For those that hate Sony, What made you feel the way you do about them?

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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Im seeing alot of, I like Sony/Playstation but hate there fans Etc.

Just don’t interact with them. I mean to not consume a video games company contents because of the fanbase is really not worth being on social media then.
The fans don’t represent how others should feel about another company.

But I also feel this is a way for people to excuse there actual dislike to a company and their bias towards what they like.
For Xbox fans to complain about PS fans but not see their own attitude and their fanbase acting the same way?
You clearly just don’t like Playstation and have a biased towards Xbox and vice versa.

Plus you get delusional fans on all sides. I see just as many crazy biased commments from Nintendo, Xbox or PC fans as I do from Playstation fanboys.

They all think there company or platform is the best
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
What I hate is the attitude of some Sony fans that their games and hardware are superior to everything out even if there are other hardware/games that are better.

But all platforms have fans like this right?
I mean I was hearing PC players saying they had the best gaming platform a decade ago and they didn’t even have games like Halo 3, Gears, Forza, Uncharted, Mario Galaxy, TLOU, Zelda Skyward Sword, Demon Souls, Lost Odessy, MGS4 etc on their platform. To someone that plays those games and another person says there platform is the best without having those games, Im gonna think thats weird.
And Vice versa I guess.

So the attitude "so which Sony game will be GOTY this year" even before the year has started is what I'm talking about. There is just no open mindedness about other studios that are great that may take the crown (i.e. like Elden Ring or RDR2 for example).

I think that all fanbases have those kind of fans.
But I feel Nintendo and Playstation are amongst the top 5/3 best developers.
Year on year they produce games that compete for game of the year. Uncharted 2, Mario Galaxy, Zelda BOTW, God of War, TLOU. Etc.
Only Fromsoft and Rockstar have a consistant track record and on par with them and Rockstar barely makes 1 game a generation now lol. Capcom is improving too.

You know when you get a game from those guys, it’s most likely gonna be either Good, Great or GOTY worthy.
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Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
And then you go on to say this:

But how do you have time to see what “Xbox fans” post to the PlayStation twitter account? Not enough games to play? Oh no 😆
Its almost like I have time to see the tweets from the accounts I follow in my feed. But unfortuantly I don't have time too look at every salty Xbox post on the internet unless they are posted in the threads I make here.
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Nintendo fans are the worst.

They’ll claim the newest Nintendo handheld is next gen gaming whilst the technical benchmark for software being about 15 years behind the rest of the industry.


Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
Nintendo fans are the worst.

They’ll claim the newest Nintendo handheld is next gen gaming whilst the visual benchmark for the software is about 15 years behind the rest of the industry.
The thing that was weird about them was when switch came out they were like hey Capcom where are the games? You requested Nintendo to add two more gigs of ram on the switch to run the re engine on it but have ported anything besides street fighter 2 and monster hunter double cross.

Well its almost like Capcom hands were tied with re engine games built for stuff like xb1 and ps4 power level in mind. Yes re engine could be ported too switch but I'm willing to bet all hands on deck were on unreleased projects at the time like re7 dlc, monster hunter world,, re2 remake, l dmc 5, re8 village, and re3 remake. Like shot takes time to make and while maybe Capcom could of hired someone to port more games to the switch, Capcom wasn't doing to well financially in 2017.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
I think expecting devs to compromise their games and vision to port it to severely underpowered tech is horrible. So seeing Switch diehards go apeshit about no ports of games their hardware clearly cannot run in the slightest is ridiculous.
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Deleted member 13

@VFX_Veteran how did you become such an ardent Sony fan?
I like their cinematic single player games. I like God of War even though I hate his main weapon (the blades). I like Uncharted because it's like my Indiana Jones adventure that I loved back in the day. TLOU is similar to a post-apocalyptic scene (which I like similar to Stalker/Metro). I like Killzone better than DOOM. I like most superhero games so Spidey would be a game I like.

Some exclusives I don't care for : Infamous and R&C come to mind.


2 Jul 2022
certainly the xbox was mistreated in 2013 and on. those early days were brutal to be an xbox owner. you were almost laughed out of the discussion.

I remember around 2017, the disparity in quality really started to show itself. MS was winding down support for Bone already, and PS4 was just about to hit its stride.

It was Horizon (winning GOTY awards), Nioh (former xbox exclusive developer), Nier (S-E, xbox fans thought were on their side after FF13), Yakuza 0 (Xbox fans love SEGA and now they were getting skipped), Resident Evil 7 VR exclusive and marketed with Sony (Xbox had marketing deals with RE5 and 6 actually), Mass Effect Andromeda marketed with Sony (former xbox exclusive dev), Destiny 2 marketed with Sony (Bungie flipped even, god damn). Oh, and of course their beloved Call of Duty 30-day map packs had already flipped sides, too.

i've never seen a more pissed off xbox fanbase than that year. they lost everything they cared about.

