[Circana] May 2024: 1# Ghost of Tsushima, 2# Paper Mario TYD, 3# Helldivers 2, #8 Shadow of Erdtree; PS5 #1, 2#NSW , 3# XSX


21 Jun 2022
Fantastic news! Mods please do nothing 🤣🤣

Excitement GIF

Love your passion, but lets continue to keep things civil <3
Hey Al Catone, are the mods on vacations?


25 Mar 2023
I feel sorry for you that gaming hasn't hit the same for you in over 20 years yet you still come to forums to shit on everything about it. You sound very likeable man.

Meanwhile I have enjoyed this hobby, my entire life. Guess that makes me an glazer tho :ROFLMAO:
Good for you. Just the fact that you think Sony equals all of gaming already says all that needs to be said. That have been some great games in the past years but from other publishers, so being disappointed with Sony is completely fair specially since they used to deliver much more in the previous gens.
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8 May 2023
You just did. I didn't call you a slur, I mistook you for a brother, but go ahead and act like I was trying to insult you :ROFLMAO: . It was you that took it out of context and decided to paint me as something i'm not. This has nothing to do with the topic at hand, so, whatever.
Yeah right, weak excuse, cuz then when you thought I was white you then proceeded to call me a cracker...another racial insult... you weren't banned for no reason 🤡

It has a lot to do with the topic because you're the one insulting others and saying they need mental help and prescription drugs. I've never made personal insults over a disagreement, especially not racial insults. The only time I'm disrespectful and call people corporate slaves is when you fools start it. If you don't want problems, then don't start any.

GoT PC release was a success for Sony on that platform. A month ago if someone had said it would debut at #1, we'd all laugh them off this forum. Give it up, man
You keep saying #1 as if that means anything, 100k-250k sales is awful, idgaf if it was #1 or #100, those are piss poor numbers for a game like GoT. It being #1 just covers up how much it flopped, like how Destiny 2 revenue in earnings reports cover up how badly PC ports do in general.

And you can't use the excuse that it's a late port, Sea of Thieves was a late port to PS5 and it did way better than GoT did. With only 4 days of sales SoT jumped to #19 best selling game of the year and then next month it was #13. GoT had 2 weeks of sales and couldn't break the top 20, but you call it a success...

Meanwhile FF7R is the #5 best selling game of the year at full price on 1 platform is "underperforming"...because that's what the media told you to think 😂 Because they hate that PS5 has exclusives and Xbox/PC don't. I'm not comparing the two at all, I'm just highlighting the hypocrisy. If anything I'm comparing GoT to SoT, which just further highlights how badly GoT flopped.

You haven’t stated anything.

Your opinion isn’t fact.

The only corporate slave here is you.

You whine constantly against Sony because you are attached to Sony even after all these decisions Sony has made.

Like a jilted lover.

Time to Move on and find another console to love. Get an Xbox or Switch.
Lol the guy that defends Sony 24/7 on every thread isn't the corporate slave, but the guy that fairly criticizes them is? 😂😂

And I already have a PC and Switch, you trying to silence people and stop them from playing on PS5 because they give objective critique? 😂 Yeah, I'm the corporate slave for sure.


25 Mar 2023
This is what I mean about it being impossible to have good faith discussions 😂 He can't formulate a proper argument so he asks for specific information that doesn't exist yet, because he knows it's the only way he can "win". He completely ignores all of the information that already exists because it refutes his point. It's not my fault your tiny little brain can't put 2 and 2 together...

Yeah, 100k sales on PC = amazing, 5m sales on PS5 = underwhelming. And these corporate slaves have no issues with Sony thinking like that, even though it directly results in them getting less games and an inferior experience. But if you speak on that, you're a doomer.
There is clearly no point in trying to convince anyone here, it's like going into Xboxera and trying to explain to them what is wrong with Xbox and why Phil Spencer sucks.

Time will tell who was right. Let's see how far those "amazing" GoT sales on PC will get them over the years.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: JAHGamer


25 Mar 2023

live footage of @JAHGamer and @Nhomnhom discussing anthing about sony.

Seems like you care way more than I do. I own Sony stock, and it's up 4% today, fine by me. Come PS6 I'll just jump ship.

Funny that you participate in a discussion forum but feels offended by people having different opinions and then resort to failed attempts to mock and insult people. You are beneath me.
  • haha
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8 May 2023
Seems like you care way more than I do. I own Sony stock, and it's up 4% today, fine by me. Come PS6 I'll just jump ship.
This guy constantly says he doesn't care in every thread, yet literally clogs up every thread with dozens of responses....So much for "not caring" 🙄

@voke acts like he's better than others by stating he doesn't care, when he's clearly just as invested, if not more, than everyone else.

