God of War Ragnarok with Neutral reviews on Steam because the game can't run on PCs with less than 6 GB of VRAM (Update: Also because of forced PSN)


15 Sep 2024
Exceptions don’t make the rules.

Secondly those aren’t even Sony games.

They are Multiplatform and the series started on PC and ported over to console with success.

That’s the key. They were successes on console too.

Same can’t be said about Sony games on PC.

They sell peanuts and yet considering the port begging you would think there’s a huge demand.
StarCraft II is PC only. I doubt more than a couple hundred people even bought Half-Life² on anything other than PC.

These aren't exceptions either.

The rules here are simple:

1. there was no launch delay for PC
2. they're great games

If you delay the PC version by 2-4 years, the hype around your game fades. I've already explained this.


Well-known member
2 Feb 2024
If there would be no demand, there wouldn't be no job to do it.

You said, you will address it, instead, we got this diarrhea.
There is demand in countries that can't buy the game and countries that unfortunately don't have copyright law.


15 Sep 2024
I think they want PS games on PC to play them free.
That is the real PCMR mentality.
Yeah, dawg, a ⅓ of the total copies of Elden Ring were sold "for free" to PC players. FromSoft just gave us all "free" Steam keys for their game on launch.

Aha. That totally happened.
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22 Jun 2022
StarCraft II is PC only. I doubt more than a couple hundred people even bought Half-Life² on anything other than PC.

These aren't exceptions either.

The rules here are simple:

1. there was no launch delay for PC
2. they're great games

If you delay the PC version by 2-4 years, the hype around your game fades. I've already explained this.


If you have never played these games and they have never released on PC why is this used as an argument?

They should be more hype for the release because it is finally coming to PC.

Release Half Life Alyx on Playstation now and it will sell millions even after being released on PC years ago.

The hype for the game would be huge.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Well-known member
2 Feb 2024
Meanwhile on PS it sold 11 Million in 3 Months.

PC-Ports are just a waste of time.
You all really don't understand hype, apparently, you expect numbers from console to be the same on PC when:

1. PC isn't starved for exclusive games like console is so they aren't conditioned to buy each and every exclusive that comes out like you are on console. (Example, why have a PS5 if you don't buy their exclusives)

2. God of War: Ragnarok had zero marketing for PC aside from a singular showing years ago and a PS blog post, no trailers, no high profile tweets, no banners on Steam, no youtube ads, etc.

3. Not really a huge point, but PC ports are not as expensive as you like to pretend they are, for example, if GoW:R sells 300k at $60.00 USD and they have a 70/30 split with Steam or the privileged 80/20 split, they will be making $12.6 million to $14.4 million USD to then split up among the devs and other costs.


Well-known member
2 Feb 2024

If you have never played these games and they have never released on PC why is this used as an argument?

They should be more hype for the release because it is finally coming to PC.

Release Half Life Alyx on Playstation now and it will sell millions even after being released on PC years ago.

The hype for the game would be huge.
Wdym if they have never released on PC, he said they were released without delay, which doesn't kill hype for only one platform.
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Well-known member
2 Feb 2024
Also as a side note, can the title of this thread be changed? It isn't that it couldn't be run, it can, there was just an error that prevented the game from launching. Proof that it can indeed be run is that there are mods already to bypass the error message and boot the game directly.


15 Sep 2024

If you have never played these games and they have never released on PC why is this used as an argument?

They should be more hype for the release because it is finally coming to PC.

Release Half Life Alyx on Playstation now and it will sell millions even after being released on PC years ago.

The hype for the game would be huge.


Diablo 3 launched on PC first: PS 1 year delay. Xbox 2 year delay. The Switch version came 6 years later.
  • 60% of sales went to PC
  • 20% PS
  • 15% Xbox
  • 5% Switch

Witcher 2: Xbox 1 year delay.
  • 70-80% PC

Hades: Consoles 1 year delay (3 if you factor in early access).
  • 60% PC.
  • 40% PS + Xbox.

Half-Life²: Consoles 1-2 years delay
  • 80-90% PC

Disco Elysium: Consoles 2 year delay
  • 60-70% PC

Baldur's Gate 3: Consoles 1-4 months delay (3 years if we're looking at early access)
  • 80-90% PC

Delaying games kills hype. This was as true for Halo 1 in 2003 and Gears of War 1 in 2006 as it is for God of War today.

As for Half-Life Alyx, I completely understand your hype for it but, realistically, only a handful of PS players even have VR gear.


15 Sep 2024
Also as a side note, can the title of this thread be changed? It isn't that it couldn't be run, it can, there was just an error that prevented the game from launching. Proof that it can indeed be run is that there are mods already to bypass the error message and boot the game directly.
But if they can't put people down for being poor, how would they feel better about themselves?
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Well-known member
2 Feb 2024
Helldivers 2 is a live-service game, that you can't pirate.
Your point? PS games are not exclusive to pirates mate, every single developer faces piracy in some form, even indie devs. Helldivers 2 would not have been the massive success it was on PC if it was a staggered release.

Even EA faces piracy for their Sims 4 DLC, that game has hundreds of DLC and the overall cost to own them all is more than a PS5 Pro WITH the stand and the disc drive. That cost is still growing as they keep releasing more and more DLC.
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Well-known member
2 Feb 2024
You mean a messy launch on all platforms with people crying afterwards because of PSN requirements, review bombing and pussy-devs giving in?
I'm referring to the massive success the game has had, you'd be quite frankly disingenuous to say that the game's success would have been the same if it had been a staggered release.

What about "pussy-devs?" They disabled the mandatory link because of an issue internally, not because people asked for it. Arrowhead is responsible for the best game Sony released this year and you called them "pussy-devs" for letting people play the game despite there being an internal issue? Crazy work.

Review bombing happens to literally anything, you all on here count genuine criticism as review bombing as well, you equate refunded negative reviews to reasoning that the score is mixed or whatever when they don't even count to the average if its been refunded.

Sony definitely deserves some backlash for the fiasco they did with Helldivers 2, they intentionally sold the game to countries that couldn't make accounts, then they restricted the game from those said countries. You blame for PC for the bad Sony PR when its their own doing, PC just highlighted it.


22 Jun 2022
Wdym if they have never released on PC, he said they were released without delay, which doesn't kill hype for only one platform.

Well if they have never released on PC then it means they have never played these games.

Why does a delay kill the hype?

Like I said, release Half Life Alyx on Playstation now after years of PC release and it would sell bucket loads.

Irrespective of the delay cause Playstation gamers have never played it.
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  • they're_right_you_know
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15 Sep 2024
If PC-Gamers are hyped for PS Games, they can buy a PS and play them there.
Most of us are not hyped for 2-4-year-old games being sold to us at launch-day prices.

And no amount of exclusives will make someone give up their preferred platform. This is as true for PC gamers as it is for console gamers.

But unlike some of their fans, at least Sony is finally wising up.

So it really is only a matter of time before we see day-and-date launches on Steam.