Jason Schreier/Bloomberg: PlayStation boss Jim Ryan is stepping down


2 May 2023


Active member
31 May 2023


8 May 2023
I'm sure this forum will be quite happy. PlayStation could play this very smartly depending on who they replace him with. They could blame all the bad PR lately on him.

Also, I'm sure the Xbox fanboys will argue that him leaving is a sign that PlayStation is dying, lol.
Some are trying to say that Starfield was such a success he pissed his pants and turned in his resignation 😂🤣😂


26 Feb 2023
It can't get much worse than Jim and the new CEO is Japanese, so hopefully he will look at what Nintendo is doing and emulate that instead of Sony trying to copy Xbox

Jim was the best CEO PS ever had.

-Due to the global pandemic and global crisis, he successfully launched the PS5, which would later capture the fastest sales pace in the history of gaming consoles.
-He opened the otherwise traditionally conservative actor of the gaming industry towards PC and mobile phones.
-He made nine major acquisitions, the largest of which was the purchase of Bungie for close to $2 billion, which will remain the largest acquisition inP layStation history for some time to come.
-He led the launch of the PlayStation VR 2, a relatively successful piece of hardware so far
-It expanded PlayStation Plus
-He successfully extended the brand to the wider entertainment industry. The Last of Us is one of the most successful series of all time, the Uncharted movie made hundreds of millions in revenue, and today there is almost no major IP that is not in some stage of film/TV production

The most important

- Ryan is definitely not one of us, he's not a gamer and he didn't try to show it inauthentically. First of all, to the businessman, a CEO. And CEOs AREN'T your friends.


14 Feb 2023
Let's see:

Unknow if sales targets will be met this year

PC ports devaluing the brand and selling like shit

Gran Turismo movie will not even break even

First party pipeline drier than the Sahara desert

Very good legacy he leaves. As usual with CEOs, fuck as much as you can for short term gains, then bail or be shown the door. I still don't buy the retirement news, this has "either you retire and we give you a proper send off, or we fire your ass" vibe.

Him being put under a chairman in SIE speaks volumes.
Not to mention countless studio closures and TLOU factions being cancelled/reworked. If the previous CEO didn't luck out buying insomniac then Jim likely wouldn't have had any substantial PS5 games during his reign.


26 Feb 2023
>ps+ subs stalled

And? Almost 50 million subs.

>not his fault but lost abk

Since when ABK was under a PS? After 10 years when deals expired maybe other companies will loose ABK games.

>pc ports flopping

Why someone would buy it on PC few years later after original PS release?

>1st party pipeline outside of insomniac, ND internally rebooting factions at least twice

Other 1st party studios are working on other games plus plenty 3rd party exclusives

>closing japan studio

That's unfortunate, yes

>psvr2 semi-flop

You don't know that. For info we have, it had better launch than PSVR and huge tech upgrade to. PSVR2 is cheap for what it is

>square enix running to xbox

SE is not under PS. PS doesn't own SEs IPs. SE is a 3rd party company

>kojima running to xbox

Same about SE can be applied here. Kojima wants independence. You can blame him for that.

>embarassing PR blunders thanks to jim e.g. $10 upgrade fee fiasco

Yep. But after all, he doesn't bark like Spencer and that's good.

There's plenty for him to be nitpicked over.

You made up some stuff for no reason.
Last edited:


26 Feb 2023
Let's see:

Unknow if sales targets will be met this year

Huh? Let's go back to launch and how it went, chip shortages and so on. And it is selling on par with PS4. Let's see what will happen with Spiderman 2

PC ports devaluing the brand and selling like shit

PC is extra money. Whining about games which are ported 2 years later are damn laughable. LOL

Gran Turismo movie will not even break even

Are you sure. Looks like it already has break even. Later can be only profit.

First party pipeline drier than the Sahara desert

Decent amount of games are in production. Game development hell affected entire industry.

Very good legacy he leaves. As usual with CEOs, fuck as much as you can for short term gains, then bail or be shown the door. I still don't buy the retirement news, this has "either you retire and we give you a proper send off, or we fire your ass" vibe.

He is 64. I would retire.

Him being put under a chairman in SIE speaks volumes.

Maybe he just want to rest.

Not to mention countless studio closures and TLOU factions being cancelled/reworked. If the previous CEO didn't luck out buying insomniac then Jim likely wouldn't have had any substantial PS5 games during his reign.

