Sony confirms Three Seasons currently planned for Concord | Pre Load Available


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21 Jun 2022
Only really Destiny does this. And even then they will be pulling back seasonally and changing their service model altogether moving forward (aside from the reckless spending). For whatever reason this kind of content is even more expensive now than ever.
Bungie’s problem was they were funding 4 studios with the profits and money Destiny 2 DLC was making lol.

Nah it’s really terrible days before release. It should be in top 3 and at least top 10. Especially for a console exclusive internally published and marketed game.

Launch hype is zero. Day one buzz needs to be 11 out of 10 or it’s dead on arrival and shutdown after 3 months if that.

Valorant stole its lunch money. You want a good online game? Buy warhammer not visual vomit.

They wont shut it down for a year I recon.

Valorant, Warhammer and Concord are all kinda different tbh


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Bungie’s problem was they were funding 4 studios with the profits and money Destiny 2 DLC was making lol.

They wont shut it down for a year I recon.

Valorant, Warhammer and Concord are all kinda different tbh

When talking Destiny specifically. It’s different than Bungie as a whole. I can write a thesis on this lol.

Yes, Bungie spent recklessly using money from one game. Which is dumb as hell. Not saying 100% should go back into Destiny but their bottom line should be priority number one since it keeps the doors open.

As a fan it’s angering. Because fans want more Destiny. Not Marathon. Going from Marathon to Halo to Destiny is one thing — because they just remade the same game and ideas each time. This time they’re not. It’s just a different kind of game.

If anything wholesale rebuild of D2 if not a sequel. And definitely not making splitting thr “sequel” into two games (the pve 3rd person hero shooter and the 3v3 PvP game). That was definitely a shitty Luke Smith idea (and considering that it’s good he’s out).

The reports before the last lay off is that Sony wants Bungie to focus on Destiny proper. And as someone who’s been a historical Bungie fan — Sony is exactly the partner to correct their behavior.

Destiny’s model definitely needs to be re-evaluated and it has its own spending and retention concerns. The format will change. And if they nail the change that’s Destiny entering generation 3 of gaas.


Yes, those are all different games. There will be more of an overlap with Valorant and Concord. They’ll still be going at it for the PvP player. To some extent games just bounce from one release to the next but you want to see what sticks. Competition will make that difficult fight I’d think.

As for Warhammer — I’m just mentioning it just to mention it. That’s the next online game to watch.

Until the big gun arrives… Monster Hunter
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22 Jul 2023
There is no issue with liking one game over another. It's fucking pathetic when people claim they can't see the vast overlap on visuals. Concord plays better but they are both in early stages so to complain about either game and praise the other is trolling. Especially if you have spent months shitting on the visuals of one.
I mean, you just admitted yourself that Concord plays better then Deadlock.

Dick Jones

Corporate Dick
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5 Jul 2022
I mean, you just admitted yourself that Concord plays better then Deadlock.
To me it does play better but it doesn't mean Deadlock is shit. You don't have to say one game is shit to raise another game. They play different and i prefer one.

What i was getting at is people shouldn't be claiming a game is shit because of visuals (while admitting you never played the game) and at the same time praise a game with similar visuals. That's trolling shit. It's obvious that type of poster opinion is not relevant.

I also don't usually like PvP so what do I know?
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
To me it does play better but it doesn't mean Deadlock is shit. You don't have to say one game is shit to raise another game. They play different and i prefer one.

What i was getting at is people shouldn't be claiming a game is shit because of visuals (while admitting you never played the game) and at the same time praise a game with similar visuals. That's trolling shit. It's obvious that type of poster opinion is not relevant.

I also don't usually like PvP so what do I know?
Deadlock has the same “controversial” design choices that some hated here in Comcord.

The fact these haters uses two different “opinions” for the same subject tells a lot about.

Concord’s hate was never about character design… it started when Sony announced it without even show any character of game design… just showed the logo.

PS. For these that don’t know Deadlock has ugly woman looking like man, man looking like woman, gay man, etc etc etc.

PS2. I can’t talk about gameplay because I have to play Deadlock yet but Concord is really sublime in gameplay.
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  • they're_right_you_know
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22 Jul 2022
Deadlock has the same “controversial” design choices that some hated here in Comcord.

