I'm not sure what you mean, Sony is not there to ensure MS succeeds, neither are we supposed to care too much about the details of how each company sells us their goods.Then please explain what the truth is because Sony doesn't want to see Microsoft or Game Pass succeed because it threatens their own business model from becoming obsolete and instead of adapting and evolving, Sony chooses to stay the way they are.
That being said, if I have the choice between a subscription and a purchase, even digital, I will take the purchase. This is not like Sony did not have PSNow for years before MS had gamepass, or that similar services have not existed since the early 2000s. Nobody at MS HQ invented anything, but they understands that PR and Marketing are very important so instead of focussing on games (which you seem to have a problem with) they focus on sideshows to distract people from what should be important in gaming.