Axios: 11 members of Congress argue Sony is unfairly hurting Xbox in Japan


6 Jul 2022
Nobody said that... wow.. talk about reaching. Sony stepped far outside of their boundaries... to the point where they really soured their relationship with Activision for nothing... Who knows all the snake shit that Jim Ryan was doing behind the scenes with his UK pals to get this deal stopped.

Sony's done far more than just make a couple of statements... they've been pushing harder against this than they have any right to.. and the entire industry noticed.. and since they made a big issue about it... now MS is making an issue of it in other markets.

Again, if you guys didn't expect any blowback from what Sony was doing.. I don't know what else to say.
Errr, you wanna know who stepped boundaries that even made headlines some years ago?
Microsoft with the Epic vs Apple lawsuit.
Microsoft did far far worse than Sony. Sony opposed the deal, Microsoft joined the Epic lawsuit just to take down Apple but MS make a fool of themselves. So much it was a laughing joke in the tech news media.

I am not defending Sony but… MS is known to meddling in everything.


10 Jul 2022
I know that losers,cowards and médiocre People arent into the whole "lets fight for what its right or good" but please, dont extrapolate your shit to the rest of the universe, live with your misery and let others do the right thing
You're one of those disgruntled whining losers I was referring to... Just look at your post history.. you spend 90% of the time bitching about other people because you're fucking miserable. :LOL:


6 Jul 2022
@Remij and @riesgoyfortuna stop fighting!

aww kiss GIF
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28 Jun 2022
Just want to in before, I predict by the end of this week theyll have lobbied like 30 congress people or more.


21 Jun 2022
Literally how is Sony hurting Xbox in Japan? How are they capable of doing that?
I think the conversation of MS to the US congress is something like that: "These yellow comunists are outperforming Murica in their country, where nobody buys American consoles. We must defend democracy, freedom and justice by bombing them but before that let me buy this little US startup company named ABK to help us fight them.

In addition to bomb half of Asia, let's forbid to sell Asian games and consoles in USA to make sure we outperform them! And let's bomb after that again! That will make people buy our games and consoles, this is the way they'll buy our games there!

P.S.: It's dangerous to go alone, take this M16 and this bulky briefcase full of dollars"
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21 Jun 2022
So, Sony should be passive about protecting their business and customers because MS will become really petty in response? MS' attempts to dominate the market (via their purchasing power from other divisions) is something they should just ignore?
Like any company, Sony and MS fight for their own interests. MS wants to acquire to grow and when asked by regulators Sony says they don't like it and they want to keep having CoD.

Other than that, Sony can't do anything to block the acquisition and his opinion doesn't matter. Regulators are the ones who must investigate the market and block acquisitions in case they would cause a monopoly or would significantly lessen the competition for that market.

Market data says that even combining MS and ABK they wouldn't be market leaders in gaming (not even in consoles) or wouldn't even have a huge market share to be in a power position to make monopolistic actions: they would have less than 20% of the gaming market share and would have peope above them, being one of them Sony. For these reasons all regulators are approving the deal independently of whatever Sony says.

If in the future MS continues acquiring companies and reaches a point where they become market leaders and achieve a power position where they could make monopolistic actions, then regulators would/should block that acquisition. But we're very far from that. MS+ABK isn't an issue for the gaming market or even the console market. Even inside the high end consoles market.
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Microsoft is so ridiculous. I can’t hear this crying anymore. What in the world did Microsoft thinking by trying to push a political agenda???
Politics never cared about video games, there are much more important matters to solve. And coincidentally all this peeps which are grizzling about this nonsense are heavily sponsored by Microsoft…
Microsoft is the entire circus I swear it.

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28 Jun 2022
Microsoft is so ridiculous. I can’t hear her crying anymore. What in the world did Microsoft thinking by trying to push a political agenda???
Politics never cared about video games, there are much more important matters to solve. And coincidentally all this peeps which are grizzling about this nonsense are heavily sponsored by Microsoft…
Microsoft is the entire circus I swear it.

This is the same letter as before, look at the date. Dont know why xbots are rehashing this. Probably got a group chat text from greenberg to recycle this because they have nothing to talk about until June.


2 Jul 2022
Microsoft is so ridiculous. I can’t hear this crying anymore. What in the world did Microsoft thinking by trying to push a political agenda???
Politics never cared about video games, there are much more important matters to solve. And coincidentally all this peeps which are grizzling about this nonsense are heavily sponsored by Microsoft…
Microsoft is the entire circus I swear it.

PeterOvo is a pathetic xbox shill