Apparently Concord Cost Sony 400 million and was internally championed as future of playstation


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
And I have to laugh at you giving Colin credit for Demon Souls remake as if Jason didn't t confirm that remake casually well over a year in advance


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
What's there to counter? You making up lies and creating fake quotes about what I apparently said... Which I didn't 🤣

Again only a psycho would go to that level to type up lies and then pretend it's reality. Again seek professional help
No those arent made up

Also youre the one hyping concord and attacking people who doesnt like the game right and left dont you?

Look at your own post history dummy


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
No those arent made up

Also youre the one hyping concord and attacking people who doesnt like the game right and left dont you?

Search your own post history
Struggling to read now aren't we? I said you made up fake quote about what I said regarding Concord

I don't need to search my post history I know exactly what I said about this game and continue to say about it.

Danja prediction : Concord gona be the biggest game around and everyone hating this game in here gona eat their hats off ( WRONG, game deeead within 3 weeks which is a record)


If you can pin point to this bold prediction of mine then that would be amazing. 🤣


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
And seeing you can't even find a quote of me saying that since you made it up. I won't waste anymore time with you an unhinged nut job


18 Aug 2024
Colin Moriarty is solid, regardless of what people think of his opinions.

You guys need to stop entering in denial every time there's negative news about Sony.

150 veteran devs coming from Bungie living in one of the US's most expensive cities will cost hundreds of millions, and so will contractors after those veterans fail to reach their milestones because they're too busy fighting capitalism on Twitter and reddit, or making presentations on how to give hugs.
Naughty Dog, Insomniac, and Sony Santa Monica are all located in expensive Californian cities. They all employ teams that are much larger than Concords 160 devs and work on games longer than 5 years.

Why is Concord 2x more expensive than those teams games? Colin is going to get crushed on this story in a week or two. Book it.


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
Struggling to read now aren't we? I said you made up fake quote about what I said regarding Concord

I don't need to search my post history I know exactly what I said about this game and continue to say about it.

If you can pin point to this bold prediction of mine then that would be amazing. 🤣
Like i said youre too stupid to understand

The wording might not be the same but the core statement points of idea are essentially the same ( you keep hyping the concord game and the same time keep attacking other people in here who dislike the game)


1 Jul 2022
And seeing you can't even find a quote of me saying that since you made it up. I won't waste anymore time with you an unhinged nut job
you were hyping Concord?!
Awkward Oh No GIF by CBC


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Like i said youre too stupid to understand

The messaging and wording might not be the same but the core points of idea are essentially the same ( you keep hyping the concord game and the same time keep attacking other people in here who dislike the game)
I can't hype up a game that had no hype from the beginning you clown. My personal excitement and enthusiasm towards a game =/= Hyping up something that everyone' hated.

Sooner you learn how to actually make some sensible comments with logics the better for you. I also did not go around attacking anyone about the game.. so we can squash this little bullshit narrative. As if I didn't have members here constantly attacking my posts and going out of their way to antagonize me for simply liking the game, which caused 90% of the interactions. Going as far as entering the OT thread just to spam emoji reactions on my posts.

But not surprised to see you attempt to now warp realty to now fit your delusions.

Find an asylum, quickly.


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
I can't hype up a game that had no hype from the beginning you clown. My personal excitement and enthusiasm towards a game =/= Hyping up something that everyone' hated.

Sooner you learn how to actually make some sensible comments with logics the better for you. I also did not go around attacking anyone about the game.. so we can squash this little bullshit narrative. As if I didn't have members here constantly attacking my posts and going out of their way to antagonize me for simply liking the game, which caused 90% of the interactions. Going as far as entering the OT thread just to spam emoji reactions on my posts.

But not surprised to see you attempt to now warp realty to now fit your delusions.

Find an asylum, quickly.
Thats funny dont you think the who should get into asylum is you my friend

Looking at your post you always look agitated and mad


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
And your entire argument evaporated just like your brain cells did

Have a good day!
Like i said youre trying to disaprove a claim from known playstation insider like colin moriarty

But unlike him you dont have any credentials or past record to debunked his story

And then you got mad at other users in here who dont believe you and you can only proceed with harrasmen and useless verbal attack

Thats what happening

Have a good day !


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Like i said youre trying to disaprove a claim from known playstation insider like colin moriarty

But unlike him you dont have any credentials or past record to debunked his story

And then you got mad at other users in here who dont believe you
Ah yes I go so mad for calling out your dumb comment. Demanding Sony come out and state their budget when no-company will ever do that since it will fuck with their tax write off.

Why would you expect a Corporation to come out and clarify their budget for a game they just shutdown when they can try to right it off next fiscal year for a tax break.

Sometimes I really have to wonder about the IQ levels here on this forum.

To which you replied and tried to make it personal but I'm the one who apparently got mad 🤣

And youre no better either

Trying to debunked a story from legitimate playstation leaker but this time its just you without track record of credible source

Colin Moriarty vs Danja

Its a no brainer

Rather trust the first name

Sometime i really have to wonder about the IQ level here on this forum

As I said seek an asylum, some screws are definitely loose.


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
As I said seek an asylum, some screws are definitely loose.
When we got users like this repeatedly insulting other member maybe its time to use the report button yes? My first warning to you before i press the report button my friend


21 Jun 2022
Maybe it includes allocated budget. Even if not actually spent yet. As far as my company it has an impact internally as we have to wait very long time to re-allocate.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
When we got users like this repeatedly insulting other member maybe its time to use the report button yes? My first warning to you before i press the report button my friend
You can report all you want. 😂

Next time don't make up false lies about me and think I'm gonna be nice to you


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
You can report all you want. 😂

Next time don't make up false lies about me and think I'm gonna be nice to you
You treated people who doesnt fit your narratives like shit

You got so many post shitting on people here

Why should we be nice to you? The feelings are mutual


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
You treated people who doesnt fit your argument like shit

Why should we be nice to you?
Who is we? Please spare me the congregational brotherhood of victimization you're now pivoting to.

Damn, not me being the big baddie on the forum bullying everyone. 🤣

Thanks for the laugh.


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
Who is we? Please spare me the congregational brotherhood of victimization you're now pivoting to.

Damn, not me being the big baddie on the forum bullying everyone. 🤣

Thanks for the laugh.

Like i said this piece of story is about colin moriarty

The one who should be laughted at is you the stupid guy who tried to debunked colin statement but without having any credentials or trustworty track record


18 Aug 2024
Maybe it includes allocated budget. Even if not actually spent yet. As far as my company it has an impact internally as we have to wait very long time to re-allocate.
Colin should have said that then. Instead, he ran with a bogus source that the game ALREADY cost 400 million dollars to make.

He's not a journalist indeed. Journalists typically try to get 3 sources to corroborate a story. Colin went with one. I suspect it was just a troll who emailed Sacred Symbols and he did 0 due diligence because he knew the story would blow up.

He's about to get egg on his face. Hope it was worth it.