Final Fantasy XIV possibly coming to Xbox Series S|X. Phil on stage in Japan |UP| Updated rumors.


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10 Mar 2023
Atlus is still not allowed to say Persona 3 is coming to Playstation on their channels even in recent videos. Metaphor is still Xbox exclusive according to their channel. Sega is sabotaging their own sales for Microsoft. Even Yakuza is getting MS marketing.

This will be Square next.

I can't even find the trailer on Playstation channel. They all have the Xbox logo.
And even then some will stay claim we are overreacting and acting like paid shills.
24 Jun 2022
All I'm gonna say for now is, if you see a Square-Enix x Azure strategic partnership announcement, expect the EXACT same stuff we're seeing now from the Sega x Azure strategic partnership.

As in, plenty more Square-Enix games Day 1 in Game Pass, Microsoft marketing deals for the games (at least in the West), announcement embargoes that withhold multiplat announcements for PlayStation for weeks/months on the official channels, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest etc. premiers at Xbox Showcases, and Square-Enix representatives not-so-subtly suggesting Microsoft "treat them better" than other platform holders.

This is all still in the playbook of those leaked emails and unredacted documents, BTW. People acting like this can't signify something bigger at play are choosing to ignore precedent. Whatever Sony lets happen from here, is on them. It's their market to lose.


Active member
31 May 2023
All I'm gonna say for now is, if you see a Square-Enix x Azure strategic partnership announcement, expect the EXACT same stuff we're seeing now from the Sega x Azure strategic partnership.

As in, plenty more Square-Enix games Day 1 in Game Pass, Microsoft marketing deals for the games (at least in the West), announcement embargoes that withhold multiplat announcements for PlayStation for weeks/months on the official channels, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest etc. premiers at Xbox Showcases, and Square-Enix representatives not-so-subtly suggesting Microsoft "treat them better" than other platform holders.

This is all still in the playbook of those leaked emails and unredacted documents, BTW. People acting like this can't signify something bigger at play are choosing to ignore precedent. Whatever Sony lets happen from here, is on them. It's their market to lose.
well if Sony really lets one of their closest 3rd party allies slip away from then then sure we should trash on Sony. But this news by no means indicates that, and people are already freaked out.
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10 Jan 2023
All I'm gonna say for now is, if you see a Square-Enix x Azure strategic partnership announcement, expect the EXACT same stuff we're seeing now from the Sega x Azure strategic partnership.

That is exactly what I was thinking too

Square Enix Makes Strategic Investment on Cloud Gaming Platform Blacknut

they help them to build the cloud infrastructure
24 Jun 2022
That is exactly what I was thinking too

Square Enix Makes Strategic Investment on Cloud Gaming Platform Blacknut

they help them to build the cloud infrastructure

And Blacknut was one of the auspicious omissions from Microsoft's 10-year-deal COD offerings. To the point where it kind of became a meme (Jezz GMG reference x3).

Cool more people get the chance to play a great game. :)

Those people already had the chance to play that great game for the past 13 years, for the other platforms it was available on during that time.

If there was someone genuinely refusing to play it on PS or PC out of spite, just to maybe finally get it on Xbox, they weren't ever genuinely interested in the first place.

well if Sony really lets one of their closest 3rd party allies slip away from then then sure we should trash on Sony. But this news by no means indicates that, and people are already freaked out.

I agree that it doesn't necessarily indicate it. But, I think it feeds off of other news and events we've seen transpire with Microsoft & Xbox the past few months, certain narratives of which they have been very vocal in driving control of discourse-wise online. Things that play into optics that don't necessarily do Sony any favors.

The fact we aren't seeing equivalent announcements or moves from Sony to more strategically secure 3P content that their platform would benefit from, is a bit telling. I'm not even talking acquisitions here; taking up more strategic partnerships or doing some key investments, or bringing back some legacy IP working with solid developers, doesn't require them to wait until November. They don't require an M&A expert hire.

They could be doing that stuff right now, and announcements in quick order. Stuff to show they want to solidify content legacy and strike strong chords with the enthusiasts in the fanbase, stuff that shows they are valuing their past (not just their past, but legacy stuff of 3P that was vital in helping define PlayStation as a brand) in ways that matter.

There's plenty there they could be doing that doesn't require an immediate publisher or even developer acquisition, and they could've been doing that many months ago. They haven't though, which is why we don't have announcements, and that's starting to get rather concerning.


