Why Are People Happy That Concord Is Failing?


Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
People are happy that Concord bombed hard because:

1 - The world has a finite amount of investment being done in videogames.

2 - Publishers investing money into a project people don't like means they're not investing that money into a project they like.

3 - They don't like Concord.

4 - Concord bombing hard while Wukong and AstroBot get immense success sends Sony and the industry at large that they should invest more in games like AstroBot and Wukong, and less in games like Concord

5 - If Firewalk closes down, the Professor will be free to do the thing they always wanted with their life, which is to do powerpoint presentations about hugging.


21 Jun 2022
People are happy that Concord bombed hard because:

1 - The world has a finite amount of investment being done in videogames.

2 - Publishers investing money into a project people don't like means they're not investing that money into a project they like.

3 - They don't like Concord.

4 - Concord bombing hard while Wukong and AstroBot get immense success sends Sony and the industry at large that they should invest more in games like AstroBot and Wukong, and less in games like Concord

5 - If Firewalk closes down, the Professor will be free to do the thing they always wanted with their life, which is to do powerpoint presentations about hugging.
Sony needs to listen to their fanbase and focus on making good games.

Also, seeing Wukong’s success and how it was supported by Sony, It's clear that professors and woke are driven by the developers and is not imposed on them by SIE. Hence, SIE needs to react and tame their developers.


21 Jun 2022
Sony needs to listen to their fanbase and focus on making good games.

Also, seeing Wukong’s success and how it was supported by Sony, It's clear that professors and woke are driven by the developers and is not imposed on them by SIE. Hence, SIE needs to react and tame their developers.
Like any other big company, Sony researches deeply the market and also takes note of the performance of their own titles (not only in sales, but in many different internal metrics) and learn from them.

Sony normally is very successful with their games, they broke 1st party game records with titles released in 2020, 2022, 2023 and 2024. But in like any other company, from time to time they have a flop. In this case with Concord.

But in any case, nobody has a crystall ball. The idea of a hero shooter from devs of Halo, Destiny and CoD was good on paper, but didn't work out. Helldivers 2 didn't sound as promising at all as the record it achieved. It's also complicated to react to market changes when games take 5-9 years to be done.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
But in any case, nobody has a crystall ball. The idea of a hero shooter from devs of Halo, Destiny and CoD was good on paper, but didn't work out. Helldivers 2 didn't sound as promising at all as the record it achieved. It's also complicated to react to market changes when games take 5-9 years to be done.

I think it was certain things that killed Concord rather then the idea. Character design, woke, price point etc, no single player.
When the fanbase hates the look of it then its gonna be a rough ride no matter how decent the game is


21 Jun 2022
Like any other big company, Sony researches deeply the market and also takes note of the performance of their own titles (not only in sales, but in many different internal metrics) and learn from them.

Sony normally is very successful with their games, they broke 1st party game records with titles released in 2020, 2022, 2023 and 2024. But in like any other company, from time to time they have a flop. In this case with Concord.

But in any case, nobody has a crystall ball. The idea of a hero shooter from devs of Halo, Destiny and CoD was good on paper, but didn't work out. Helldivers 2 didn't sound as promising at all as the record it achieved. It's also complicated to react to market changes when games take 5-9 years to be done.
The long development cycle means you stay away from social trend. Today you rub pu$$y on pu$$y, tomorrow you marry an alligator and let he/him ( she/ "shim") give you a BJ.
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Well-known member
29 May 2024
Your fixation on my comments are kinda weird actually 🫤
Thats because I think you're full of shit in some ways (you also have strong points but where is the fun in that). I do this to others as well. Don't worry. You're not getting special treatment. :)

It looks to me that you just won't accept the fact that this game is complete and utter trash from a presentation point of view. Good if you enjoy it. For another week until it dries out completely.

Im not one to deny anyone else their fun but even you can be honest now and say its a complete trainwreck. That you enjoy it is besides the point.

You point at gamers for this failure in multiple posts. And that's just wrong. The developer could've seen this coming from miles away but went ahead and pushed an agenda. So they basically put up a middle finger to the mainstream gaming community.

What a damn surprise that they reaped what they've sown right? It's on them and them alone.

At least the community grew a spine and let it crash. As stated earlier, it's about sending a message. Concord was just a game that made people go over their boiling point and this is a good thing. It's not hating the game. It's hating the current mindset and spinelessness of Western developers in general.

Concord should be a clear sign to other devs now.

But in all honesty maybe I could've toned down a bit and I will. All for the sake of a good argument.

We agree to disagree I guess.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Thats because I think you're full of shit in some ways (you also have strong points but where is the fun in that). I do this to others as well. Don't worry. You're not getting special treatment. :)

It looks to me that you just won't accept the fact that this game is complete and utter trash from a presentation point of view. Good if you enjoy it. For another week until it dries out completely.

Im not one to deny anyone else their fun but even you can be honest now and say its a complete trainwreck. That you enjoy it is besides the point.

You point at gamers for this failure in multiple posts. And that's just wrong. The developer could've seen this coming from miles away but went ahead and pushed an agenda. So they basically put up a middle finger to the mainstream gaming community.

What a damn surprise that they reaped what they've sown right? It's on them and them alone.

At least the community grew a spine and let it crash. As stated earlier, it's about sending a message. Concord was just a game that made people go over their boiling point and this is a good thing. It's not hating the game. It's hating the current mindset and spinelessness of Western developers in general.

Concord should be a clear sign to other devs now.

But in all honesty maybe I could've toned down a bit and I will. All for the sake of a good argument.

We agree to disagree I guess.
Trust me I don't care to get special treatment or whatever especially from random forum strangers, sooo.