It was literally like a poor beggar looking at a spoiled rich kid. the hatred was intense, and has lasted ever since. it's the "Sony gets everything, and we get scraps" mentality. It's still continuing on to this day
All of that is so easy to solve… just buy a PlayStation…
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Deleted member 13

The same way you guys are already calling out "Sony fans" and declaring Elden Ring as the GOTY before TLOU or GOW are even released. Biased.
Elden Ring simply is an incredible RPG. There's no denying that. It proved it's worth from reviews. TLOU was already made before and won it's awards. It shouldn't win again. GOW , while a very good adventure game, isn't on the same level of complexity as ER.

Believe it or not, I'm not biased to any kind of developer that makes a game. Every year, for me, it's open season. I have no idea what will dazzle me and what won't. But that's me personally.

And it's weird to use Elden Ring because "Sony fans" love From games. It's basically a Sony franchise that started on PlayStation. I've never seen "Sony fans" shit on them.
Because it's a game that lost it's exclusivity so now it's just a 3rd party developer now.

Elden Ring is also very outdated graphically and technically so I'm not sure why you're using it to prove how superior it is from Sony first-party games.
Most of the Sony exclusives have similar graphical tech than any other game. Pre-baked everything with PBR materials. When I make the 'what should be considered next-gen' thread, you'll see this.

No Sony studio has pushed technology ahead of other companies with the sole exception of TLOU 2's animation system. It's nearly always a 3rd party developer that pushes the tech in a new generation. 4A Games is the first to start true next-gen with a full RT lighting pipeline. The best implementation of pre-baked lighting and occlusion with photogrammetry texturing, true procedural shading, real physics and volumetrics is FS2020 by Asobo (an Indie company).
4 Aug 2022
Nintendo fans are the worst.

They’ll claim the newest Nintendo handheld is next gen gaming whilst the technical benchmark for software being about 15 years behind the rest of the industry.

The term next gen is laughable and means absolutely nothing other than a new generation of hardware. Its the hardcore that have made it into this mythical term meaning things you thought never possible.

Nintendo fanboys, like all fanboys, are insufferable, but the nintendo haters are the ones who make up shit like how the Switch doesn't count as a next gen system.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Yea it’s totally NOT a next gen system. Neither is their next handheld.
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Deleted member 13

well am I wrong? If you don't like what I'm saying don't look at it. If you guys had redfall, starfield, and a new forza this year would you be on here replying to me? or have time to see the rabbid fanboys? You have Zero self awareness coming joining a PlayStation centric forum and being shocked people like PlayStation? You literally have people in this thread saying PlayStation fans need to accept Elden ring is game of the year when GOW isn't even out yet which is nonsense but your worrying about my statement on weather or not xbox has games or not?
This forum is not playstation centric. It may have more PS fans on the forum for NOW, but's in no way geared towards serving ONLY PS fans. You gotta get that out of your mind asap.


1 Jul 2022
how about this one, 48 hour exclusives for the callisto protocol.


what's the point of 48 hour exclusivity if not *solely* to piss off the other side. this is ridiculous, lol.


1 Jul 2022
The thing that was weird about them was when switch came out they were like hey Capcom where are the games? You requested Nintendo to add two more gigs of ram on the switch to run the re engine on it but have ported anything besides street fighter 2 and monster hunter double cross.

Well its almost like Capcom hands were tied with re engine games built for stuff like xb1 and ps4 power level in mind. Yes re engine could be ported too switch but I'm willing to bet all hands on deck were on unreleased projects at the time like re7 dlc, monster hunter world,, re2 remake, l dmc 5, re8 village, and re3 remake. Like shot takes time to make and while maybe Capcom could of hired someone to port more games to the switch, Capcom wasn't doing to well financially in 2017.
Capcom probably didn't account for switch's success this generation and missed the boat. They scrambled to get RE engine on Switch but it clearly wasn't developed with switch in mind. Seems like by 2017 it was already done, with RE7 coming out around the same time the switch itself did.

their switch output was abysmal until MH Rise and MH stories 2 came out last year.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
That’s what you’re doing. You can keep pretending some overpriced, underpowered HANDHELD is next gen when it cannot run modern games. So, you can carry about being as is… wrong
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14 Jul 2022
Its almost like I have time to see the tweets from the accounts I follow in my feed. But unfortuantly I don't have time too look at every salty Xbox post on the internet unless they are posted in the threads I make here.

So you admit you have time to do exactly what you were crapping on others for. Again, I am sorry that Sony isn’t providing you enough games 🙁
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Quick, someone get bodycount to share tweets from game enthusiasts with 10 followers so we can act like that shit matters.

I’m happy to have never participated with Twitter aside from scoping out a few thots. Not anymore tho… wife checks mobile history :/
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