Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition launches on PS5 October 6, and comes to PC early 2024


8 May 2023
Great people learn from others mistakes = Nintendo

Not sure about that.

Nintendo is the one that made the biggest mistakes. They created Playstation and gave the 5th and 6th generations to Sony on a silver platter with the N64 and GameCube flops.

Then the Wii u flop forced them to kill their home consoles to rely on a portable with HDMI out. We're not for the motion control fad, we would be talking about flops for 4 consecutive home console generations.

Portables kept them afloat.


Active member
31 May 2023
Don't worry, Sony will learn the hard way once the Switch 2 comes out next year 😂😈 When they see the Switch 2 selling gangbusters, getting all the 3rd party exclusives, and having their 1st party games sell like hotcakes at full price. While Sony watches their PC ports sell terribly, all of their live service games flop, and will find themselves not getting the 3rd party Japanese exclusive games that they used to be. They'll become depressed and confused, that's their punishment for going against their own hardware and the undefeated traditional model. They should've saw what it did to Xbox.

Dumb people never learn from their mistakes = Xbox
Good people learn from their mistakes = Sony
Great people learn from others mistakes = Nintendo
Indeed, we need Nintendo to kick Sony in the ass. I actually hope that will happen as a PS fan.

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
120M PS4
55 M XBOX one
15M Wii U
60M switch (2016 2020)

Numbers aren't 100 percent correct but thats an install base of 250M consoles give or take. A decrease from 7th gen where you had:

85M PS3 + 85M 360 + 115 M WII: 285M

And both Nintendo and Sony had handhelds on that generation. They don't have them right now. So yeah, in terms of units, the console market has shrinked in an era where gaming grew as a whole.
No wonder MS and Sony started to rely more on PC. But I think that they could find ways to increase their market instead of just milking the existing users.


PlayStation increased, Xbox and Nintendo decreased. How is it the game industries fault both MS and Nintendo released uninspired hardware?

You also are ignoring this generation right now where PS5 is breaking sales records and the Switch has sold over 130M.

Console market couldn’t be anymore stronger.

I know you just want more PlayStation games. Just go buy a PS5.


Active member
31 May 2023
120M PS4
55 M XBOX one
15M Wii U
60M switch (2016 2020)

Numbers aren't 100 percent correct but thats an install base of 250M consoles give or take. A decrease from 7th gen where you had:

85M PS3 + 85M 360 + 115 M WII: 285M

And both Nintendo and Sony had handhelds on that generation. They don't have them right now. So yeah, in terms of units, the console market has shrinked in an era where gaming grew as a whole.
No wonder MS and Sony started to rely more on PC. But I think that they could find ways to increase their market instead of just milking the existing users.
And guess what, now Xbox consoles are worthless. Using Microsoft as an example is hilarious because Xbox is retarded and a laughing stock.
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8 May 2023
Not sure about that.

Nintendo is the one that made the biggest mistakes. They created Playstation and gave the 5th and 6th generations to Sony on a silver platter with the N64 and GameCube flops.

Then the Wii u flop forced them to kill their home consoles to rely on a portable with HDMI out. We're not for the motion control fad, we would be talking about flops for 4 consecutive home console generations.

Portables kept them afloat.
That was the past, current Nintendo is a different beast
Indeed, we need Nintendo to kick Sony in the ass. I actually hope that will happen as a PS fan.
It's the only way these idiots at Sony will learn

Deleted member 223

That was the past, current Nintendo is a different beast

It's the only way these idiots at Sony will learn
I don't think "they" will learn. The current leadership caste needs to be fully replaced. Not that Jimbo/Herman combo have many more years in the rotating chair (3, or 4 max). Sony's CEO on the other hand, way too suspect. I'll def get him out for someone that understands fully how the golden goose works, cause clearly the man does not understand the intricacies of the market, and its competitive environment. All those grand company plans are fine until the goose doesn't produce as many eggs as it used to, eggs to which you were counting on to be produced to feed every other leech in the company.

You don't ask for growth on PC, and settle for straight porting and call that a bright growth idea, or acceptable. Yet Sony's CEO was, is apparently receptive of that barebones PC strategy. That should tell you a lot about the knowledge the man has of the premium games market in general - hint: very little.

Sony's PC strategy is not a sophisticated strategy, it has its negatives, very strong ones at that, its overly simplistic, short term oriented, and with no long term strategic impact. Even a 2 year old could come up with that. BTW, this is not an original idea either, just following MS footsteps (Sony's "fast follower" moniker) but MS motivations are many for going to PC, many of which are strategic in nature. It's foolish to think MS, PC's biggest stakeholder operates under the same incentive structure as Sony as the leader of the high-end console market. MS will sacrifice Xbox if need be for their long term strategic aims - they don't believe in console hardware as a matter of fact. Sony can not sacrifice PlayStation hardware - the platform rests on it.

This caretaker leadership, from the very top starting with Sony's CEO, down to the subsidiary level (Jim/Herman) are playing the long game stupidly.
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8 May 2023
I wouldn't be that confident in Nintendo not dropping the ball with the Switch 2. What everyone wants

- backwards compatibility
- more power
- enhancements to old games for free (optional)

It's going to be the first time after s while where Nintendo has to just provide more of the same instead of reinventing the wheel. That's not how Nintendo behaves at all. They might ruin it with some gimmick like VR/AR/Motion controls.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
They don't have anyone in their marketing community who can message positively to enthusiasts the way Xbox does (tho Xbox relies on heavy astroturfing to do it), and they don't have the innate nostalgia and independent space in the industry to be let to "do their own thing" with scores of fans to message for them in enthusiasts spaces the way Nintendo does.

