PC Port of Spiderman 2 being developed by community and it's far along. The damage of leaks! Build complete.


18 Nov 2023
Pretty likely it's a development build of the PS5 version adapted to be played in PC for testing and debugging purposes.

I assume that like the leaked Wolverine vertical slice build it will connect to multiple Insomniac URLs both for metrics, internal statistics, debugging, security and other stuff. Meaning, very likely whoever plays this will get detected by Insomniac and sued by Sony.

As I remember Sony's prediction continues being 25M for the current fiscal year.
It's the full game playable from start to finish. It just needs all the textures which is coming along.
The leaked Wolverine slice doesn't connect to Insomniac internal servers at all lol. Many people dowloaded and played it. You just need a VPN so your internet service provider doesn't send you a warning.
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On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
What kind of Playstation fan takes the word of washed up youtuber David Jaffe over actual Playstation studios?

People can not like him and hate him for whatever stupid reason.

The fact is he used to be a AAA game developer and still has contact with the industry.


21 Jun 2022
No really, instead of taking 30 million to port Rift Apart on pc to make like 50 to 70 million in revenue they can take 60 to 80 million to fully remake or even remaster certain titles like a inFAMOUS 1 & 2 & sell it for 70$ easily make over 200 million in revenue (double if not nearly trippling the revenue these pc ports bring with no negative effects) easily selling 5 million copies while also doubling down on the core console.
According to the leaked documents:

The Rift Apart port did cost $2.5M, not 30. The whole original Rift Apart game had a budget $81M according to other document.

Regarding the costs of a remaster, Spider-Man Remastered did cost 39M. Its PC port did cost 2.3M. The port of Miles Morales did cost $1.5 million.

The PC ports are highly profitable.
24 Jun 2022
What makes you say this? I think it all depends on the next CEOs vision, but I sadly doubt PC ports will stop.

If data already shows that putting 1P games into PS+ too soon after launch hurts the B2P tailend of those games on PS consoles (and that's a PS+ service specific to the consoles, at that), then there's likely to be similar evidence that would show putting current-gen releases on PC too soon after releasing them on PS5, hurts the B2P tailend of those games on PS consoles as well.

I.e PC unit sales of those ports would be coming at some expense of PS5 unit sales of those game games, and any PC unit sale is less revenue per copy for Sony than a PS5 equivalent because of the means in which Sony sells their games on PC (being on a 3P storefront, for starters, where they pay a 30% cut to companies like Valve). That's combined with things like the amount of Steam/PC users with rigs equivalent to a PS5 are much smaller than actual PS5 console owner install base...

...which in theory MIGHT mean the PC ports of such titles don't cut as much into console but that assumes those PC users simply aren't waiting to upgrade their rig and then buy the game at a super-cheap price. Meanwhile they either have a PS5 but rarely use it, or don't have one and would not be planning to get one because the port gives one less reason to consider buying a system. Either way it'd equate to a net loss for Sony one way or the other, if not in total revenue than in maximal profit margins for sure, when taking the entire ecosystem into account.

Reason I'd say that, is because while on revenue front you still are getting a lot of new PS5 buyers, from this point onward a lot of them will be casual and mainstream gamers who won't be spending as much post-console purchase as a hardcore or core enthusiast would. So without the PC ports of games like HFW or GOW Ragnarok or such (at least, within the generation those games release in), you'd still get those casual & mainstream buyers and also through having those games as exclusives in a purer sense, create value proposition for some or many of those would-be PC customers to either buy it on their PS5s, or buy a PS5 for those and other games.

Thus, better saturation of maximal ecosystem revenue. Again, similar to the subscriptions WRT B2P sales, the PC ports have to be siphoning some of their growth from somewhere else in the ecosystem in some portion. And I don't think the results of late have shown that siphoning to be worth the effort. Hence why it'd probably be best to revert on the PC policy and limit it to some GaaS/live-service titles and remasters (singles or collections) of legacy titles preferably to draw interest towards the console for the newer installment or similar release(s) that would be exclusive.

And that sort of advertising model, FWIW, is basically what it seemed Shawn Layden wanted to do anyway. Or if not, that should have been the approach and remained that way.
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2 May 2023
People can not like him and hate him for whatever stupid reason.

The fact is he used to be a AAA game developer and still has contact with the industry.
He's just nothing compared to 5 current Playstation teams saying they're excited to have PC players playing their games. Also he's a serial shit-stirrer. Taking his word (unquoted by the way) over 5 horses mouths is just closing your eyes and sticking fingers in your ears because you don't like the truth.
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8 May 2023
If data already shows that putting 1P games into PS+ too soon after launch hurts the B2P tailend of those games on PS consoles (and that's a PS+ service specific to the consoles, at that), then there's likely to be similar evidence that would show putting current-gen releases on PC too soon after releasing them on PS5, hurts the B2P tailend of those games on PS consoles as well.

