The Pokémon Company statement on Palworld, intend to investigate, take measures. |UP| Nintendo President makes statement, plan to take action.


28 Jun 2022

The Pokemon Company releases a statement regarding Palworld:Inquiries Regarding Other Companies’ GamesWe have received many inquiries regarding another company’s game released in January 2024. We have not granted any permission for the use of Pokémon intellectual property or assets in that game. We intend to investigate and take appropriate measures to address any acts that infringe on intellectual property rights related to the Pokémon. We will continue to cherish and nurture each and every Pokémon and its world, and work to bring the world together through Pokémon in the future.The Pokémon Company

Understanding the drama between palworld and nintendo​

Update 2/9/24 Nintendo plans to take action.


The future of Palworld might be in jeopardy after all. After so long without any repercussions, we believed the monster wrangling game safe, but it seems The Pokémon Company was only biding its time.

The Nintendo president has finally addressed the swirling mass of rumours, confirming that “actions will be taken”.

What these actions entail hasn’t been specified beyond the need to appropriately deal with brands that “infringe our [Nintendo] intellectual property rights
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28 Jun 2022
Well let's see how this plays out, things are getting interesting.


19 Dec 2023
Xbox about to get its biggest console exclusive snatched away 😭

What do you mean?
Phil Spencer is going to personally send some of Microsoft's lawyers to defend Pocket Pair in exchange for permanent exclusivity 🔥

Well let's see how this plays out, things are getting interesting.

I love the whole "another company's game that released in Jan 2024".

I feel like this message is : You can now stop sending us requests for comments.
Also dear customers, stop sending support tickets, this isn't our game we can't do anything in this way.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Should be interesting how this unfolds. I dunno if much will happen but either way, I assume they wouldn't make a public statement if they weren't gonna take it seriously.

I'm sure the cease and desist over the mod is what truly made them pay attention.


Icon Extra
28 May 2023
I’ve always found it difficult to play these type of games without already knowing the characters. Pokémon simply has a boost in that regard.


Icon Extra
12 Jan 2024
My guess is that they'll look into the game and their lawyers will tell them, yeah, you can file a lawsuit for copyright infringement and whatnot but you won't win and that will be that. It's amazing how much hatred there is for Palworld and Pocket Pair. It all comes across to me as petty, pathetic and jealously because this company has a massive hit on their hands while only having a budget of $7M while other games out there cost hundreds of millions of dollars and most of them flop.

If Palworld was literally a Pokemon rip off, it wouldn't have guns, it would be running at 12FPS, look like a Nintendo 64 game and be one of the most boring and shitty games that you could ever play but it's obviously not any of those things and for whatever reason, people can't seem to handle when a game comes out of nowhere and has major success right off the bat.

Palworld isn't the first game to come out of nowhere and be massively successful and it sure as hell won't be the last game.