Helldivers 2 Review and |OT| "Fight for freedom, fight for Democracy"


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
There are guns behind the premium warbond as well. Don't be tripping - all games got a few guns that are best in slot. Ain't nobody can tell know unless you pony up top dolla. The game is not F2P btw but a $40 buck game.

And once you grind for the premium warbond to access the premium sets, you have to grind overtime again to get to those guns. We're looking at a 60-70 hrs to get the warbond and then another massive grind to get the sets and the guns, because the guns are gatewalled behind x amount of spend of war medals.

Oooo. I’m not a fan of the paywalled guns. Not in the vanilla game. Destiny paywalls guns through content drops. Depending on how future content is delivered here it could be controversial. I wouldn’t want to engage in buying loot with premium dollars needed currencies etc.

Are premium warbonds accessible with in-game currency or only thru real world money?

Battle pass is kinda different but not really. if they have something like that maybe but I don’t really plan to engage with monetization unless unless it’s for future content.
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Deleted member 223

The currency can be earned through gameplay but you're looking at a massive grind just for access. Then an equal measure grind to get all the guns.

Do prioritize spending your medals on supercredits so you get to 1000 faster, and do not spend supercredits on armor sets or helms on the supercredit store. I'm already 150 behind.
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
I’m sure someone has calculated the hours needed to buy with in-game grind estimates.

I’m okay/not okay depending how ridiculous the grind is. It can also be remedied so I’d like to be optimistic.
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Deleted member 223

My teams are running on average 20 mins per match. The grind is gonna be massive cause medals gate supercredit earning in group sets.


21 Jun 2022
I’m sure someone has calculated the hours needed to buy with in-game grind estimates.

I’m okay/not okay depending how ridiculous the grind is. It can also be remedied so I’d like to be optimistic.
You can't buy or early unlock the items included inside the free or paid Warbonds (battle passes) to be unlocked, they are only unlocked by playing with medals (rewards by completing missions, you get extra ones when playing in harder difficulty or completing secondary objectives).

You can't buy or early unlock the new Strategems (summonable special attacks or items with cooldown), they are only unlocked by playing using a currancy you get as score for completing missions or secondary misson objectives Major Orders (Major Orders = secondary objectives completed across multiple missions, stuff like 'complete X missions of Y type'). The other mission reward you get is XP, which is used to unlock them).

You can't buy or early unlock the new Ship Modules (passive upgrades like reducing cooldown for some Stratagem types, reducing reload times, improving deployment times...), they are only unlocked by playing. You get them using as currency probes with samples you find in Points of Interest (POIs) exploring during missions, you unlock them with XP.

You can only pay with real money to get/early unlock the paid Warbond (smaller than the free one) and to get customizables in a rotating store that has limited items. These are paid with Super Credits, that can be earned as free and Warbond unlocks or found as collectables in Points of Interests (POIs) loot.

The paid Warbond costs 1000 Super Credits, you can get 800SC from the free Warbond and 300SC from the paid one, plus earning around 10-40 per hour by playing. Assuming you play 10 hours per week, you'd get 400-1600SC per month depending on your playstyle.

Oooo. I’m not a fan of the paywalled guns.
There aren't paywalled guns. All weapon types are unlocked in the free warbond or the Stratagems by playing.

You can pay to get the premium Warbond (which you can get for free by playing, see above) but you'll have to unlock its items by playing. To get the premium Warbond or guns from the store you use Super Credits, that can be bought with real money but also unlocking them in the free and paid Warbonds plus as exploring for loot in points of interest. Nothing in the game is behind a paywall, everything can be unlocked.

In addition to this, weapons from the rotating store and premium Warbonds are basically skins of the ones you unock in the free wardbond: same weapon types, only with different appearance and minor stats changes.

Are premium warbonds accessible with in-game currency or only thru real world money?
Yes, see what I posted above.
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Is this the only way loot is acquired? Nothing for activity completions etc?

I’m not really for it but also not against it. Different games approach things differently. Plus i haven’t played enough to know the pains of the grind yet.

On the plus side this wouldnt make loot acquisition a skill issue… which people would also cry about.

Deleted member 223

Medals are dependent on that. The more medals you earn, the faster you'll grind the supercredits. Make no mistake, there is no escaping or short-cutting the grind. The only thing you can do is avoid fucking up by not spending supercredits on the supercredit store.


21 Jun 2022
Is this the only way loot is acquired? Nothing for activity completions etc?
See my previous post. On top of what I mention above, there's a shared progress between all players and seems they'll reward players more as the global progress reaches certain milestones, but they didn't provide details about it.

I hope or assume they'll give players extra medals and super credits proportionally to what each played added to the shared goal.

On the plus side this wouldnt make loot acquisition a skill issue… which people would also cry about.
There's no skill issue with loot: you find Super Credits and science samples just by exploring the map, no need to kill bugs to get them.

The amount of medals you get for completing missions and secondary objectives depends on difficulty. So low skilled players can also get them by playing easy or very easy missions, but they'll take longer.
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Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
How do we feel about the FOV? I brought it in closer and I think set to 45 (lowest available) as I’m not really the biggest fan of things pulled back too far. No idea if that affected my ADS fov tho.

I need it zoomed out, need to be able to see whats coming.

I think this game needs those god of war alert signals to let you know something is behind you, with a quick turn function.
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
I’m not crazy about it to be honest. I like and I’ll keep playing here and there. But a stage or two and I’m good for the session. Then again… I’m exhausted 😂
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21 Jun 2022
Are premium warbonds accessible with in-game currency or only thru real world money?
You can buy the premium warbond with Super Credits you find by exploring and you can also unlock 100 credits for 3 medals on every page of the free pass. They are very generous. I already have over 400 SC and I barely played.

FYI if you see a red and white door while exploring you can throw a grenade to open it and they give you medals and credits. These doors are not even rare. I saw many but I didn't know you could blow up the door 😅

Make no mistake, there is no escaping or short-cutting the grind.
I don't get "the grind" complaint, isn't that just playing the game? It's like skill points to unlock the skill tree or buying weapons in any game 🤔