I said this to him a month ago where he did the EXACT same thing, and he's STILL at it. When will this kid learn? Probably never.
You can have that all day* - "As long as I agree with it, if not I will keep crying about it in every thread, constantly insult you, and write 3 paragraph responses while saying I don't care"
Stop the cap, if you didn't care as much as you say you don't care, then you wouldn't be harassing people for their opinions and constantly defending lies. What kind of person says I don't care about X but then regularly defends X and attacks people who rightly criticized X? If you don't care then keep it moving and stop the damage control. And it's easy to say you don't care about Sony dying now, but when they're gone you'll be the first one crying.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Nhomnhom


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
You keep saying #1 as if that means anything, 100k-250k sales is awful, idgaf if it was #1 or #100, those are piss poor numbers for a game like GoT. It being #1 just covers up how much it flopped, like how Destiny 2 revenue in earnings reports cover up how badly PC ports do in general.

And you can't use the excuse that it's a late port, Sea of Thieves was a late port to PS5 and it did way better than GoT did. With only 4 days of sales SoT jumped to #19 best selling game of the year and then next month it was #13. GoT had 2 weeks of sales and couldn't break the top 20, but you call it a success...

Meanwhile FF7R is the #5 best selling game of the year at full price on 1 platform is "underperforming"...because that's what the media told you to think 😂 Because they hate that PS5 has exclusives and Xbox/PC don't. I'm not comparing the two at all, I'm just highlighting the hypocrisy. If anything I'm comparing GoT to SoT, which just further highlights how badly GoT flopped.
So what would have been great sales for you for a PC port in just North America? We have seen the European data as well and it's #2 there for the respective month. It's a relative success for Sony, though you don't wanna admit it. I was hoping the PC Port would flop but it didn't, but you won't see me here moving the goal posts like you 🤣.

SoT doing better than GoT is no surprise? Even before the game got announced for PS5. I and few other could tell this game was gonna be a massive success on PS.

FF7 is only at #5 because of those fist two months sales..the game has vanished from basically every single chart across the globe. The charts is based on dollars not units. You're clinging to a meaningless statistic. And you keep bringing up the media, when I don't even pay attention to games media 🤣.

The only hypocrisy here is you being upset GoT is #1 because it goes the PC narrative of the games not selling... Indeed through this entire fassade in this thread.


25 Mar 2023
Shareholders are even asking Sony about PC ports affecting PS5 sales. So I don’t know how it’s dooming to worry about that too as a owners of the console.
There is just a unprecedented level of absurdity to the claim that a AAA game selling a few hundred thousands copies on PC is a success while games selling 10m+ and 20m+ on PlayStation are seen as insufficient/unsustainable.

It's not even an honest discussion to begging with, pointless.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
It’s hard to talk about PS5 when PS is very much focus on PC. If anything the future for PC & Steamdeck is very bright if not better then PS console owners.

If you wanted PS gamers or people in general to solely talk about PS & PS console maybe PS should’ve never intertwined PC into it’s ecosystem.
Unfortunately I cant control that, if I coud, PC wouldnt even get a port of PS2 games.
I just think its dominating the forum, if you want to talk about PS5 vs PC, or issues, take it up in those threads lol. I mean its my suggestion, doubt it would happen

Nintendo gamers don’t talk about PC or other console platform because Nintendo don’t even allow the potential reality of that ever happening. Invest & show loyalty to your gamers & your gamers will repay you in endless profit/growth & brand/community power.

Im sure there’s Nintendo gamers who don’t even care about Pikmin nor play it but they likely buy it just so Nintendo continues providing many permanent exclusive games. At this rate I’ve actually seen many hardcore PS fan have mix messages regarding PS & many are looking at PC/Steamdeck, Nintendo or just waiting for PS exclusive games to hit PC because the PS platform is to risky to fully invest & or can build the same library + more games/more benefits on PC then PS console. I can’t blame them PS open pandora box just like Xbox & what PS gamers use to say to Xbox gamers now PS is in the same position (albeit w better branding then Xbox)

I know, we cant help it, Id just rather see it in its own thread, its like everywhere.
@Kokoloko this is exactly why "debates" are pointless on this site, it's literally impossible to have a good faith discussion. I already posted several pieces of evidence with explanation that GoT flopped on PC and this boy is still asking me for evidence? All this clown has to do is actually read. WTF? Meanwhile he says "nah you're wrong" while providing no argument and no evidence of his own. These corporate slaves are a complete joke and only get worse by the day.

The "doomers" have clear, well written arguments backed by evidence, while the corporate slaves just get to say "nah you're wrong! Sony is the best! Jim knows everything!". That's literally what every "debate" on this website is. Sony can NEVER be wrong, EVERYTHING THEY DO IS AMAZING AND SUCCESSFUL.
I think the other side, makes there points in sales stats of PS console and profits etc. Im an anti PC ports guy, but no1 is gonna convince each other.
Just have a versus thread lol


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
There is just a unprecedented level of absurdity to the claim that a AAA game selling a few hundred thousands copies on PC is a success while games selling 10m+ and 20m+ on PlayStation are seen as insufficient/unsustainable.