So they have neither of those advantages, and this is the mess of disconnect that results. I don't feel sorry for Sony here, either; they've had more than enough time to realize this and at least get the messaging better set so people don't start thinking they're just Early Access paypigs by getting their games on their own console.
Pretty much. They have ZERO media presence.


Active member
31 May 2023
I wouldn't be that confident in Nintendo not dropping the ball with the Switch 2. What everyone wants

- backwards compatibility
- more power
- enhancements to old games for free (optional)

It's going to be the first time after s while where Nintendo has to just provide more of the same instead of reinventing the wheel. That's not how Nintendo behaves at all. They might ruin it with some gimmick like VR/AR/Motion controls.
Nintendo now is a different Nintendo back in the day. What is so hard for some people to understand. Zelda franchise has never been this big, same with other Nintendo franchises. This means that as long as there is a nice performance uplift, the console will sell like hot cakes. Brand loyalty has never been stronger, people who use past examples need to take into account how many fans Nintendo was able to gather because of the Switch.


Icon Extra
28 May 2023
I wouldn't be that confident in Nintendo not dropping the ball with the Switch 2. What everyone wants

- backwards compatibility
- more power
- enhancements to old games for free (optional)

It's going to be the first time after s while where Nintendo has to just provide more of the same instead of reinventing the wheel. That's not how Nintendo behaves at all. They might ruin it with some gimmick like VR/AR/Motion controls.
That’s what the Wii U was, more of the same, and they completely overplayed their hand.

The gimmick for Switch 2 could be anything though, you’re right. You never know with Nintendo.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Corporations make mistakes all the time. But still, we should be more nuanced about this. All the talks about future damages are pure speculations and they may or may not happen. PS5 is selling like hotcakes so I’m not that worried. What I’m more worried is the slippery slope that Jim Ryan might want to commit, the gap between the console and pc releases for now is 2 years, but it can be cut continuously and one day, we may see day and date release (this one is definitely damning though, Whoever thinks it’s not is just PC fans).
Did you not get the memo.??? Console owners are moving to PC... it is the end.


Active member
31 May 2023
I don't think "they" will learn. The current leadership caste needs to be fully replaced. Not that Jimbo/Herman combo have many more years in the rotating chair (3, or 4 max). Sony's CEO on the other hand, way too suspect. I'll def get him out for someone that understands fully how the golden goose works, cause clearly the man does not understand the intricacies of the market, and its competitive environment. All those grand company plans are fine until the goose doesn't produce as many eggs as it used to, eggs to which you were counting on to be produced to feed every other leech in the company.

You don't ask for growth on PC, and settle for straight porting and call that a bright growth idea, or acceptable. Yet Sony's CEO was, is apparently receptive of that barebones PC strategy. That should tell you a lot about the knowledge the man has of the premium games market in general - hint: very little.

Sony's PC strategy is not a sophisticated strategy, it has its negatives, very strong ones at that, its overly simplistic, short term oriented, and with no long term strategic impact. Even a 2 year old could come up with that - which tells you all you need to know. BTW, this is not an original idea either, just following MS footsteps ("fast follower" moniker) - but MS motivations are many for going to PC are many, strategic in nature. It's a foolish to think PC's biggest stakeholder operated under the same incentive structure as Sony as the leader of the high-end console market. MS will sacrifice Xbox if need be for their long strategic aims - they don't believe in console hardware as a matter of fact. Sony can not sacrifice PlayStation.

This caretaker leadership, from the very top, like Sony's CEO, down to the subsidiary level (Jim/Herman) are playing the long game stupidly.
Man you really just pointed out something I never thought about but makes a lot of sense. The biggest problem with this PC strategy is that it is half-baked. Sony commits to Playstation console, but they also want to grow their PC presence, but it is impossible to have a strong PC presence if they do not put more effort into it, which means porting 2-3 years old games will not cut it. Moreover, this PC push dilutes the main focus of the company, every expense is an expense, you may say those pc ports might not cause that much but they still require manpower and money, these resources could have been spent on growing their own studios instead. Strengthening Playstation’s portfolio should be done by developing games with various genres to cover every target segment.


26 Jun 2022
Continuing to be dumbasses at make PS5 less valuable.
Nah, theaters are still valuable, even after movie rentals and streaming services have existed.... and the theater experience in and of itself has degraded constantly over the years.

I can see some benefits just like that on the top of my head:
- The IPs get more visibility and some people may end up buying a console because they don't want to wait for another two years when a new game comes out in a series they like
- Ports of already made games are much cheaper than new games

So yes, there is a case to be made for PC ports, assuming they don't cannibalize console sales, which does not seem to be the case at all at the moment.

Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023

PlayStation increased, Xbox and Nintendo decreased. How is it the game industries fault both MS and Nintendo released uninspired hardware?

You also are ignoring this generation right now where PS5 is breaking sales records and the Switch has sold over 130M.

Console market couldn’t be anymore stronger.

I know you just want more PlayStation games. Just go buy a PS5.
Sounds like Xbox ceded market share to PC, which clearly solidifies it as a competitor, while Sony expanded their foothold. The PC and Console markets aren't actually that different except for the fact that PC is drastically less profitable and more segmented (and full of shitlords)


2 May 2023
Sounds like Xbox ceded market share to PC, which clearly solidifies it as a competitor, while Sony expanded their foothold. The PC and Console markets aren't actually that different except for the fact that PC is drastically less profitable and more segmented (and full of shitlords)
The head of Playstation already said they need PC given the economics of AAA game development. Do you want AAA Playstation games or not?
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