethesda? And look, four years later, the begging finally paid off. lol

No, they weren't. You're generalizing. And even if some were, it was dumb to do back then, too.

Of course, once internal emails got leaked showing the slimy tactics Microsoft were planning to do in foreclosing on Sony in the market via acquisitions, I'm sure some people who were chill with Zenimax games being exclusive to Xbox changed their mind afterwards, and rightfully so.
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21 Jun 2022
Isn't this what EVERY PlayStation fanboy/extremist was doing in Fall 2020 when Microsoft announced they were acquiring Bethesda? And look, four years later, the begging finally paid off. lol
It's not port-begging if the game was planned from the start on PS5 and all their older games are already there. The games were being made for PS5 but MS cancelled them.

Same for Call of Duty or Diablo. That was not port-begging because it's not a port.


12 Jan 2024
No, they weren't. You're generalizing. And even if some were, it was dumb to do back then, too.

Of course, once internal emails got leaked showing the slimy tactics Microsoft were planning to do in foreclosing on Sony in the market via acquisitions, I'm sure some people who were chill with Zenimax games being exclusive to Xbox changed their mind afterwards, and rightfully so.

While some may have been okay with Bethesda being multi-platform after those internal emails leaked, I seriously doubt that the majority of Xbox fans myself included wanted that to happen. We wanted it to stay exclusive and yeah, trying to foreclose Sony or kill them off is exactly what you're supposed to do in business. You take out your competitors by any means necessary.

Nah y'all can keep midfield

I love Starfield so to each their own but okay. I agree. lol

It's not port-begging if the game was planned from the start on PS5 and all their older games are already there. The games were being made for PS5 but MS cancelled them.

Same for Call of Duty or Diablo. That was not port-begging because it's not a port.

It's still port begging because once the games were cancelled, that's it, asking for them to be resurrected and ported to PlayStation is port begging. Doesn't matter if they once existed because at the time people were begging for them, they didn't.


Well-known member
Icon Extra
8 May 2024
i've seen two things about astro bot on social media now, first the port begging as expected, but im also seeing SO MANY pc fans of wukong hating on it, mostly feeling threatened by the goty at the end of the year, it seems they chose wukong as their game but the metacritic score of astro really hit hard at them


17 May 2024
I generally think port-begging is just a shameful thing to do. People should play the games; that means if you really like a game that much, you'd go out of your way to get the platform that game is on. Gamers have done that plenty in the past and when someone couldn't get a certain platform, they were generally content with having made that choice, knowing what they'd miss out on.

Maybe it's the combination of game development taking longer, games costing more to make in the AAA space etc. combined with social media creating this culture of portbegging (which comes right along with "exclusivity shaming"), I dunno. Just because the variables are there, doesn't make the act itself okay.

And I think people in media like Dring have a responsibility to not feed into what's an increasingly toxic activity, because we all know what factors in the market have really laid the seeds for these "all games in all places", "anti-exclusivity" etc. narratives and specifically, what "company" has been paramount at pushing that ideology to best fit their own market goals in light of their console's failure.

It's Microsoft. The company is Microsoft.

This stuff doesn't happen by coincidence, especially at the rate of which it's been occurring these days.
I don't think port begging is a bad thing or a toxic thing or that even calling it "port begging" is really an appropriate way to describe it; I believe that port-begging is just customers showing demand for something in the market in the hopes of the seller of said product meeting that demand. I believe to "not portbeg" when you want something is to not pursue one's own interests as a consumer in the market. Perhaps this comes with being rather obsessed with video games as a hobby, but I do not believe I have much of a choice when it comes to gaming platforms: if I don't buy every single console I miss out, and I cannot allow myself to miss out. I will *not* miss out. And so I spend hundreds and hundreds and hundreds more on things when its entirely arbitrary; most game consoles of each generation are near equivalent in power and function and thus, only by the limitation of the software development and proprietary hardware design are these titles separated from each other's hardware. And I'm expected to not be upset about that? I'm expected to just allow myself to miss out? Why should I? Why should my choices be either spending obscene amounts of money or to miss out when its all arbitrary and these things are more than capable of running each other's software?
Additionally, I don't believe someone saying these things is toxic because it doesn't really say anything negative or mean or insulting. Its an expression of desire, of want, and of interest.

Perhaps this is a bias since being around in the PC gaming space as a Japanese gaming fan from around 2014 when the platform was not really thriving with such titles. I've been "port-begging" for the past 10 years since building a PC. What did it get me? Well, if what I believe is true, then a good chunk of what I wanted.
Nearly every game I port begged for eventually got released where I wanted it. I do not believe this is by coincidence. I believe I, along with the numbers of other people out there made it clear we wanted these products and how we wanted them, and then we put our money where our mouth was, and reaped the rewards. Back then I'd port beg and then buy games I didn't even want in the hopes that the ones I do want would come (not too different from how I'm hoping Astro-bot sales lead to Ape Escape, the game I *actually* want to play). It seemed to work!

I don't like talking about things in a gross and capitalistic way (markets, supply and demand, consumerism, etc), but and I can't stress this enough: I am not Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo. I do not work for them. I am not an investor. When I speak, I speak to my own interest and wants. And when I see someone expressing a desire to play Astrobot on Switch I think "oh, sucks that guy can't play it; I hope he gets what he wants" because I, too, have been there. I get it. And I don't want people to suffer that. I want people to enjoy art and artistic expression and for said artistic expression to be as easy to access as possible so that more people can experience the beauty and joy that is video games. And that is absolutely not a toxic feeling but an empathetic one.
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Slayer of Colossi
23 Jun 2022
Isn't this what EVERY PlayStation fanboy/extremist was doing in Fall 2020 when Microsoft announced they were acquiring Bethesda? And look, four years later, the begging finally paid off. lol

I was begging for Microsoft to keep the shitty Bethesda game off of PlayStation, actually, hoping to never see one of their games ruining a PS+ month. So no, the begging hasn't paid off 😔


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
If you want a company to do something, its important to let them know and show that there is support for it. The more noise there is about something, the more likely it is to happen. I hope these guys get their wishes.
^ can we just remove this guy already

Support Sweet Baby Inch DEI, showing signs to support xbox astroturfers like dring, want ps games to go multiplatform

He doesnt belong here man but resetera
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Al Catone

Staff member
18 Jun 2024
^ can we just kick this guy already

Support DEI, showing signs to support xbox astroturfers like dring, want ps games to go multiplatform

He doesnt belong here man but resetera

You DO NOT dictate who belongs and who doesn't.
  • haha
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Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
You DO NOT dictate who belongs and who doesn't.
My biggest fear is guy like him gained position of power/ become mod and turn this place into another resetera surely you can understand our concern
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