The GoWR, TLOU2, and GoT, megathread! The soup of PS 1st Party goodness

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29 Jun 2022
It's quite simple really. The bulk of both of those games gameplay is combat. And I'm sorry but I'd rather have ER combat than GoW combat. I get bored of GoW combat (as well as other games like Batman). ER combat requires me to not be sloppy on the most simple of creatures. That keeps me engaged and the gameplay never gets boring.
GOW is like 5 hits to die with less opportunity for healing than Elden Ring. You are describing the old GOW games

And ER gets incredibly easy once you level abit and start getting good weapons, and full of cheese strats unlike GOW
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Deleted member 223

Day 0. Hyped. Ready to go.

Only thing I do not like about all I've read and seen so far was the enemy design of some of the new trolls/toad like enemies. They looked childish and basic. Hopefully they're not a replacement for the GOW2018 trolls and just enemy variety of that specific region in the game. If those toadish enemies are indeed troll replacements then someone either got replaced there and made those basic, unappealing toadish trolls or they consumed the wrong feedback. This game ain't for teens.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Deleted member 13

GOW is like 5 hits to die with less opportunity for healing than Elden Ring. You are describing the old GOW games

And ER gets incredibly easy once you level abit and start getting good weapons, and full of cheese strats unlike GOW
Disagree. ER's AI scales according to your level. You will get pwned. Cheese strats is ok. Many games use it.

GOW is an action-adventure game. Your attacks are continuously the same strat and the number of enemies is very limited thus limiting your strategy on fighting. There is no (based on a particular type of weapon you receive) stagger, no daze, no critical hits and a whole slew of other things that ER does in it's combat.
  • they're_right_you_know
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Disagree. ER's AI scales according to your level. You will get pwned. Cheese strats is ok. Many games use it.

GOW is an action-adventure game. Your attacks are continuously the same strat and the number of enemies is very limited thus limiting your strategy on fighting. There is no (based on a particular type of weapon you receive) stagger, no daze, no critical hits and a whole slew of other things that ER does in it's combat.

GoW has stagger, daze and critical hits.
Actually there is more like frenzy, poison, blind, frostburn, fireburn, shock, permafrost, immolation, weaken, etc.
Edit - Man I forgot... there is slowdown too.
Edit 2 - Parry.
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29 Jun 2022
Disagree. ER's AI scales according to your level. You will get pwned. Cheese strats is ok. Many games use it.

GOW is an action-adventure game. Your attacks are continuously the same strat and the number of enemies is very limited thus limiting your strategy on fighting. There is no (based on a particular type of weapon you receive) stagger, no daze, no critical hits and a whole slew of other things that ER does in it's combat.
That is just blatantly incorrect. ER enemy scales according to the area you are in, not your level. If you end up over levelled for the area the game is a walk in the park

And also blatantly false in regards to GOW. There are staggers, there are critical hits when you create a stun lock and there are status based attacks that you need to implement based on the enemy type using either fire or ice, or shield and fists for enemies susceptible to blunt force. You also need to mix in Atreus electricity attacks and stun locks in combination with Kratos attacks to be effective

As I said you seem to be talking about the old GOW so I really question how much of 2018 you played

Deleted member 13


GoW has stagger, daze and critical hits.
Actually there is more like frenzy, poison, blind, frostburn, fireburn, shock, permafrost, immolation, weaken, etc.
Edit - Man I forgot... there is slowdown too.
Edit 2 - Parry.
With a specified weapon? Or is it a power? I'll have to load up the game again. I know that the combat is different than ER as nothing really is like the Souls combat. I'll get back to you on that.

Deleted member 13

That is just blatantly incorrect. ER enemy scales according to the area you are in, not your level. If you end up over levelled for the area the game is a walk in the park
Yes your attacks will hurt badly, BUT if you stand there and take hits, you WILL get killed pretty quickly. Also, a friend of mine went to NewGame+ and got owned pretty easily. Yes, if you level grind the game will be easier but it's supposed to be.

