til dis day...those games should have just been Resident Evil: Subtitle.
4,5 and 6 should have only been left to the concepts of the classic games as its not like Capcom has never done that before. They did that with Mega Man X and Legends and that other RPG shit they were doing lol (I forgot the name)
So they should have just called it Resident Evil extreme or some shit, cause the expectation of having all those RE elements is what I feel caused a lot of people to dislike 5 and 6 to such a degree where if it was known from the jump this would be something else, but still in the RE world, I think many would be more open to accepting it as it is.
So I love RE4, but to get my RE fix, its simply not a game I play as its concept is just too far removed. For me to get that RE feeling, I want backtracking, puzzles, locked doors, limited ammo, saves, finding weapons vs buying them etc. All of that is something I still love with RE and playing it with friends is even more fun as we are always yelling over each other in terms of suggesting what to do next like "save if you think you might get bit" lol We love doing that with the majority of the series...up until 4.
So I love RE7 and 8's return to form, but I can't help but to feel that RE4,5 and 6 should have never been mainline RE titles and the direction it took was just too much away from the base concept for it to be main RE title. It just lacks too much of those elements. RE Outbreak just being online didn't have it titled, yet that fucking game has more concepts of the core RE titles then 4,5 and 6. If they understood it being online was enough not to make it a main one, they should have got that with shooting crazy cult foreigners, buying weapons and punching boulders in volcanoes lol Those are the cocaine days of RE lol