Xbox Fans Call On Bethesda To Delay Redfall Until 60FPS Is Ready


26 Feb 2023
There it is. This was due to Arkane rushing to have this out by launch window.

I'm scratching my head how an Xbox Ambassador thinks it is good to write something fake in the name of the Bethesda and purposefully mentioned PS5 with no reason. I mean, WTF?

Are Xbox fans sooo fucked up in the head??


Active member
25 Jun 2022
That game looks 2 generations behind Horizon Burning Shores, yet it can't run above 30 fps while Burning Shores will run like HFW at 40 and 60 fps.

How pathetic is that. A bad looking 30 fps shooter in 2023.

Maybe MS shouldn't have bragged that much about how "powerful" their new console was if that's all they can do after 3 years. Just saying.


25 Mar 2023
Phil smoked some heavy crack when he said this

Add that to the long list of wrong reads this guy has had about the gaming market. A dude at his position couldn't understand how fucked up the lineup of games for the Series was or how hardware isn't about who has the most teraflops.
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  • they're_right_you_know
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10 Feb 2023
Does anyone remember the rumour from a month or so ago, where one of the Xbox insiders 'leaked' some inside info in regards to Redfall and Starfield?

Correct me if I'm wrong but I recall they said both Redfall and Starfield needed another 6 months in the over, but higher-ups were willing to drop the games hot and fix them post-launch.

Or is this a way for Microsoft to win easy Pr points? "We've listened to fan feedback and you shouldn't have to compromise on quality when gaming on xbox".

Either way, a poor Redfall launch weeks before MS's 'e3' showcase, is not a good 1-2 combo
I do. He leaked hifi shadow drop. Said redafll is in rough shape and Starfield performs even worse. There s no way starfield ll be anything over 30fps on console. They have to support series s after all.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Phil Spencer was happy about what he saw at the launch because he pre-ordered a PS5.
He was happy because he saw all the great games he would be playing on ps5.

Imagine being phil spencer and knowing your software lineup well into 2024+ is absolutely barren (remember this was before bethesda acquisition so no psychonauts, no starfield or redfall, no deathloop)

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
Imagine being phil spencer and knowing your software lineup well into 2024+ is absolutely barren (remember this was before bethesda acquisition so no psychonauts, no starfield or redfall, no deathloop)
They had been working on the acquisitions already for a while. He wasn't worried because he knew all those third party games that they were about to get anyway were going to be taken away from the competition and called first party from then on.
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25 Mar 2023
He was happy because he saw all the great games he would be playing on ps5.

Imagine being phil spencer and knowing your software lineup well into 2024+ is absolutely barren (remember this was before bethesda acquisition so no psychonauts, no starfield or redfall, no deathloop)
He doesn't seem to be on top of his game at all, he might have just been expecting that Gears DLC, Halo and Forza, Flight Simulator port, etc, would be enough. The approach of letting a bunch of studios that were struggling before acquisition do their own thing without too much pressure doesn't seem to be working as well.

I'm pretty sure the entire Xbox team expected the Series X to easily outperform the PS5, their market even reflected that until we got really close to release. Same goes for the appeal of Series S, Gamepass, xCloud, streaming device and so on, they had the wrong read of the market on all of that.

I also doubt that he expected that studios like Ninja Theory would take 6+ years to even be able to show some gameplay.


28 Jun 2022
Some thoughts Sort of related but in regards to Bethesda and starfield:

Starfield is using an old engine trying to polish itself up for for 4K resolution and it has to run on the series s potato console. I’d assume the large scale of the game and its short development time is making Bethesda cut corners as well. At the time the Bethesda acquisition by Microsoft seemed monumental but looking at it now it’s looking like 7.5 billion down the toilet. I wouldn’t be surprised after starfield launches that a lot of lead devs and creatives leave just like every other Microsoft studio. Keep in mind most of the development of this game was with a AAA buy to play model and their next game will certainly focus on a gamepass pseudo free to play/kind of sort aaa game template (like halo infinite.) I’d be more surprised if starfield wasn’t 30fps locked than if it was. I think the series s will have like 720p resolution too.


28 Jun 2022
With starfield there was 2 rumors of it coming in hot.

One guy who posted on era who also managed to predict hifi rush being shadow dropped, and another guy on gaf who said he heard stuff behind the scenes.
A YouTube channel called Moores Law is Dead, he’s a pc tech guy that sometimes hears things (Colin moriaty trusts him on stuff for what that’s worth) heard that development has been bad too. I’ll share the link of the episode if you want.


