PlayStation Plus price has increased


14 Feb 2023
Even at discount i'm not entertaining this. The discounted rate is now gonna be the regular full current price. The only online games I play are Returnal with friends. I can do without those and Sony can kick rocks
what's crazy is Jim Ryan released their ps5 exclusives on steam with more features, where they don't have to pay to play online.


28 Jun 2022
Even at discount i'm not entertaining this. The discounted rate is now gonna be the regular full current price. The only online games I play are Returnal with friends. I can do without those and Sony can kick rocks
Yeah just jumped on their Twitter. This is bs corporate money hat bs. They don't need to increase their fucking getting money elsewhere from increased game prices, digital copies and not spending money on plastic boxes and pamphlets, dlc, expansions, etc


22 Jul 2023
Cant say that I'm surprised, they signed up 14 million subscribers in 1 year, meanwhile Gamepass has been around 7 years and only has 25 million not to mention are pricier.
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28 Jun 2022
Jim Ryan has been with PlayStation since 1994, literally since the beginning. He was there when Ken Kutaragi came up with the whole PlayStation idea.

That's cool and all but Kaz Hirai was the reason they pivoted and made that positive turn after the second half of the ps3era and PS4, it is well documented and he was very vocal about his strategy during thst time. PlayStation would not be at the forefront of Sony if it wasn't for Kaz.


8 May 2023
Jim Ryan has been with PlayStation since 1994, literally since the beginning. He was there when Ken Kutaragi came up with the whole PlayStation idea.
You guys always bring that up as if its relevant, no one cares that he was head of marketing or SIE Europe president. He didn't have the powers he has now, and now that he has powers he's done nothing but run the company into the ground. Nothing but bad decision after bad decision after bad decision. He needs to step down and go back to what he was good at, getting Fifa partnerships and being an excel monkey for the people who actually understand the gaming industry.


14 Feb 2023
Jim Ryan has been with PlayStation since 1994, literally since the beginning. He was there when Ken Kutaragi came up with the whole PlayStation idea.
Someone being at a company a long time doesn't automatically mean they are the best person at the job. Jim at most should've became COO or head of supply chain, everything else this guy has delivered has been terrible for playstation fans and excellent for PC players.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
What people don't realize is that executives only get taken down when the shareholders feel it. The PS department is breaking all sorts of records and they're not going to let their golden goose leave as long as he lines their pockets.

Problem is, by the time things start looking bad, it's be a very tough climb to get out of the hole. Jim Ryan's a very good numbers guy but I don't think he understands the industry. Most of Sony's decisions have been very short sighted. He's only focused on the short term and we see that in every decision they make.

Just look at the latest announcement. They're increasing the price on the day Starfield releases. You're basically giving yourself bad press at a time the competition will be getting good press. A first year college marketing lesson will tell you not to do that. You don't even need a marketing department to tell you it's a bad thing.


Graph Master
21 Jun 2022
Jim Ryan has been with PlayStation since 1994, literally since the beginning. He was there when Ken Kutaragi came up with the whole PlayStation idea.
I know, but the problem is that since he's been the boss with hermen by his side, it's been a real mess, and I'm not a fan of all his dubious decisions.

I prefer 100 times the PS4 era with Andrew House/Yoshida where everything was clear and precise.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Really? $79 Essential?
The Shining Ps4 GIF by Naughty Dog
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21 Jun 2022
No, they're raising their prices because subscriber growth plateaued and they're trying to squeeze money from a stone. Because Jim is a slave to shareholders.
PS+ revenue kept incresing quarter after quarter because many subbers kept moving to more expensive PS+ tiers.

They don't care about having a few subscribers more or less, they care more about having way more revenue and profit, which is what they have been achieving with PS+ since the merge with PS Now.

PS+ has been performing great for them, with gaming history records numbers. Same goes with SIE finantials or Sony finantials. They don't have any issue with it.

Pretty likely what happened is that they saw the GamePass price increase and they considered that they could do the same too. After this price increase, here in EU PS+ Premium will be 30€/year cheaper than GPU.

What people don't realize is that executives only get taken down when the shareholders feel it. The PS department is breaking all sorts of records and they're not going to let their golden goose leave as long as he lines their pockets.

Problem is, by the time things start looking bad, it's be a very tough climb to get out of the hole. Jim Ryan's a very good numbers guy but I don't think he understands the industry. Most of Sony's decisions have been very short sighted. He's only focused on the short term and we see that in every decision they make.

Just look at the latest announcement. They're increasing the price on the day Starfield releases. You're basically giving yourself bad press at a time the competition will be getting good press. A first year college marketing lesson will tell you not to do that. You don't even need a marketing department to tell you it's a bad thing.

He's the most successful CEO of a console maker in gaming history. And he was in charge of Sony Europe markeing in the PS1/PS2 days and turned EU into Sony land and their main market plus also highly increased the consolle market versus what it was before the PS1. So I'd say that he understand the industry very well.

They don't care about Starfield, they have every year multiple exclusives of that level. As could be Final Fantasy XVI, Spider-Man 2, FFVII Rebirth, VR versions of RE4R, RE Village or GT7 in recent months to name a few. Sony has way better press regarding exclusives. And to increase these prices that day proves they aren't afraid of Starfield.

And this PS+ price increse follows the recent news of GamePass price increase and removal of the $1 trial, "bad press" of the direct competitor.

Most of their decisions have been the opposite or short sighted, did help them slowly grow their revenue and userbase in many different areas and continue in a growing trend. And many other ones still didn't show their results because are long term bets, like to highly grow the manpower of all their teams, acquisitions made, and spending record investments in 2nd/3rd party deals for this generation.
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2 Jul 2022
You're all are deluded there will be real outrage and push back over any of this...
People don't care, they'll keep paying what's asked, whatever much that is.
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
PS+ revenue kept incresing quarter after quarter because many subbers kept moving to more expensive PS+ tiers.

They don't care about having a few subscribers more or less, they care more about having way more revenue and profit, which is what they have been achieving with PS+ since the merge with PS Now.

PS+ has been performing great for them, with gaming history records numbers. Same goes with SIE finantials or Sony finantials. They don't have any issue with it.

Pretty likely what happened is that they saw the GamePass price increase and they considered that they could do the same too. After this price increase, here in EU PS+ Premium will be 30€/year cheaper than GPU.

He's the most successful CEO of a console maker in gaming history. And he was in charge of Sony Europe markeing in the PS1/PS2 days and turned EU into Sony land and their main market plus also highly increased the consolle market versus what it was before the PS1. So I'd say that he understand the industry very well.

They don't care about Starfield, they have every year multiple exclusives of that level.
As could be Final Fantasy XVI, Spider-Man 2, FFVII Rebirth, VR versions of RE4R, RE Village or GT7 in recent months to name a few. Sony has way better press regarding exclusives. And to increase these prices that day proves they aren't afraid of Starfield.

And this PS+ price increse follows the recent news of GamePass price increase and removal of the $1 trial, "bad press" of the direct competitor.

Like clockwork, without fail, this dude comes here to suck up to the shitty leadership playstation has. A literal PSBot