For those that hate Sony, What made you feel the way you do about them?

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2 Jul 2022
Get this over your head. I never said YOU have to be able to notice or want these things. I've never implied you console players need to step it up or anything. I've simply stated I not only notice these things, but I prefer having completely full control over everything from my hardware to software. Again, you don't have to like this at all.

But you have no say in whether PC has no ROI. It might not to YOU, but there's are several people who's livelihoods depend on PC's. Look at all of the employees at Sony for instance, you think any consoles would be in existence, without PC's? You think they could create the games or engines without a PC? Do you know these very forums we post in were not created or monitored on consoles, right? And this again isn't to say consoles are bad or you guys need to make the jump, but I'm simply telling you that you can't speak for everyone else or gatekeep.

Not to mention you can be a budget PC gamer, who only cares about indies or playing recent games at lowered settings. You don't have to be an ENTHUSIAST to enjoy PC, so I'm unsure why you think it only has to be pricey high end hardware. There's plenty in between budget and enthusiasts, but they all have access to all of these next gen games.
Good, but console players don't care about PC. I for one, couldn't care less. It's time you accepted that.


21 Jun 2022
Oh no, not at all, I can see people like @peter42O or even @DarkMage619 being genuine Xbox fans/fanboys. It's the likes like you or @adamsapple who are obvious Microsoft employees.

But don't worry, I won't stop loving you ❤️
Genuine and Darkmage in the same sentence

That 70S Show Reaction GIF by Laff

I give you Peter tho ❤


2 Jul 2022
Well, you have some people who can't see the difference between 30 or 60 frames per second, who argue there's no point in getting a PC, but they bought a PS5 for exactly the same reason? Honestly, it might be pointless trying to debate with some of you guys, as I don't really keep up with the goal post constantly moving with you guys. There's always some caveat with you guys.

I'll get Ragnarok on a stream sale, I'll skip out FW as the first one was a failed attempt at ubisoft esque.

I'm not waiting on these games, sorry to hurt your feelings again, but you can keep the scraps. I prefer fun games that aren't exactly repetitive or an on rails experience, or blatant copies of other more renowned games.
That's what many of these people don't seem to grasp. We're not waiting on these Sony games, they will come and like anything else we'll possibly buy them when they come out.


21 Jun 2022
What even are these awsome AAA games that PC player are playing that are so much better than Sony games? I would like to know.

Like what? Please give me some names of AAA games released in 2022 on PC.

Older games are generally not the reason you buy a new GPU... My point is AAA production is getting more scarce year after year. GaaS took over. For 2022 there's not a single game which could justify buying a new GPU since, like we just agreed, there was NO technically advanced AAA game released on PC this year anyway (while Sony releases 2 of them in HFW and Ragnarok).

You can't seriously say I should buy a 3090 to play... Elden Ring, which looks like a PS4 game.
I read until page 24 for these games and NOTHING. They keep dancing around.

They use Elden Ring for everything this year. Elden Ring is THE game to use when you want to downplay Sony for some reason (even if the series started as Sony IP 😅). It also looks like an early PS4 game.

Rockstar and CDPR release one game per decade and somehow they are more advanced than Sony AAA 🙄


Verified Gamepass Reseller
15 Jul 2022
Oh genuine fanboy, a green rat in flesh and blood. Defending his brand like a brave console warrior. But doing it with heart and passion, not like some others who do it for vile money.
I clearly have a preference and since I own every platform it's easy to determine which companies are providing me the best value. I prefer the platform that gives me the most bang for my buck. All of my opinions are based on first hand real life experiences. How many of the Xbox haters here even used the system?

I see that you opted for the "everyone who likes Xbox is a paid shill" coping mechanic. Whatever works best for you ;)

I will say it's a pretty weak argument for anyone to attack a person who doesn't worship Sony as being paid off by MS. As demonstrated by the Xbox fans who actually like PlayStation overall it's the obnoxious Sony fans that are the main issue not a lifeless plastic box.

Don't forget this was a thread started so the 'Sony haters' could voice their grievances. Outcome? Tons of Sony fan(boy)s defending Sony, swinging at the phantom PlayStation haters and claiming to be persecuted. It was an amazing sight to behold.
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
I clearly have a preference and since I own every platform it's easy to determine which companies are providing me the best value. I prefer the platform that gives me the most bang for my buck. All of my opinions are based on first hand real life experiences. How many of the Xbox haters here even used the system?

I will say it's a pretty weak argument for anyone to anyone who doesn't worship Sony as being paid off by MS. As demonstrated by the Xbox fans who actually like PlayStation overall it's the obnoxious Sony fans that are the main issue not a lifeless plastic box.

Don't forget this was a thread started so the 'Sony haters' could voice their grievances. Outcome? Tons of Sony fan(boy)s defending Sony, swinging at the phantom PlayStation haters and claiming to be persecuted. It was an amazing sight to behold.

the dictator film GIF by Head Like an Orange


21 Jun 2022
I clearly have a preference and since I own every platform it's easy to determine which companies are providing me the best value. I prefer the platform that gives me the most bang for my buck. All of my opinions are based on first hand real life experiences. How many of the Xbox haters here even used the system?
What games do you play on your Xbox that makes it so much better than your PS5? I guess they are GP games since you always talk about getting a deal. So what games did you save money on this year?

