All insomniac leaks including Wolverine cast, Venom game, all leaked games and budgets.

On Demand

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30 Jul 2022
Incredible how these bots had all their talking points and fake power point slides ready to go. Almost like it was coordinated. Almost like the sales discussion of Xbox collapsing world wide isnt in the headlines. Almost like sonys most efficient, valuable and best studio was the one that was targeted. Really makes you think huh.

Trust me that’s not so far fetched.

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28 Jun 2022
Trust me that’s not so far fetched.

Reread that "leaked" now fake slide with the perspective that its MS misinformation. Notices how they really play up gamepass calling it "perfect."


25 Mar 2023
I own the original Resistance. It was really good. I wish Insomniac can go back to it, I would reboot it. Sony could use a game like that in their portfolio. But Insomniac doesn‘t want to. Ted Price said they’re done. Bend wanted to reboot it, but Sony foolishly said no.
Not even getting those games remastered is offensive to PlayStation fans, while we get much less necessary projects that demand a lot more resources.

Soon they'll all be playable on PC at 60fps and Full HD.


21 Jun 2022

Damnd, these animators are highly talented!

Looking great so far. Love to see there familiar characters, my favorite outfit, Logan in Madripur performing some Uncharted-like top tier set pieces and cool stuff like using he claws for extra climbing and wall running. The combat seems awesome so far.

The sad thing of these leaks is that a lot of people who aren't devs won't understand that the final game will look way better and that this is full of placeholders and prototype stuff, and has many post process and polishing stuff not applied.


10 Jan 2023
This leak is so extra. X-men from insomniac would've been a cool teaser at the end of wolverine.

I also hope everyone who wants Sony to strictly make Single Player games look at these numbers. they hardly make any money for them, and now they're costing $300,000,000 to make, it's just absurd. They need live service to expand further, no single player game can help them grow attp.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Yep. As I had predicted, the changes enacted by Jimmy and Hermie fucked their pipeline for this gen. The effects started to be seen this year, which was their worst year for 1st party output since like 2013 (which had cross gen titles galore), and 2024 will probably be worst. 2025 should be better, but still slow.

When they should be showing more and more games, they are showing less and less.
Just having a quick scroll through their output and 2021 was worse. You had MLB, which comes out every year, Ratchet and Clank, a few "director's cut"s and then the GoT multiplayer mode. Remember, Returnal doesn't count because Housemarque wasn't first party yet. I'd gladly take MLB, Spiderman 2 and Horizon:CotM over that.
  • thinking_hard
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25 Mar 2023
This leak is so extra. X-men from insomniac would've been a cool teaser at the end of wolverine.

I also hope everyone who wants Sony to strictly make Single Player games look at these numbers. they hardly make any money for them, and now they're costing $300,000,000 to make, it's just absurd. They need live service to expand further, no single player game can help them grow attp.
Good luck then. How much has Factions 2 made Sony? How much do you think the likes of Concord and Fairgame$ are going to make?

Are you unaware of the history of Xbox Studios and how MS destroyed them chasing these types of trends?

You guys should love Phil, dude is very reminiscent of Hermen Hulst.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
This leak is so extra. X-men from insomniac would've been a cool teaser at the end of wolverine.

I also hope everyone who wants Sony to strictly make Single Player games look at these numbers. they hardly make any money for them, and now they're costing $300,000,000 to make, it's just absurd. They need live service to expand further, no single player game can help them grow attp.
The shipped sailed. They had all the opportunities to have seen this coming from early PS4 gen... They got comfortable and thought 3rd parties would fluff them forever.


28 Jun 2022
Even if that slide is real,

i dont see how its so damning. Sony saying hey this could be a big deal, we might need to change some things" is hardly a revelation. They even admit they need to expand which means more acquisitions, i would assume. Phils cultists are acting like its the smoking gun for ending the console war when in reality its a business concerned on retaining their player base. Its mostly irrelavent now because they signed the 10 year deal.

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Even if that slide is real,

i dont see how its so damning. Sony saying hey this could be a big deal, we might need to change some things" is hardly a revelation. They even admit they need to expand which means more acquisitions, i would assume. Phils cultists are acting like its the smoking gun for ending the console war when in reality its a business concerned on retaining their player base. Its mostly irrelavent now because they signed the 10 year deal.

Don’t even entertain this. This is why FUD happens because people fall for it ever time.

This is where the slides come from and why it has the Insomniac Games logo on the bottom right

This shit is crazy. Are MS and their green rat army that desperate?
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28 Jun 2022

From Neogaf:


"So everything was FAKE and the media like IGN jumping into the pool (among others...) without water and many Xbox followers have made a fool of themselves, it seems to me that all this is too well calculated to be coincidental, yesterday the fake from the resale of games, today the hacking of insomniac... we will see what we get tomorrow, it is Christmas week and it is FUD to the maximum with PS5."

Sounds like Greenberg is putting in overtime in the Xbox discord this holiday.


10 Jan 2023
Good luck then. How much has Factions 2 made Sony? How much do you think the likes of Concord and Fairgame$ are going to make?

Are you unaware of the history of Xbox Studios and how MS destroyed them chasing these types of trends?

You guys should love Phil, dude is very reminiscent of Hermen Hulst.
PS made some of the best mutiplayer games during PS3 gen. Uncharted, factions, killzone 2, warhawk, MAG etc. I have faith in them at least trying. Shame about what happened to naughty dog. I just want to see them succeed and grow, but I think were at a point where they have to try new things.