And also blatantly false in regards to GOW. There are staggers, there are critical hits when you create a stun lock and there are status based attacks that you need to implement based on the enemy type using either fire or ice, or shield and fists for enemies susceptible to blunt force. You also need to mix in Atreus electricity attacks and stun locks in combination with Kratos attacks to be effective
Why are you guys going to make me reinstall this game just to be more accurate in my descriptions? GoW was a bore for me. I stopped playing it very early in the game because I felt the redundancy of the attacks. Perhaps that's what I felt being early in the game. I will load it up anyway just to prove my point of what I didn't like that made it a redundant combat walk through the game.


2 Jul 2022
Yes your attacks will hurt badly, BUT if you stand there and take hits, you WILL get killed pretty quickly. Also, a friend of mine went to NewGame+ and got owned pretty easily. Yes, if you level grind the game will be easier but it's supposed to be.

Why are you guys going to make me reinstall this game just to be more accurate in my descriptions? GoW was a bore for me. I stopped playing it very early in the game because I felt the redundancy of the attacks. Perhaps that's what I felt being early in the game. I will load it up anyway just to prove my point of what I didn't like that made it a redundant combat walk through the game.
How is that different from brute forcing your way with a srt build and heavy armor? Or brute forcing with a pure int class? In souls you specialize with a class (or weapon whatever) and play that way from start to finish.

Deleted member 13

How is that different from brute forcing your way with a srt build and heavy armor? Or brute forcing with a pure int class? In souls you specialize with a class (or weapon whatever) and play that way from start to finish.
Right, but it's the physics in the combat and the frames that make it unique. It literally "feels" like you attacked with a heavy sword the way the enemy reels and the delay in counter attacks.


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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
With a specified weapon? Or is it a power? I'll have to load up the game again. I know that the combat is different than ER as nothing really is like the Souls combat. I'll get back to you on that.
Depend witch state…
Critical happens when you hit the head in humanoid enemies for example…
You have a daze bar in every enemy so if you fill it the enemy will be in daze state… you can do finishers in enemies in daze state.
Stagger is even easier… if you hit consecutive or others times heavy it will stagger the enemy (the video posted about the Valkyrie fight get her staggered several times)… parry stagger too.
There is an artifact attack that blind enemies for few seconds, you can add poison to your weapon via enchantment (is that the name?), frostburn and permafrost are perks of Axe, fireburn is a perk of Blade of Chaos, shock and weaken are perks of Arteus bow, slowdown is an artifact perk (it triggers based in luck… I mean it is a % change to happen when hitting the enemy and the % increase with luck… the video with Valkyrie fight Slowdown was activate several times), parry well you block at the right time and when you successful parry the enemy will stagger… frenzy is when you enter in Rage mode.

Maybe there is more… I just tried to give examples of these that I remember.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Sure... give me some minutes to make the video.
Sorry I have others personal issues since yesterday… work and familiar.
I just played a bit right now but I’m still not playing games today too 😭

I took that picture from the very start of second trial so it is easier to you fire up the game and check yourself.

There are 7 enemies in the pic but it was 8… 2 witches and 6 of the others but one witch grabbed me at start and Kratos basically killed her when I mashed ⭕️ to get off.


There are parts with more enemies but it hard to put on screen because they be splitter around you… the trial start I could put these 7 in the same screen.

In the shop in Hells you have 10 or more enemies at same time but it is a story part so I can’t go back there unless I play the game until that part again.

Like I said it is absolutely false that there is no more than 5 enemies at the same time.


29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
Yes your attacks will hurt badly, BUT if you stand there and take hits, you WILL get killed pretty quickly. Also, a friend of mine went to NewGame+ and got owned pretty easily. Yes, if you level grind the game will be easier but it's supposed to be.

Why are you guys going to make me reinstall this game just to be more accurate in my descriptions? GoW was a bore for me. I stopped playing it very early in the game because I felt the redundancy of the attacks. Perhaps that's what I felt being early in the game. I will load it up anyway just to prove my point of what I didn't like that made it a redundant combat walk through the game.
I would def recommend sticking with it then. Combat really opens up as you progress.
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