billbil_kun: Horizon Forbidden West will soon be available on PC


8 May 2023
20.000 sales with 75% off and reviews talking about porting Demon Souls incoming 🤑🤑🤑
Still laughing about the TLOU port releasing broken but all the initial reviews were positive because it was just people begging for more ports. Master Race btw.


Graph Master
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21 Jun 2022

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30 Jul 2022
You got it backwards friend. No one cares about over-protective system warriors. AAA game development has eclipsed hardware at this point, and Playstation is eager for access to new markets.

Everybody knows the benefits of exclusives games for the consumer and the platform itself.

You are just playing dumb. As people like you usually do.
24 Jun 2022
It makes sense if they want to expose the IP to nee audiences, they want these people to buy a PS5 when the next game releases

The next game isn't coming in 2024 or 2025. Probably not even until 2027 at earliest.

At this point, it is what it is. We'll see what happens. And, we'll see what ramifications (positive and negative) these types of moves have on PS sales among portions of enthusiasts whales in the customer base who aren't afflicted by FOMO, over time.
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21 Jun 2022
Playstation is still figuring out the division of labor wrt PC development. Once they're properly spun up, there will be no good reason to delay perfectly good PC ports.
PS already have their PC development figured out since several years ago: their main focus and platform is and will continue being PlayStation and PC is and will be only a secondary revenue source to fund their AAA games mostly with old ports made by separate dedicated teams.

They won't release all their games on PC, and only a few will be day one (a portion of their GaaS stuff) because to release all day one could negatively affect their main business and focus: PlayStation.

They may tweak the amount of ports released every year, or tweak the distance between the original PS release and the PC ports. But they won't do anything that could affect their PS business.


2 May 2023
PS already have their PC development figured out since several years ago: their main focus and platform is and will continue being PlayStation and PC is and will be only a secondary revenue source to fund their AAA games mostly with old ports made by separate dedicated teams.

They won't release all their games on PC, and only a few will be day one (a portion of their GaaS stuff) because to release all day one could negatively affect their main business and focus: PlayStation.

They may tweak the amount of ports released every year, or tweak the distance between the original PS release and the PC ports. But they won't do anything that could affect their PS business.
This is so obviously incorrect. It's not the case that Nixxes is piping out PC ports at a consistent clip. The Last of Us was (mis)handled by Iron Galaxy and then Naughty Dog had to step in to put out the fires. God of War was handled by Jetpack Interactive. Returnal by Climax Studios. It's a mishmash.

Over time, the smartest thing will be that PS studios mostly handle their own PC ports concurrently with PS5 development. When PC development at Playstation is mature, there will always be a PC port ready to go around time they hit gold. Maybe it's not 100% ready for release, maybe it's not fully optimized, but they won't have to wait until the game ships to begin the PC port. This is obviously going to happen. When it does, confused fanboys would say you have to wait 2 years to make money on a product that is ready to ship. I don't think business people will agree.
24 Jun 2022
This is so obviously incorrect. It's not the case that Nixxes is piping out PC ports at a consistent clip. The Last of Us was (mis)handled by Iron Galaxy and then Naughty Dog had to step in to put out the fires. God of War was handled by Jetpack Interactive. Returnal by Climax Studios. It's a mishmash.

Over time, the smartest thing will be that PS studios mostly handle their own PC ports concurrently with PS5 development. When PC development at Playstation is mature, there will always be a PC port ready to go around time they hit gold. Maybe it's not 100% ready for release, maybe it's not fully optimized, but they won't have to wait until the game ships to begin the PC port. This is obviously going to happen. When it does, confused fanboys would say you have to wait 2 years to make money on a product that is ready to ship. I don't think business people will agree.

Yes, let's ask Sony's studios to not only deal with the burden of simultaneous traditional and GaaS/live-service titles, but also worry about optimizing what should be system-pushing 1P AAA traditional titles for 100s of hardware configurations and multiple graphics APIs from Day 1. Why not ask them to scope down their 1P AAA releases while at it, to ensure scalability isn't a problem because the games will never be ambitious enough to ever make that a concern?