Let's go back in era before Jim and check which studios closed too.
  • brain
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Huh? Let's go back to launch and how it went, chip shortages and so on. And it is selling on par with PS4. Let's see what will happen with Spiderman 2

Sales targets were missed last quarter. This includes consoles and their PC strategy. These are undeniable facts.

PC is extra money. Whining about games which are ported 2 years later are damn laughable. LOL

Nice strawman. Read what I said again.

Are you sure. Looks like it already has break even. Later can be only profit.

Movies need to make at the very least 2.5x (usually more) their cost to break even. For GT7, this is 150M.

Decent amount of games are in production. Game development hell affected entire industry.

Sure it has nothing to do with Jim having most of their studios working on live service games. Of course not. The covid excuse can only take you so far.

He is 64. I would retire.


Maybe he just want to rest.

Doesn't address what I said.


26 Feb 2023
Sales targets were missed last quarter. This includes consoles and their PC strategy. These are undeniable facts.

Yeah, by how much? Mind you that, if wasn't pandemic and chip shortages year ago, PS5 would be ahead of PS4


26 Feb 2023
Nice strawman. Read what I said again.

It is not a strawman, PC is extra monety, outside GAAS games you won't see day and date 1st party games on PC. I don't see a problem with that

Movies need to make at the very least 2.5x (usually more) their cost to break even. For GT7, this is 150M.

And GT7 is near that.

Sure it has nothing to do with Jim having most of their studios working on live service games. Of course not. The covid excuse can only take you so far.

LOL. Pandemic affected entire industry. Mind you that under pandemic he released most of its games and studios are already working on other games announced and unannounced. Wonder which games are working right now especially Bluepoint and Housemarque. Most of acquired studis are working on GAAS games.


It is relevant. 64 is already old in EU for CEO.

Doesn't address what I said.

What i should address? Man wants to rest.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Team Asobi is Japan Studio
Team Asobi isn't Team Gravity and Team Ico or the other.

Lets stop pretending Japan Studios was only one team, that has only made one full game lol.
Many people who made games for Japan Studios are not there anymore.


16 Jun 2023
Bite my.... Lol whose a gamer? Phil? If you believe he is one you have to be the most oblivious, out of touch nerd in the world 😂😂😂 don't be a 🤡 just bcus he wears a gamer shirt once in awhile and uses talking points doesnt mean he's a gamer.
He does play games moron. Check his gamertag. But that doesn’t mean he knows what he’s doing.


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
Team Asobi isn't Team Gravity and Team Ico or the other.

Lets stop pretending Japan Studios was only one team, that has only made one full game lol.
Many people who made games for Japan Studios are not there anymore.

Team ICO makes one game a decade, none of which have been successful. ICO and SOTC were masterpieces but barely sold anything. Gravity Rush is really not that good of a game anyways.

The only series i miss is Ape Escape, they botched the series with a million japan only spin offs.
  • brain
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Admin | Mod
21 Jun 2022
I see the little digs and insults please be polite.
Have to admit its funny people have wanted this for ages (not everyone some are happy with the gains he has made)
But instead of having a cordial discussion people have chose to insult each other, Again please be polite and keep on topic.

Awkward Rose Mciver GIF by CBS
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Jim Ryan

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Yeah, by how much? Mind you that, if wasn't pandemic and chip shortages year ago, PS5 would be ahead of PS4

If my grandmother had wheels, she'd have been a bike.

Fact - Sales targets were missed last quarter. The only person responsible for that is Jim Ryan.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
It is not a strawman, PC is extra monety, outside GAAS games you won't see day and date 1st party games on PC. I don't see a problem with that

But I didn't talk about money, so it is absolutely a strawman.

And GT7 is near that.

GT7 has 110M, and it's ending its run. No chance it will reach 150M. It's already on digital platforms

LOL. Pandemic affected entire industry. Mind you that under pandemic he released most of its games and studios are already working on other games announced and unannounced. Wonder which games are working right now especially Bluepoint and Housemarque. Most of acquired studis are working on GAAS games.

Of course it affected the entire industry. It still doesn't address what I said. Go read again.

It is relevant. 64 is already old in EU for CEO.

Please show data on that.

What i should address? Man wants to rest.

Good to know you have a direct line with him.