Concord Beta Impressions (Starts At 10AM PST / 1PM EST / 12PM CST)


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
So, I played the beta and did 15 rounds of various game modes.

My experiences so far are a somewhat mixed bag. I've been in five games where players left the team early, with two players leaving the game on spawn twice in two different games.

So, basically, a third of my games were with a team that had fewer players in it, and in two games, it was just me and another person fighting against five players twice.

This has completely ruined my experience with in the game. I am not a person who quits, even, if the score is 29-0. this really needs to be addressed somehow.

Besides that, the game I did get to play in, here are some observations

-The gameplay loop is good and feels smooth.

-The graphics and effects are nice.

-Maps are too big, and it feels too easy to lose track of your team.
I played almost all of the characters, but the Asian woman, the black dude, that heals, and the character who chucks around spores, alien one were the most fun to me.

- Some classes I did not like at all, the black chick throwing the knives; I am not even sure what the class is meant to be; a 500-pound assassin that can't go in stealth? she does horrible damage, feels like it is a placeholder, and really needs an overhaul

-I think this game is designed with synergies in mind, with classes supporting each other. Yes, it can be played solo, but I don't think it will be worth it for a person who wants to join games as a singular entity. If you have 2-3 mates that you can play with, I think the game's fun and execution go up in spades.

-I think the game needs some form of limited power-ups in it is to collect, just like in Quake or games like that; there should be double damage, a haste pick-up, an invulnerable power, invisibility etx and so on. Give them short cool downs, 15 seconds each and give them a long reset timer. Spice it up.

- The characters themselves. Oh boy.

-I will try to keep it simple here, but when I see the load-out screen of characters at the end or start of the game, I honestly can't see how they could have made a more ugly-looking roster of people.

-The character designs are simply hideous. So much of the criticism could have been avoided if they had just made regular, attractive-looking characters.

-I still don't think they should charge for £30 bucks for the game, make it free to play and sell cosmetics.

- Overall score a 7/10,
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
- Some classes I did not like at all, the black chick throwing the knives; I am not even sure what the class is meant to be; a 500-pound assassin that can't go in stealth? she does horrible damage, feels like it is a placeholder, and really needs an overhaul
She is fast and really deadly at closing movement… you need to understand how she works… you need first active her debuff Scourge Star ability after that you keep closing the enemy throwing knife (due the debuff it does good damage) and finish with the Lunging Strike ability (again with the debuff it is a killer) when closing…

So she moves from one kill to another…

She is unique in play style… it is a deadly flanker… she is not an assassin… she is suppose to be in front line moving fast for kills.

If you are trying play her with cover or in the back it won’t work… you need to be audacious with her always in movement to get close to the enemy.

She is one of the most fun characters to play but the learning curve is different from conventional fps characters… you need to change how you used to play (feels similar to play as Hunter in the super mode in Destiny but here you have way more control of movements and of course less one hit kill because it is not a super).

When you get how she works you will go in killing one after another without die…

It is one of the main point that makes Concord unique… that is why she was used in marketing material.
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
She is fast and really deadly at closing movement… you need to understand how she works… you need first active her debuff Scourge Star ability after that you keep closing the enemy throwing knife (due the debuff it does good damage) and finish with the Lunging Strike ability (again with the debuff it is a killer) when closing…

So she moves from one kill to another…

She is unique in play style… it is a deadly flanker… she is not an assassin… she is suppose to be in front line moving fast for kills.

If you are trying play her with cover or in the back it won’t work… you need to be audacious with her always in movement to get close to the enemy.

She is one of the most fun characters to play but the learning curve is different from conventional fps characters… you need to change how you used to play (feels similar to play as Hunter in the super mode in Destiny)
well my experience is completely the opposite with her, perhaps she is more of an advanced playstyle that needs to combo well her move set like you said.

In some ways, they should have like characters that have different colour codes attached to them for new players to try like.

Green---------- newbie-friendly
Yellow---------- intermentiade
red------------- Advanced

I hope you get what I mean.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
well my experience is completely the opposite with her, perhaps she is more of an advanced playstyle that needs to combo well her move set like you said.

In some ways, they should have like characters that have different colour codes attached to them for new players to try like.

Green---------- newbie-friendly
Yellow---------- intermentiade
red------------- Advanced

I hope you get what I mean.
Yeap I get what you say.

Remember this is a Beta… the tutorial for each character is not there yet.
Seems like the final game will have a bot campaign as tutorial to learn how to play with the characters.

But she is one of lowest TTK… she really kill fast… people are still getting how it works but there are some videos that shows how to play:

Edit - I forgot to say… as flanker while crouching she can tracks enemies thought walls… plus when you hit a enemy with the knifes you will track him for some time… when I say track it means you can see the enemy over the map for some time.

She has triple dodge too.
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John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Yeap I get what you say.

Remember this is a Beta… the tutorial for each character is not there yet.
Seems like the final game will have a bot campaign as tutorial to learn how to play with the characters.

But she is one of lowest TTK… she really kill fast… people are still getting how it works but there are some videos that shows how to play:

Edit - I forgot to say… as flanker while crouching she can tracks enemies thought walls… plus when you hit a enemy with the knifes you will track him for some time… when I say track it means you can see the enemy over the map for some time.

She has triple dodge too.
I've been really getting into Teo and Jabali... Daw is fantastic in Takedown as well.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Anyone encountered the new maps? Played an hour still the same 3.
Nope! I haven't seen it at all. In-fact I think they fucked wit the map rotation since last week and made Free Water the default map because of Twitter reactions from their posts.

It kept getting chosen like 80% of the matches.

I only know of one person who played on it and they said they got it in Rivalry... Maybe it's exclusive to that mode?
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