It looks to me that you simply want to push your stance on this game unto me here. The game is pretty great from a presentation standpoint, I've always been honest about the short comings and where the developers and Sony went wrong. It is not my fault you and others here only choose to see and read / interpret from my post what y'all wanna see. The characters designs are trash (not all of them) but I've always said I'm not a fan of all of them, I do like some as well? Or am I not allowed to say this too? Will that make me even more full of shit? Hmm, lmao

But the overall product is great? Extremely polished, fantastic gunplay, very balanced, a joy to play, fantastic graphics, amazing OST, the sound engineering is top class and everything is so clean with great audio feedback especially when using headphones, it's a complete package on launch

I'm sorry that the pros, greatly outweigh the cons for me and I won't be ashamed to admit that, here.

You go on to say I am pointing fingers at gamers but then go on to mention that gamers and the community at large pretty much set out to kill this game to prove a point.... So I don't even understand what you attempted there.

I have also pointed fingers at Sony and FireWalk for how they handled this game and fucked it from the very beginning.

But I will keep calling out the constant hate brigade launched at the game by the community and journalists as well. It's gone far beyond simply making a statement at this point, it is straight up bullying the developers as well. It's a toxic situation, but that's gaming in a nutshell...
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Thats because I think you're full of shit in some ways (you also have strong points but where is the fun in that). I do this to others as well. Don't worry. You're not getting special treatment. :)

It looks to me that you just won't accept the fact that this game is complete and utter trash from a presentation point of view. Good if you enjoy it. For another week until it dries out completely.

Im not one to deny anyone else their fun but even you can be honest now and say its a complete trainwreck. That you enjoy it is besides the point.

You point at gamers for this failure in multiple posts. And that's just wrong. The developer could've seen this coming from miles away but went ahead and pushed an agenda. So they basically put up a middle finger to the mainstream gaming community.

What a damn surprise that they reaped what they've sown right? It's on them and them alone.

At least the community grew a spine and let it crash. As stated earlier, it's about sending a message. Concord was just a game that made people go over their boiling point and this is a good thing. It's not hating the game. It's hating the current mindset and spinelessness of Western developers in general.

Concord should be a clear sign to other devs now.

But in all honesty maybe I could've toned down a bit and I will. All for the sake of a good argument.

We agree to disagree I guess.

The only clear signs are dont put woke stuff/bad character designs and dont put pvp only games with a price. Everything else is pretty great


26 Jun 2022
Because sometimes if there are enough failures of that sort that may smack the industry back to its senses.

Play oldish games, you'll see games that were made to bring fun and awe to those who play them.

This is so rare these days, they have these check list as to wo to represent, how to represent them, who to hire, who to promote, all based on who they sleep with, how dark their skin is or at the very least if they are an ally to their cause (whatever that is).

That doesn't make an environment where the focus is on the right things or the right people are put in the right places to make it happen.... those games are the result of this, shitty people making shitty games.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
It’s stuff like this that made players avoid Concord like a plague….


(Even more reprehensible considering it’s promoting an unhealthy obese lifestyle)
  • they're_right_you_know
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Another perspective….simply a bad game..

He’s not the smartest comparing the 2. Not surprised the guy mostly is an xbot hack.

So despite people complaining about those and not the gameplay, including most other reviewers. He thinks his opinion is the reason. Not marketing, price, or the huge backlash towards the character and wokism.

-Sea of Thieves also has horribles scores. 69 Metacritic - 5.5 user review. Yeah if Concord is a bad game then so is SOT

-Sea of Thieves is a PVE game with years of content released on PS compared to a PVP game

-Sea of Thieves was released empty and critiqued at launch


27 Feb 2024
He’s not the smartest comparing the 2. Not surprised the guy mostly is an xbot hack.

So despite people complaining about those and not the gameplay, including most other reviewers. He thinks his opinion is the reason. Not marketing, price, or the huge backlash towards the character and wokism.

-Sea of Thieves also has horribles scores. 69 Metacritic - 5.5 user review. Yeah if Concord is a bad game then so is SOT

-Sea of Thieves is a PVE game with years of content released on PS compared to a PVP game

-Sea of Thieves was released empty and critiqued at launch
The last thing he should be comparing is Sea of Bore to conflop, both are shit games, only 2 people play sea of thieves- good troll players and idiots who get curb stomped by the said trolls who then go and complain on social media.

Rare is media molecule of xbox, both studios coasting on past success and doing jack shit for the last decade


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Concord wishes it did Sea of Thieves numbers… or Fallout 76.

Reviews and player reception is lukewarm. It’s not like user scores tell a different story either.

If it really was great… people would’ve jumped onboard with the initial hype. There is none.

Tbh, I expected the PlayStation console warriors to shill for it no matter what and pretend to play online games for like two weeks.

The crew bonus system they built is dumb shit. That’s the gimmick and the gimmick sucks.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
"with the initial hype" - the game was debuted in May and the minute it debuted it was instantly hated ... Even I wasn't shitting on it when they debuted the cinematic trailer lol. Until I saw gameplay that's when things changed for me.

I dunno in what universe there was ever initial hype for this. 😂


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
If players currently playing were truly having an amazing fun time this would’ve created buzz and their peers would’ve jumped onboard. This is how every online game finds success. Players.

There would be players hyping you to play this game all day on social media.

If this hasn’t happened with launch it’s less likely to ever happen. The game’s reception is lukewarm at best too.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
If players currently playing were truly having an amazing fun time this would’ve created buzz and their peers would’ve jumped onboard. This is how every online game finds success. Players.

There would be players hyping you to play this game all day on social media.

If this hasn’t happened with launch it’s less likely to ever happen. The game’s reception is lukewarm at best too.

Theres a few comments here and there but not enough compared to the hate comments.
And not like people are gonna give it a try if they find the character designs so painful lol