It's weird to talk about value when the new PS+ is going above and beyond. Makes no sense to me.
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Bernd Lauert

16 Jul 2022
I will say it's a pretty weak argument for anyone to anyone who doesn't worship Sony as being paid off by MS. As demonstrated by the Xbox fans who actually like PlayStation overall it's the obnoxious Sony fans that are the main issue not a lifeless plastic box.
The entire concept is absurd. Imagine actually believing that Microsoft is paying people to post pro-Xbox content on super niche forums with less than 20 active members lmao. The paranoia and delusion is out of this world.
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2 Jul 2022
The entire concept is absurd. Imagine actually believing that Microsoft is paying people to post pro-Xbox content on super niche forums with less than 20 active members lmao. The paranoia and delusion is out of this world.
Remember these people are victims and they have a persecution complex, does it honestly surprise you that they are conspiracy theorists?


Active member
25 Jun 2022
The entire concept is absurd. Imagine actually believing that Microsoft is paying people to post pro-Xbox content on super niche forums with less than 20 active members lmao. The paranoia and delusion is out of this world.

The problem is they actually got caught multiple times in the past, so you don't have to believe anything, it already happened multiple times. They've been known for astroturfing and bribe tactics :

- MS was caught astroturfing for Internet Explorer :

- It was proven they bribed Digital Foundry (Richard Leadbetter) in the past too (HeisenbergFX4's proofs were even accepted and validated by Neogaf mods, that says it all)

- Ben Kuchera from Polygon also admitted Polygon reviews were rigged (and oh surprise, most Sony games got bad marks, while MS games like Halo Infinite the already dead game got stellar reviews, unlike the general opinion).

- they also built the "MS Ambassador Program" where influencers are paid to advertise, except you don't know who's in until that person leaves. How transparent !

It's kinda hard to trust them or their (paid ?) "fans" now...

You're right Neogaf is a dead place now but the same people may be paid to advertise outside of GAF too so it's not so clear. Those people may be paid to advertise Xbox everywhere, not simply on GAF.
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Remember these people are victims and they have a persecution complex, does it honestly surprise you that they are conspiracy theorists?
It's a lot easier to believe that, than your all PlayStation games are the same Tripe post. (y)
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Bernd Lauert

16 Jul 2022
Problem is they actually got caught multiple times in the past. They've been known for astroturfing and bribe tactics :

- MS was caught astroturfing for Internet Explorer :
Basic influencer shit.
- It was proven they bribed Digital Foundry (Richard Leadbetter) in the past too (HeisenbergFX4's proofs were even accepted and validated by Neogaf mods, that says it all)
Complete bullshit, I want to see the receipts.
- Ben Kuchera from Polygon also admitted Polygon reviews were rigged (and oh surprise, most Sony games got bad marks, while MS games like Halo Infinite the already dead game got stellar reviews, unlike the general opinion).
Powertrippy boss wants to powertrip. Zero evidence of Microsoft being involved.
- they also built the "MS Ambassador Program" where influencers are paid to advertise, except you don't know who's in until that person leaves. Nice !
Basic influencer shit.
It's kinda hard to trust them or their (paid ?) "fans" now...
I enjoy conspiracy theories myself, but they need to be plausible. If you think MS is paying people to post on forums with 20 active members, then I can't really help you 😁
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Active member
25 Jun 2022
Basic influencer shit.

Complete bullshit, I want to see the receipts.

Powertrippy boss wants to powertrip. Zero evidence of Microsoft being involved.

Basic influencer shit.

I enjoy conspiracy theories myself, but they need to be plausible. If you think MS is paying people to post on forums with 20 active members, then I can't really help you 😁

You can deny all you want. Receipts were given in all those cases and they were proven true. There are a lot of other instances of MS being caught astroturfing anyway.

They pay people to advertise everywhere. People doing it on GAF are also doing it on Twitter and elsewhere, it's the same contract. Even a basic cheerleader like you should understand that.


8 Jul 2022
Most powerful console + best deal in gaming = pure satisfaction. Simple as.
See, hard to believe you actually believe that with the terrible year Xbox had on top of years and years of being extremely lackluster. Even Gamepass is having a unbelievably bad year.

PS5 DE + PS Plus Extra is a much better deal than any combination of Xbox hardware and service.

Xbox is the by far the worst deal in gaming, specially the Series S.
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Bernd Lauert

16 Jul 2022
You can deny all you want. Receipts were given in all those cases and they were proven true. There are a lot of other instances of MS being caught astroturfing anyway.

They pay people to advertise everywhere. People doing it on GAF are also doing it on Twitter and elsewhere. Even a basic cheerleader like you should understand that.
If I pay someone to advertise for me, I wouldn't want them to waste their time (and my money) in a forum with 20 active members.

gordon ramsay shrimp GIF by Fox TV
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Active member
25 Jun 2022
If I pay someone to advertise for me, I wouldn't want them to waste their time (and my money) in a forum with 20 active members.

They would have more than 20 active members if they hadn't banned everybody... I don't know, GAF used to be the major video game forum, it still has some kind of relevancy I guess. If the contract says you must advertise everywhere, I don't see why the guy couldn't do it both on Youtube and on GAF too if he wants. Especially if he's a former member there.

I don't know the details, I'm not in the MS Ambassador Program. Send me your contract, I'll read the fine prints.
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