By the end of gen, retailers ll refuse to sell xbox consoles considering no1 s buying anything with it. Ms s playing dangerous game.
For sony physical s over 40%. Nintendo even more. Thats billions business. Ita not going anywhere anytime soon. Sony knows how retail s important thats why psn games at launch re much more expensive than retail. U can literally sace 15,20 euros per game. Allow retailets to make some money. There re parts of NA where net speed re a joke. Sure u can release digital only platform. U wont achieve anything expect lose market share and money.
For sony physical s over 40%. Nintendo even more. Thats billions business. Ita not going anywhere anytime soon. Sony knows how retail s important thats why psn games at launch re much more expensive than retail. U can literally sace 15,20 euros per game. Allow retailets to make some money. There re parts of NA where net speed re a joke. Sure u can release digital only platform. U wont achieve anything expect lose market share and money.