I.e PC unit sales of those ports would be coming at some expense of PS5 unit sales of those game games, and any PC unit sale is less revenue per copy for Sony than a PS5 equivalent because of the means in which Sony sells their games on PC (being on a 3P storefront, for starters, where they pay a 30% cut to companies like Valve). That's combined with things like the amount of Steam/PC users with rigs equivalent to a PS5 are much smaller than actual PS5 console owner install base...

...which in theory MIGHT mean the PC ports of such titles don't cut as much into console but that assumes those PC users simply aren't waiting to upgrade their rig and then buy the game at a super-cheap price. Meanwhile they either have a PS5 but rarely use it, or don't have one and would not be planning to get one because the port gives one less reason to consider buying a system. Either way it'd equate to a net loss for Sony one way or the other, if not in total revenue than in maximal profit margins for sure, when taking the entire ecosystem into account.

Reason I'd say that, is because while on revenue front you still are getting a lot of new PS5 buyers, from this point onward a lot of them will be casual and mainstream gamers who won't be spending as much post-console purchase as a hardcore or core enthusiast would. So without the PC ports of games like HFW or GOW Ragnarok or such (at least, within the generation those games release in), you'd still get those casual & mainstream buyers and also through having those games as exclusives in a purer sense, create value proposition for some or many of those would-be PC customers to either buy it on their PS5s, or buy a PS5 for those and other games.

Thus, better saturation of maximal ecosystem revenue. Again, similar to the subscriptions WRT B2P sales, the PC ports have to be siphoning some of their growth from somewhere else in the ecosystem in some portion. And I don't think the results of late have shown that siphoning to be worth the effort. Hence why it'd probably be best to revert on the PC policy and limit it to some GaaS/live-service titles and remasters (singles or collections) of legacy titles preferably to draw interest towards the console for the newer installment or similar release(s) that would be exclusive.

And that sort of advertising model, FWIW, is basically what it seemed Shawn Layden wanted to do anyway. Or if not, that should have been the approach and remained that way.
Even if what you're saying is true, it doesn't really matter anymore, the damage is done. All of their games are seen as fake exclusives now. The only way to combat the fake exclusivity they currently have is to bring back "Only On PlayStation", and be aggressive with it like they used to. Which probably will never happen.
24 Jun 2022
Even if what you're saying is true, it doesn't really matter anymore, the damage is done. All of their games are seen as fake exclusives now. The only way to combat the fake exclusivity they currently have is to bring back "Only On PlayStation", and be aggressive with it like they used to. Which probably will never happen.

I'd say have some faith 😅. If any platform holder has consistently shown an ability to successfully adjust strategies midway through, it's Sony/SIE. Keep in mind, they've never publicly declared all games would be coming to PC, like MS did back in 2015/2016 (I forget which year exactly). And there are still outright exclusives on the console 1P-wise like Demon's Souls Remake and GT7, just looking at current-gen (tho if the GaaS pitch had gone over better, a GT Sport 2 on PS5/PC likely would've made some sense).

We just have to see if rationale or out-of-touch shareholders win out at the end of the day.
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8 May 2023
I'd say have some faith 😅. If any platform holder has consistently shown an ability to successfully adjust strategies midway through, it's Sony/SIE. Keep in mind, they've never publicly declared all games would be coming to PC, like MS did back in 2015/2016 (I forget which year exactly). And there are still outright exclusives on the console 1P-wise like Demon's Souls Remake and GT7, just looking at current-gen (tho if the GaaS pitch had gone over better, a GT Sport 2 on PS5/PC likely would've made some sense).

We just have to see if rationale or out-of-touch shareholders win out at the end of the day.
Jim Ryan literally said "whole slate" that pretty much means everything. Demon's Souls Remake and Ghost of Tsushima were on the nvidia leak which have been 100% accurate thus far 🤔 I'm hoping you're right, I just don't see it. But like I said it all banks on the new CEO, he/she will be the determining factor for the rest of the PS gen.

Deleted member 223

If data already shows that putting 1P games into PS+ too soon after launch hurts the B2P tailend of those games on PS consoles (and that's a PS+ service specific to the consoles, at that), then there's likely to be similar evidence that would show putting current-gen releases on PC too soon after releasing them on PS5, hurts the B2P tailend of those games on PS consoles as well.