It's not even an honest discussion to begging with, pointless.
Except no-one on these forums have ever stated 10 - 20+ million sellers on PS are insufficient. GoT sales may have crated by now? but was it a success the first month of release? Yes it was, and I dunno why y'all can't accept that


8 May 2023
So what would have been great sales for you for a PC port in just North America? We have seen the European data as well and it's #2 there for the respective month. It's a relative success for Sony, though you don't wanna admit it. I was hoping the PC Port would flop but it didn't, but you won't see me here moving the goal posts like you 🤣.
Lol ok, so just to be clear, Ghost of Tsushima selling 100k-250k units in a 2 week period is a success to you? 😂😂

Great PC sales to me would be at least 1 million, minimum. But it couldn't even do half that.
The only hypocrisy here is you being upset GoT is #1 because it goes the PC narrative of the games not selling... Indeed through this entire fassade in this thread.
What is there to be upset about? If you saw that it sold 100k-250k units, and the game didn't have the shiny label of being "#1", then you would be saying the exact same thing that I am. Like I said, the standards for the PC market is in the gutter, and that's somehow not an issue at all, yet every PS5 sale is expected to sell 5m+ or its a flop.
FF7 is only at #5 because of those fist two months sales..the game has vanished from basically every single chart across the globe. The charts is based on dollars not units. You're clinging to a meaningless statistic. And you keep bringing up the media, when I don't even pay attention to games media 🤣.
Lmao...the irony, GoT being #1 for the month while selling only 100k-250k isn't a meaningless statistic, but FF7R being #5 for the year while selling millions is meaningless statistic?

Yeah, you definitely fell for the FUD, sad to see 😢


25 Mar 2023
Except no-one on these forums have ever stated 10 - 20+ million sellers on PS are insufficient. GoT sales may have crated by now? but was it a success the first month of release? Yes it was, and I dunno why y'all can't accept that
Except it's used all the time to justify why porting is necessary...

You are free to believe actual exclusive games have no value (like Sony does), I just don't agree with it (same as Nintendo and Valve) and that is not an unreasonable position.

Was Xbox right to start porting all their games and focusing on PC since about 2015? You seem to think they were.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
FF7 is only at #5 because of those fist two months sales..the game has vanished from basically every single chart across the globe. The charts is based on dollars not units. You're clinging to a meaningless statistic. And you keep bringing up the media, when I don't even pay attention to games media 🤣.
Being 5 is a good achievement, I dont know what anyone else expects


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Not all games are created equal. A million for one game may mean the end of operations for one studio while meaning breakout success to another. Things are to scale etc… it’s fascinating how often that’s ignored.

I’m enjoying the discourse seeing as the more reasonable minds are prevailing😋
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Except it's used all the time to justify why porting is necessary...

You are free to believe actual exclusive games have no value (like Sony does), I just don't agree with it (same as Nintendo and Valve) and that is not an unreasonable position.

Was Xbox right to start porting all their games and focusing on PC since about 2015? You seem to think they were.
Where did I ever state actual exclusive games have no value? LoL

What's even the point of try to have a discussion when y'all just pull random shit out of thin air and accuse people.

I won't even answer your question as it's literally irrelevant


8 May 2023
Being 5 is a good achievement, I dont know what anyone else expects
If it sold exactly what it sold but it was on PC/Xbox, it would be considered amazing. But since it's only on PS5, it's underwhelming and could do better.

I can't wait for this to go to PC and for it to flop just like FF7Remake did. No one will say anything about it as usual. It still hasn't sold 1m on PC after 3 years. But no one cares about FF7 Remake selling poorly on PC because there aren't countless articles and YouTube videos telling people to think like that.


25 Mar 2023
Where did I ever state actual exclusive games have no value? LoL

What's even the point of try to have a discussion when y'all just pull random shit out of thin air and accuse people.

I won't even answer your question as it's literally irrelevant
Don't waste my time if you are just going to be pretending you don't understand the meaning of what was written, I have no interest in disingenuous discussions. Trying to gaslight us into thinking people haven't brought up the argument that PC ports are necessary for these games to be viable isn't cool.

The reason you won't answer my question is because you can't without contradicting yourself.


10 Jan 2023
This guy constantly says he doesn't care in every thread, yet literally clogs up every thread with dozens of responses....So much for "not caring" 🙄
1500 posts vs 5000 posts within the time frame begs to differ, my friend.

And to clarify again, the only importance of sales to me, is that we get sequels to our favorite games, and that the studios delivering quality get to stick a around, if this is what you are talking about, I do indeed care. the console/PC wars nonsense, to be honest couldn't care one bit, you are correct. For the millionth time allow me to tell you, my enjoyment of gaming doesn't come from the box required to experience it.