PC gaming was great back then, there was none of this elitism. PC was about some of the most diverse and emergent genres being developed. It was a time when everybody was taking risks, being creative and building the gaming scene, development was encouraged, less laws to curtail things, less me vs them. The scene was ripe with shareware, freeware etc...and even hardware was diverse and competitive. It was that time you got games like Blood, Hexen, Phantasmagoria, Giants Citizen Kabuto, The Sims, Tomb Raider, Soldier of Fortune, Nolf, Thief etc......Some games you got back then, you would not dream of bringing it fourth in this current climate, like Heavy Metal FAKK; there are now more movements to curtail creativity and freedom of storytelling in games right now. So PC is no longer as it used to be. The master race has also made the viability of games that really showcased PC hardware really hard and actually stunted that growth, with their spending habits, justifying ridiculous GPU prices and raising the ceiling too high for talented gamers and even creators, just so they can say, "I'll buy Nvidia with their proprietary wares no matter what", I'll spend 3k for the best or buy two Ti's for SLI. They stifled the competition, Nvidia monopolized and took control and partnered with Intel to secure their foothold further.
Consoles have been the saving grace for gaming. Console have been pushing the creativity, the GOTY's and even best graphics for the last few decades. A game in the vein of Crysis, built ground up for PC is no longer viable on the platform, no one if going to make a game just for the 4000 series of GPU's, only a few would be able to run it. Hence in every generation, console is what's leading the front, because most gamers who value a mix of good graphics and gameplay are on console. The majority of PC gamers don't even have hardware as good as consoles and the majority of them play candy crush etc...It's only a small sample who are loud come on forums and spend thousands to run old games at 300fps on 60hz monitors, or spend thousands to now cripple the framerates of old games with RT.....