40 Minutes Of Starfield Gameplay Have Leaked Online


1 Jul 2022
So let's see:

1) There isn't any true-to-life accurate physics in the game.
2) The animation walking/running is shit tier.
3) The game doesn't offer full-on flight simulator accuracy where you can fly through the atmosphere of all 1000 planets.
4) The game doesn't offer you to take the time to fly from one planet to another that's several light years or thousands of kilometers between planets.
5) The AI is stupid because they don't use team tactics to take you down while using the elements surrounding them.

What else can we add to the list to make it be the shitty game we all hope it will be so we can all feel good about shitty MS?
sounds like the most important RPG of the last 10 years.


11 Jul 2023
So let's see:

1) There isn't any true-to-life accurate physics in the game.
2) The animation walking/running is shit tier.
3) The game doesn't offer full-on flight simulator accuracy where you can fly through the atmosphere of all 1000 planets.
4) The game doesn't offer you to take the time to fly from one planet to another that's several light years or thousands of kilometers between planets.
5) The AI is stupid because they don't use team tactics to take you down while using the elements surrounding them.

What else can we add to the list to make it be the shitty game we all hope it will be so we can all feel good about shitty MS?
It's not consumers' fault that Bethesda wants to put half-baked gameplay systems and loops such as "loading screen fast travel to planet orbit before loading screen fast travel to planet" in their games. Outer Wilds managed to handle this well, it's called good game design!
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Isn't that what Mass Effect does? I mean did they ever say they was going to make space travel like Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous?

You can get in your ship and go there. You select the area on the planet you want to land and then you are fast travelled there. They didn't say they was making a space flight simulator. After a few hours of doing what you expected would become way too tedious and people would complain there is no fast-travel. Can you imagine not having fast travel in any game and having to walk there or ride an animal like in Horizon? No thanks. Get me where I need to go so I can explore more on foot.
What's more tedious than mining resources on empty lifeless planets 🤣 are you really saying people shouldn't want to actually travel through space In a game about space 🤣🤣🤣


11 Aug 2022
It's not consumers' fault that Bethesda wants to put half-baked gameplay systems and loops such as "loading screen fast travel to planet orbit before loading screen fast travel to planet" in their games. Outer Wilds managed to handle this well, it's called good game design!
Loading screens are implemented over a wide array of games. Starfield isn't the only game to do this. BG3 has loading screens for just about everything from caves to cities. It's not being bashed for it.

You guys are simply putting unrealistic expectations on the game so you can call yourself justified for bashing the game. People can see it coming a mile away.


11 Aug 2022
What's more tedious than mining resources on empty lifeless planets 🤣 are you really saying people shouldn't want to actually travel through space In a game about space 🤣🤣🤣
Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. Starfield isn't a space-simulator. It's an RPG. If you aren't going to bash Mass Effect for having the same means of travel, why do it for Starfield other than the fact that it's exclusive to Xbox?

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Loading screens are implemented over a wide array of games. Starfield isn't the only game to do this. BG3 has loading screens for just about everything from caves to cities. It's not being bashed for it.

You guys are simply putting unrealistic expectations on the game so you can call yourself justified for bashing the game. People can see it coming a mile away.

Wait, people have been selling this as the best RPG of all time and the best and most immersive space game, however the lack of loading screens between a planet and orbit should not be expected?

They copied so much from NMS yet didn't manage to copy the most immersive things.


11 Aug 2022
Wait, people have been selling this as the best RPG of all time and the best and most immersive space game, however the lack of loading screens between a planet and orbit should not be expected?
No. Should we expect it to make us coffee too?

They copied so much from NMS yet didn't manage to copy the most immersive things.
NMS copied from other games. It's nothing wrong with copying good implementations from other games.
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Loading screens are implemented over a wide array of games. Starfield isn't the only game to do this. BG3 has loading screens for just about everything from caves to cities. It's not being bashed for it.

You guys are simply putting unrealistic expectations on the game so you can call yourself justified for bashing the game. People can see it coming a mile away.
'unrealistic expectations' if they didn't want people to expect so much they shouldn't hype it as much as they have for years we've heard it's the biggest most complex rpg of all time , what did Todd say 16X the detail or some shit , '25 years in the making' it's Todd Howard & Bethesda that's set these expectations 🤣


11 Aug 2022
'unrealistic expectations' if they didn't want people to expect so much they shouldn't hype it as much as they have for years
So bragging about their new IP shouldn't happen? Oh boy, this is getting crazier by the minute in this thread. What should they have said about their game? "Hey people, we are making an RPG sci-fi game that took 25yrs to make and we are releasing it next week. Don't be too excited about the game even if it's the only sci-fi RPG that does everything on this scale."

I guess we should all just not buy Starfield and continue to wait for the game that does boast unrealistic features -- Star Citizen -- even though it's up to $600M in costs and not a single mention of a release date.

we've heard it's the biggest most complex rpg of all time , what did Todd say 16X the detail or some shit , '25 years in the making' it's Todd Howard & Bethesda that's set these expectations 🤣
Uhh.. real question. Can you name another sci-fi game that is of this scale? I'll cancel my preorder and buy that game instead. Just give me a name.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Uhh.. real question. Can you name another sci-fi game that is of this scale? I'll cancel my preorder and buy that game instead. Just give me a name.