All of these problems, BTW, we are seeing play out in real-time with Microsoft, a company much larger than Sony, with much more in cash and resources, and actual ownership of the leading OS and API suite in PC games development. If Sony are stupid enough to take the advice you suggest here, we can kiss the days of TLOU2 or HFW-tier system showcases goodbye.*

*Except on PCs with overspec'd hardware allowing them to brute-force highest-resolution textures and framerates, of course. At the expense of console owners who still have to pay for online access and higher prices in general for the same game vs. PC. Very much first-class status for the console owners (/s).


2 May 2023
Yes, let's ask Sony's studios to not only deal with the burden of simultaneous traditional and GaaS/live-service titles, but also worry about optimizing what should be system-pushing 1P AAA traditional titles for 100s of hardware configurations and multiple graphics APIs from Day 1. Why not ask them to scope down their 1P AAA releases while at it, to ensure scalability isn't a problem because the games will never be ambitious enough to ever make that a concern?

All of these problems, BTW, we are seeing play out in real-time with Microsoft, a company much larger than Sony, with much more in cash and resources, and actual ownership of the leading OS and API suite in PC games development. If Sony are stupid enough to take the advice you suggest here, we can kiss the days of TLOU2 or HFW-tier system showcases goodbye.*

*Except on PCs with overspec'd hardware allowing them to brute-force highest-resolution textures and framerates, of course. At the expense of console owners who still have to pay for online access and higher prices in general for the same game vs. PC. Very much first-class status for the console owners (/s).

A PS5 is a low->midrange PC. It has very few distinctive architectural features from my desktop PC with Ryzen 5600 and RX 6700 inside. It's not a "burden" to maintain a PC build, and many games do this anyway because PCs are more accessible than console devkits.

Microsoft's PC support is the only good thing they're doing, so it's weird to point at that as The Problem With Xbox. Xbox's whole operation is a mess.


8 May 2023
Not sure I understand the meltdowns. Happens every time a PC port is announced for some reason.

Some folks much rather have all Sony first party studios working on MP GaaS than having adedicate team porting some games and getting some harmless extra cash at high margins.


21 Jun 2022
This is so obviously incorrect.

It's not the case that Nixxes is piping out PC ports at a consistent clip. The Last of Us was (mis)handled by Iron Galaxy and then Naughty Dog had to step in to put out the fires. God of War was handled by Jetpack Interactive. Returnal by Climax Studios. It's a mishmash.
As I said the PC ports are handled by separate teams that aren't the original teams. But obviously they do the port with the overviewing and support of a few guys from the original team. While the main development team of these original games keep focused on making new games for PS not caring about the PC version.

Over time, the smartest thing will be that PS studios mostly handle their own PC ports concurrently with PS5 development. When PC development at Playstation is mature, there will always be a PC port ready to go around time they hit gold. Maybe it's not 100% ready for release, maybe it's not fully optimized, but they won't have to wait until the game ships to begin the PC port. This is obviously going to happen. When it does, confused fanboys would say you have to wait 2 years to make money on a product that is ready to ship. I don't think business people will agree.
They wait two years or more to release it on PC because they want to keep these games exclusive on PlayStation for some time. For that same reason some games will never will be ported to PC. To don't negatively affect the game sales and console HW sales.

The development of a port only needs a few guys working a few months, specially after that game engine already had a game or two ported to pc. Since they sell millions of ports that means huge profit margins.

But PC is only a secondary, extra revenue for them where they can get some extra profit to help pay the very expensive development of their AAA games. But that PC revenue is a very small part of their business. Their main business, so their main focus, is to get the 30% of the 3rd party games on their console. And for that they need to sell as much consoles as possible, and to do that they need as much great exclusives as possible.

So PC will continue being a very secondary business and focus for them. The players they really care are the PS ones, the PC ones are only to milk them with old games to get extra money, so they can wait. Specially if continue buying millions of ports of multiple years old games at basically full price.
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8 May 2023
Sony generated 250 million dollars in Fy 2023 for their PC releases. At best, this amount can only fund one AAA game. I ask people here on this forum: how is this not chump change.

If Sony doesn't want that money they can always bump up ps plus price a bit more.

PC gamers are basically preventing console users having to pay say 250 USD per year to use their own internet.


2 May 2023
Sony generated 250 million dollars in Fy 2023 for their PC releases. At best, this amount can only fund one AAA game. I ask people here on this forum: how is this not chump change.
if that's all it was, it would be clearly worth it.