I.e PC unit sales of those ports would be coming at some expense of PS5 unit sales of those game games, and any PC unit sale is less revenue per copy for Sony than a PS5 equivalent because of the means in which Sony sells their games on PC (being on a 3P storefront, for starters, where they pay a 30% cut to companies like Valve). That's combined with things like the amount of Steam/PC users with rigs equivalent to a PS5 are much smaller than actual PS5 console owner install base...
You're getting good at the logical connections and that was a good illustration. Your conclusion as to direction from the next leadership is still at best 50/50. You have to factor also the overall incentive structure of executive leadership - of greed, short term careering impulses, ideological disposition as well as accountability and understanding in the business chain of command (mothership CEO supervision of subsidiary CEO administration - clearly poor in this specific regard) etc, etc. That's how you end up with this "shift in direction" and "experiment" in the first place. When there are motto's out there like: "anything > $0 = better than nothing", and "go where the audience is".... being spouted by someone that worked within that organization at a high level you should also connect the dots that such type of thinking was at the very least prominently found within SIE, even if not everyone agreed to it. When that ideological approach takes root and it's acted upon - you go from taboo talk to real. That's also what happens when executive leadership of a platform holder rubs too close to execs from publishers, as is the inevitable nature of the business and that business circle. That is to say publisher approaches to business rubs off on you per say - and since you're in that bubble, you can hardly escape it, to the point where it informs and becomes part of your ideological vision. Needless to say there is a difference between a platform holder who also does publishing and a pure, platform agnostic publisher. Very distinct with different responsibilities and different dynamics - hence business behavior and strategies should not be the same. The retort would be, "well you can do both" - that's a pitch for dummies. Anyway usually what matters is who in position of power decides to act in whichever direction based on their ideological vision of the business. The cancer is there, it exists, the chances of it going away is exactly the same chance a human cancer patient has. It's as much an ideological approach as it's algebraic in the pure business sense.

As you illustrated there are means and ways to illustrate why that policy shift does not necessarily increase shareholder value in absolute terms (the ultimate mandate on execs for business). The problem is having leadership (all the way to the very top - both Sony CEO level and SIE) that needs experimentation to see the algebraic connection and statistical correlation - a process that is complex. A "prove the negative exercise". It's like experimenting a new "novel", never tried procedure on a patient without anesthesia. A deadly luxury for the surgeon, a high risk for the patient. If you're not careful you may kill the patient, with absolutely no guarantee it will work anyway. We see the after effects of the procedure on patient X really well. Patient Y just faring better for the time being, considering the relative strengths and health of the two patients before procedure.
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Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Jim Ryan literally said "whole slate" that pretty much means everything. Demon's Souls Remake and Ghost of Tsushima were on the nvidia leak which have been 100% accurate thus far 🤔 I'm hoping you're right, I just don't see it. But like I said it all banks on the new CEO, he/she will be the determining factor for the rest of the PS gen.
Plans change, and the Nvidia leaks are pretty old now.

Remember the leaks of the remasters for Skies of Arcadia, Shenumue and others that surfaced on PartnerNet, yet never got released as commercial products back in the 360/PS3 days?
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8 May 2023
Plans change, and the Nvidia leaks are pretty old now.

Remember the leaks of the remasters for Skies of Arcadia, Shenumue and others that surfaced on PartnerNet, yet never got released as commercial products back I the 360/PS3 days?
I hope you're right, I just doubt it, time will tell if Sony rights the ship. But with Xbox soon to be gone and PC left as their only competitor, they better get a clue.
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28 Jun 2022
I'm honestly surprised this hasn't been shut down immediately; Sony used to have a reputation for legal takedowns almost on par with Nintendo.
Yeah especially after the quantity of the leak and it being spread like fire.

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

And the moment has finally come. The team behind the unofficial PC port of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has released its first version. This version weighs in at 256GB and contains the full game. Yes, you read that right. The full game is now playable on PC via this unofficial port. That’s unheard of.

For those wondering, this PC port is based on the PC dev build of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 that leaked a while ago. Modders/Hackers took that build, exported the assets of the game from the PS5 version, added a few more tweaks, and then re-compiled it.

From what I know, this version has most of the game’s textures and shaders. Still, there might be some graphical/visual glitches. So no, don’t expect a 100% accurate PC port. Still, the fact that you can play the entire game is quite an achievement. At least for an unofficial PC port of a game that has not even been announced yet for the PC.



21 Jun 2022
This is awful news for Insomniac but I don't know how they can stop it.

Sony could stay up all night shutting down all the torrents and more will pop up 😢
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