Active member
10 Jul 2022
I don't see it happening. As David Faulkner has said, investors right now are really not happy with the gaming division of MS right now. That includes no big games coming out in over a year. They put themselves in this position. If you think this is bad, I think Starfield is gonna be much worse.
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10 Jul 2022
Some thoughts Sort of related but in regards to Bethesda and starfield:

Starfield is using an old engine trying to polish itself up for for 4K resolution and it has to run on the series s potato console. I’d assume the large scale of the game and its short development time is making Bethesda cut corners as well. At the time the Bethesda acquisition by Microsoft seemed monumental but looking at it now it’s looking like 7.5 billion down the toilet. I wouldn’t be surprised after starfield launches that a lot of lead devs and creatives leave just like every other Microsoft studio. Keep in mind most of the development of this game was with a AAA buy to play model and their next game will certainly focus on a gamepass pseudo free to play/kind of sort aaa game template (like halo infinite.) I’d be more surprised if starfield wasn’t 30fps locked than if it was. I think the series s will have like 720p resolution too.
Starfield is going to sell ridiculously well and do well for MS and Gamepass... regardless of the issues it has.

This was the game Sony was trying hard to get as a timed exclusive... there's a reason for that. Because they know it will be a hit. Starfield will, as tradition, be a janky 30fps mess of a game on Series X. That would happen no matter how much time MS gives them.. lmao it's just not a priority for them..

I doubt there's a mass exodus from Bethesda Softworks after Starfield releases.. but I would laugh if it happens. Then you know things are TRULY fucked.


28 Jun 2022
Starfield is going to sell ridiculously well and do well for MS and Gamepass... regardless of the issues it has.

This was the game Sony was trying hard to get as a timed exclusive... there's a reason for that. Because they know it will be a hit. Starfield will, as tradition, be a janky 30fps mess of a game on Series X. That would happen no matter how much time MS gives them.. lmao it's just not a priority for them.
Define “ridiculously well.” Like how much will it sell on Xbox, many subs of gamepass do you expect it to push, and how many consoles will it sell to someone not getting it on pc or someone who doesnt already have an Xbox in your estimation?

I’m assuming here, it’s most likely going to have the anchor of be 30fps, come out post ff16, and go head to head with spider man 2 with the full backing of Sony and marvel’s marketing departments with a spider man movie coming out this summer to boot. Meanwhile Microsoft has cut marketing staff and budgets for Xbox.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Starfield is going to sell ridiculously well and do well for MS and Gamepass... regardless of the issues it has.

This was the game Sony was trying hard to get as a timed exclusive... there's a reason for that. Because they know it will be a hit. Starfield will, as tradition, be a janky 30fps mess of a game on Series X. That would happen no matter how much time MS gives them.. lmao it's just not a priority for them..

I doubt there's a mass exodus from Bethesda Softworks after Starfield releases.. but I would laugh if it happens. Then you know things are TRULY fucked.

If you only knew that on release fallout 4 sold about half of its copies on PS4, with the rest split between Xbox and Pc... Of course Sony was trying to get the exclusive, they were the biggest system. This game will not only be on gamepass day 1, but it will also not be release on the biggest platform. If you think it will sell loads you need to wake up.
  • they're_right_you_know
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10 Jul 2022
Define “ridiculously well.” Like how much will it sell on Xbox, many subs of gamepass do you expect it to push, and how many consoles will it sell to someone not getting it on pc or someone who doesnt already have an Xbox in your estimation?

I’m assuming here, it’s most likely going to have the anchor of be 30fps, come out post ff16, and go head to head with spider man 2 with the full backing of Sony and marvel’s marketing departments with a spider man movie coming out this summer to boot. Meanwhile Microsoft has cut marketing staff and budgets for Xbox.
Ok let me make some predictions:
-Will sell over 10M+ on PC alone, probably 5M in the first month. (Reason: PC gamers LOVE space sim RPG games)
-Will sell over 5M Xbox (Essentially the "big" game they have for this year... meaning there's not much else, and they'll prop this game up hard)
-Will also amount to many PC Gamepass and Xbox Gamepass subscriptions for markets where AAA $70 games aren't as easily purchasable.

The market for these games is just ridiculously big on PC. PC will eclipse Xbox sales for this game easily... and PC gamers have no problem spending stupid amounts of money on these types of games. Add to that that it's a "PC and Xbox exclusive" which means you'll also have a lot of PS gamers with PCs probably picking it up.


10 Jul 2022
If you only knew that on release fallout 4 sold about half of its copies on PS4, with the rest split between Xbox and Pc... Of course Sony was trying to get the exclusive, they were the biggest system. This game will not only be on gamepass day 1, but it will also not be release on the biggest platform. If you think it will sell loads you need to wake up.
LOL! Are you comparing RETAIL sales?