Active member
13 Mar 2023
It makes me sad to see how PlayStation is slowly going down the wrong path ever since Jimbo took over. Can't even manage to keep up good relationships they had build up over the last two decades. I hope someone at Sony with a brain will speak up, because this is getting annoying.


10 Feb 2023
At thisnpoint i want ms acquire se or capcom just to see 2 incompetent idiots, jimbo amd Hulst get fired. They re just using great work by Layden, House for short term profits.

Imagine if ms gets Champions league marketing along with fifa. Lmao
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29 Jun 2023
Atlus is still not allowed to say Persona 3 is coming to Playstation on their channels even in recent videos. Metaphor is still Xbox exclusive according to their channel. Sega is sabotaging their own sales for Microsoft. Even Yakuza is getting MS marketing.

This will be Square next.

I can't even find the trailer on Playstation channel. They all have the Xbox logo.
Fuck Sega for betraying Sony, fuck phil spencer idiot, fuck xbox. I hope y'all go to hell next.
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On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Phil literally said

We look foward to building on the relationship that brought FF14 to Xbox and

partnering with Square Enix on future games."

So? This used car salesmen is known to lie about everything.

It’s a PR statement.

Similar statements were made when Nier Automata was announce for XB1 at E3 2018. Talking about how he’s disappointed at SE for not having a presence on XB. And that he’s working on fixing that relationship and bringing more games from SE.

Saying and doing are 2 different things.

Some of you act like you haven’t been around block already with when it comes to MS and what they say.

You believe Phil Spencer over the actual president of Square Enix? Makes perfect sense.

The amount of leeway y’all give MS and their unproven future is amazing. At the same time complaining about everything Sony does and have no trust in their future first party games.

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4 Jul 2022
Japanese company puts their games on Xbox
* Those games don't sell on Xbox
* Japanese company stops putting their games on Xbox
* Several years later, an Xbox exec cuts a deal with the Japanese company to bring their games back to Xbox
* Rinse & Repeat
This, xbox fanbase dosnt buy shit
  • they're_right_you_know
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Well do and say whatever you want, you won’t listen no matter what we say. You all do exaggerate just because of an old ass game. Coming up with conspiracies that Sony is doomed and Phil Spencer going to seduce PlayStation’s close partners. If you want to continue to do circles and be prophets of doom and gloom then fine. I am tired of this. Nothing is going to happen just because of an old decade game, by which 98% of Xbox fanboys are not going to support it. Unbelievable having a meltdown just because of an Dead on Arrival game on Xbox lol.


Active member
8 Jul 2023
Good. More people get to play the game, Hope to see more of this in the future as long as Square Enix remains independent. Also, why are people surprised by this, hadn't both parties indicated they were working to get FFXIV to Xbox?
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On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Well do and say whatever you want, you won’t listen no matter what we say. You all do exaggerate just because of an old ass game. Coming up with conspiracies that Sony is doomed and Phil Spencer going to seduce PlayStation’s close partners. If you want to continue to do circles and be prophets of doom and gloom then fine. I am tired of this. Nothing is going to happen just because of an old decade game, by which 98% of Xbox fanboys are not going to support it. Unbelievable having a meltdown just because of an Dead on Arrival game on Xbox lol.

I honestly still can’t believe the outrage, or the excitement from green rats, over this.

An MMO FF game not even releasing until all the way next year, and PR words on other SE games coming to.......Xbox.

Well ok then.



Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
I don't understand why people are freaking out about this. But the fact that they are tells me that Sony needs to come out with another showcase, and soon.


Active member
31 May 2023
Remember Bethesda with 2 1 year exclusives to PS5, possibly Starfield too? Yep, they got bought by Microsoft. Remember Activision with a very close relationship with Sony (PS players enjoying exclusive content in every new COD entey). Yep, now they are a MS subsidiary. This deal does mean something, but not everything, it tells us MS is now trying to find relevance in Japan again, but what no hysterical morons in this thread even bother to mention because they are well, moronic, is that Sony is watching this. Sony, no matter how complacent they are at the moment, understand these MS moves and understand MS is being very serious about burying PS brand. This is not an uncertain situation where Sony is not able to see their rival’s next moves, MS’s intention and strategy has been conspicuously disclosed in the trial, only the most dumbs can actually believe Sony would just take those words for nothing. Business-wise, Japan is Sony’s playground, so it is absurd to think MS can have the high ground on this over Sony. I am frustrated with how little communication between fans and Sony atm, they are clearly being a huge fucking dick, but Sony is definitely looking for acquisitions. I still find it funny how there are people who literally said Sony did not give a fuck about PS brand just because they invested in another departments lmao.
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