Shinji Mikami, founder and CEO of Xbox's Tango Gameworks, is leaving the company


21 Jun 2022
Mikami bails on tango, and we settle in for another state of play full of exclusive games in a few hours. Meanwhile at Xbox:

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24 Jun 2022
Not only that, but Japan government wont allow MS to touch their big publishers. Where these fanboys get these ideas they ll buy sega, capcom etc.

This isn't 100% true; in terms of acquisitions, if that publisher is in what's considered a "protected sector", then no, Microsoft could never buy them. I'm more than sure Sony is one such company; Nintendo as well since various Japanese banks own stock in the company for example.

However, if it's a publisher who ISN'T in one of those "protected" industries, then theoretically Microsoft could buy them. It would just depend on a ton of factors and with Japan IIRC regulatory decisions are finalized by the Prime Minister cabinet. In other words, if a M&A is rejected, you're not getting an appeal or a redo. But there are very few Japanese publishers that would want to sell to Microsoft anyway, the only one off the top of my head that may entertain that option is Sega.

Now, Microsoft could buy shares in Japanese publishers & developers. That's an option. But for whatever reason they seem disinterested in doing that. Their mindset is wholly focused on full ownership and nothing less, we can see that right now in how they're basically threatening the CMA to let them keep COD (and not divest it).
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Disappointing and sad news as I really wanted to see what Mikami’s dream game was going to be but outside of taking over Ghostwire Tokyo after Ikumi Nakamura left Tango Gameworks a few years ago, Mikami has basically been “overseeing” everything as opposed to working on anything like he did years ago. John Johanas has been at Tango Gameworks since it was founded and had Mikami “training” him to eventually take over. I enjoyed The Evil Within 2 and thought it was a great game (as is the first) and Hi Fi Rush is another great game so im personally confident in Johanas taking over the studio as this is what he’s been getting prepared to do for the last decade. I do believe that The Evil Within 3 is coming and it’s with Johanas obviously as the director so just have to wait and see.
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24 Jun 2022
Wonder how regulators will view this news 🤔...

I knew the talent would start leaving as soon as they could.

First it was Nakamura and now Mikami... who knows how many of the developers at lower levels have left.

That is a big 'fuck you' to MSFT and basically shows how you can't buy a creative industry out if they artists / creators don't want it. The business heads might force it through the gate but it will always fall apart.

There's been quite a few notable departures. Drew Murray, Mike Brown & peers, now Shinji Mikami. Of course tons of 343i people left but that studio needed some spring cleaning anyway.

These exoduses could be argued as a negative side effect to Microsoft's acquisition strategy. What is the point of acquiring studios and publishers if you're seeing key talent depart? At that point, you're just buying IPs that will potentially either stagnate or become husks of their former glorious selves since the visions behind those IP and studios are leaving.

Microsoft seems to be having a problem retaining certain key gaming talent post-acquisition. They're creating a diaspora of lead gaming talent more and more from these acquisitions as time goes on. I genuinely think Microsoft have too much on their plate in terms of talent & studios; they can't manage all of this efficiently at once, and veteran talent are probably to find that as creating more friction.

In some cases, leading more than a few to just leave and do their own thing. The more this happens, the more Microsoft looks like the IBM of gaming.
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28 Jun 2022
Guys we all know sales dont matter, market share doesnt matter, exclusives dont matter, Games themselves dont matter, and now im here to tell you, developers and studio heads dont matter either. He made his contribution to the Xbox Gamepass Ecosytem with game of the year hifi rush but as we all know, hes old and washed up and everyone knows it. In fact Japan doesnt matter either. The only things that matter are twitter engagment retweets and likes, and riling up message board forums with Agitprop and whataboutisms on why microsoft should be allowed to consolidate the whole gaming industry. You chuds just need to accept that.


21 Jun 2022
I didn't notice that he posted this 4 months ago, maybe he isn't retiring but going back to Capcom or Platinum:


In the leaked capcom roadmap, there were mentions to Final Fight and Power Stone remakes under development, plus a couple of games that could also be remakes: "Captain Commando" and "new Onimusha title".

Considering that Mikami directed and produced Dino Crisis, it would make sense he may want to remake it, or considering that Kamiya directed DMC and Mikami executive produced it, we could think they may be interested on remaking one of them. But DMC and DC aren't mentioned in the roadmap.

In the roadmap (considering covid delays) Onimusha woud be released pretty soon, while Final Fight, Captain Commando and Power Stone would be still far from release. There's also projects codenamed "Resident Evil Hunk" or "Resident Evil Apocalypse", which could be remakes or simply codenames for DLCs. As "Resident Evil Outrage" (mistranslated as Outbreak by the leaker), which was the codename of the released RE Village Gold/DLC and not a brand new game (Dusk Gollem was wrong again with that).
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24 Jun 2022
He said a year or so ago he was tired honestly. As in he's been making games for a long ass time.

He setup Tango with new leadership. I think he will take a break, and then make his own project.

Even if that's the case, the timing couldn't have come at a more awkward time for Microsoft. Mike Brown's departure was just little over a month ago.

Compounded with the various leaks & rumors of multiple Xbox studios having varying amounts of production difficulty with their projects, it all just shows one thing: Microsoft have way too much on their plate as-is. How are they going to manage ABK studios (much less clean up their corporate culture problems) on top of getting troubled studios & productions on good track?

I just don't see that being possible. If they get ABK, chances are there'll be further degradation with several of their internal teams, because the upper management in place can't handle ALL of these things simultaneously.


28 Jun 2022
Even if that's the case, the timing couldn't have come at a more awkward time for Microsoft. Mike Brown's departure was just little over a month ago.

Compounded with the various leaks & rumors of multiple Xbox studios having varying amounts of production difficulty with their projects, it all just shows one thing: Microsoft have way too much on their plate as-is. How are they going to manage ABK studios (much less clean up their corporate culture problems) on top of getting troubled studios & productions on good track?

I just don't see that being possible. If they get ABK, chances are there'll be further degradation with several of their internal teams, because the upper management in place can't handle ALL of these things simultaneously.
Who is mike brown?


22 Jul 2022
He said a year or so ago he was tired honestly. As in he's been making games for a long ass time.

He setup Tango with new leadership. I think he will take a break, and then make his own project.


But let's not let the usuals continue to make themselves look like asses, again. 🤭

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022

But let's not let the usuals continue to make themselves look like asses, again. 🤭

On the subject of looking like an ass

Speaking to the wider health of Tango Gameworks, the fact that Microsoft acquired the studio's parent company, Bethesda, last year puts Mikami's outfit in a good place, financially at least. This, combined with Mikami's increasingly advisory role day-to-day, his desire to continue growing and developing young talent, and the fact that he turns 57 years of age later this year, is retirement something that's crossed his mind of late?

"Big changes like the acquisition can occur without me willing anything about them. These changes would occur with or without my say and so I prefer to stay pretty neutral," he says. "So long as it doesn't change anything about the creative process or doesn't change anything on the creative side of things, I try not to think about whether or not these things are good or bad. The word 'retire' is a word I've been using once every so often ever since I turned 50!"

Kenji Kimura interjects: "He's always joking about retiring, but I think he's always going to be creating something or working on something."

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