Just space games wise, Star Citizen, which is an alpha, and No Man's Sky, have a lot more scope than Starfield. And I mean that as of today, not in the futures. NMS is not only a much more dense and feature packed game, it's also a true RPG where you can do (almost) everything you want to space wise.

Xbox apologists are so predictable.
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
So bragging about their new IP shouldn't happen? Oh boy, this is getting crazier by the minute in this thread. What should they have said about their game? "Hey people, we are making an RPG sci-fi game that took 25yrs to make and we are releasing it next week. Don't be too excited about the game even if it's the only sci-fi RPG that does everything on this scale."

I guess we should all just not buy Starfield and continue to wait for the game that does boast unrealistic features -- Star Citizen -- even though it's up to $600M in costs and not a single mention of a release date.

Uhh.. real question. Can you name another sci-fi game that is of this scale? I'll cancel my preorder and buy that game instead. Just give me a name.
Someone is going to cry if this game reviews any less than a 10/10 everywhere aren't they 🤣


11 Jul 2023
Loading screens are implemented over a wide array of games. Starfield isn't the only game to do this. BG3 has loading screens for just about everything from caves to cities. It's not being bashed for it.

You guys are simply putting unrealistic expectations on the game so you can call yourself justified for bashing the game. People can see it coming a mile away.
Nobody is bashing BG3 because it's a different game to Starfield. The closest example would be the Outer Wilds or NMS. How come Outer Wilds and NMS, space games developed by indie studios, could have seamless space flight between planets, but Microsoft and Bethesda, with all their experience, could not? I don't think it's unrealistic considering Outer Wilds and NMS managed it.

Even if you say "Outer Wilds only had 10 planets you could travel to, but Starfield has 1000!" Okay, why didn't Bethesda do 100x10 planet sections of space? Fast travel to a section, fly between planets there freely? Much more interesting to have you know, actual space travel in your space game than loading screens. This could be implemented in any number of ways, but Bethesda didn't implement any gameplay like that - they implemented loading screens.


11 Aug 2022
So from a space game that allows for shit that includes ship customisation, it's unrealistic to expect stuff that a 7 year old game had from the beginning.
This is a non-argument and really shouldn't be talked about further. Everyone knew everything there was to know about Starfield from when they first announced it to all the demos and presentations they gave. Suddenly coming up with a "negative" on the game after the fact is just justifying bashing the game. So.. just bash the game because it's a MS game and admit it and move on so we can ignore the silly complaints.


11 Aug 2022
Nobody is bashing BG3 because it's a different game to Starfield. The closest example would be the Outer Wilds or NMS. How come Outer Wilds and NMS, space games developed by indie studios, could have seamless space flight between planets, but Microsoft and Bethesda, with all their experience, could not? I don't think it's unrealistic considering Outer Wilds and NMS managed it.
NMS nor Outer Wilds is doing all the things that Starfield is doing -- that's why. Neither of those games come close to the wide array of things you can do in that game. Correct me if I'm wrong please. Are you saying Out Wilds is the sci-fi game everyone should buy instead of Starfield?

Even if you say "Outer Wilds only had 10 planets you could travel to, but Starfield has 1000!" Okay, why didn't Bethesda do 100x10 planet sections of space? Fast travel to a section, fly between planets there freely? Much more interesting to have you know, actual space travel in your space game than loading screens. This could be implemented in any number of ways, but Bethesda didn't implement any gameplay like that - they implemented loading screens.
Right.. because of .... how big and vast the game is and the amount of things you can do? Is Outer Wilds as vast in gameplay as Starfield? Maybe we should all be playing that instead.
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11 Aug 2022
Someone is going to cry if this game reviews any less than a 10/10 everywhere aren't they 🤣
Right. We already discussed that earlier in the thread remember. If it does good it's MS buying the review scores. If it's not that good, then it'll be bashed for not living up to the hype. Right?

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
This is a non-argument and really shouldn't be talked about further. Everyone knew everything there was to know about Starfield from when they first announced it to all the demos and presentations they gave. Suddenly coming up with a "negative" on the game after the fact is just justifying bashing the game. So.. just bash the game because it's a MS game and admit it and move on so we can ignore the silly complaints.

The negative is that this game is being spun as the definitive RPG and the best Space game of all time, yet the best it has shown (emphasis on shown) is that it copied it's mechanics from an indie game released 7 years ago and can't manage to pull a seamless transition from a planet to space.
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Right. We already discussed that earlier in the thread remember. If it does good it's MS buying the review scores. If it's not that good, then it'll be bashed for not living up to the hype. Right?
No if it does better than okay it will be shills , if it does bad Microsoft will throw Bethesda under the bus like they did redfall & say 'we trusted them , we were focusing on hellblade 2'


11 Aug 2022
The negative is that this game is being spun as the definitive RPG and the best Space game of all time, yet the best it has shown (emphasis on shown) is that it copied it's mechanics from an indie game released 7 years ago
So what? You know how many games copy game mechanics? We can go all day about this. All the FPS made today copied DOOM. OK. So what? If it works, and it's fun - who cares??

and can't manage to pull a seamless transition from a planet to space.
I just went and looked up Outer Wilds and NMS. Are you seriously going to focus on seamless transition from planet to space as the reason that you hate the game? When ND comes out with their space game, will you also expect them to have it?
  • haha
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