The fact these haters uses two different “opinions” for the same subject tells a lot about.

Concord’s hate was never about character design… it started when Sony announced it without even show any character of game design… just showed the logo.

PS. For these that don’t know Deadlock has ugly woman looking like man, man looking like woman, gay man, etc etc etc.

PS2. I can’t talk about gameplay because I have to play Deadlock yet but Concord is really sublime in gameplay.
People were hatin* on th3blogo? You sure. Back then it was full of mystery and hope. In fact the low-fi vibes made it very interesting- speaking for myself.


Well-known member
18 Aug 2024
When talking Destiny specifically. It’s different than Bungie as a whole. I can write a thesis on this lol.

Yes, Bungie spent recklessly using money from one game. Which is dumb as hell. Not saying 100% should go back into Destiny but their bottom line should be priority number one since it keeps the doors open.

As a fan it’s angering. Because fans want more Destiny. Not Marathon. Going from Marathon to Halo to Destiny is one thing — because they just remade the same game and ideas each time. This time they’re not. It’s just a different kind of game.

If anything wholesale rebuild of D2 if not a sequel. And definitely not making splitting thr “sequel” into two games (the pve 3rd person hero shooter and the 3v3 PvP game). That was definitely a shitty Luke Smith idea (and considering that it’s good he’s out).

The reports before the last lay off is that Sony wants Bungie to focus on Destiny proper. And as someone who’s been a historical Bungie fan — Sony is exactly the partner to correct their behavior.

Destiny’s model definitely needs to be re-evaluated and it has its own spending and retention concerns. The format will change. And if they nail the change that’s Destiny entering generation 3 of gaas.

I think the reason they're moving off of Destiny 2 is because it's relatively expensive to keep up. Expansions result in players playing the game for 20 - 40 hours and then they quit and complain about when the next update is.

Compare this pattern to a game like Fortnite. A new season launches and players play it for 100+ hours because it's a fun sandbox that doesn't get stale that quickly. It doesn't require new content at nearly the rate that Destiny 2 does.

I think Marathon will likely fix this issue as I expect it to be sandbox design oriented rather than have a high content burn rate like D2.

TLDR: There's a very logical, and rational reason why they're not putting all their eggs in the Destiny 2 basket.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I think the reason they're moving off of Destiny 2 is because it's relatively expensive to keep up. Expansions result in players playing the game for 20 - 40 hours and then they quit and complain about when the next update is.

Compare this pattern to a game like Fortnite. A new season launches and players play it for 100+ hours because it's a fun sandbox that doesn't get stale that quickly. It doesn't require new content at nearly the rate that Destiny 2 does.

I think Marathon will likely fix this issue as I expect it to be sandbox design oriented rather than have a high content burn rate like D2.

TLDR: There's a very logical, and rational reason why they're not putting all their eggs in the Destiny 2 basket.
Moving off of Destiny 2?

They are basically focusing in Destiny 2 only now.
And cut / split whatever they were working outside Destiny 2.

The issue was the management thinking Destiny 2 profit only could fund the development (and employee increase for that) of 4 others projects lol

Sony saw the issue and cut their wings... now they will continue focusing in Destiny 2 while a smaller team will finish Marathon.
Of the others projects 1 or 2 seems like cancelled and the others gone to another Sony's studio continue it.
With that they removed the excess of employees positions.

IMO it look likes Bungie was too greed to grow and couldn't support it.
And that had nothing to do with Destiny 2... in fact if it was not Destiny 2 they should had show issues way before... Destiny 2's covered these issues for years.
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Well-known member
18 Aug 2024
Moving off of Destiny 2?

They are basically focusing in Destiny 2 only now.
And cut / split whatever they were working outside Destiny 2.

The issue was the management thinking Destiny 2 profit only could fund the development (and employee increase for that) of 4 others projects lol

Here's what Paul Tassi wrote about Destiny 2's future just three weeks ago. He's fairly reliable when it comes to Destiny news.

  • The larger “content packs,” though not true expansions, will contain familiar elements like new destinations, raids and campaigns, just much smaller scale on the whole. Shadowkeep-ish size, maybe, though not that same format. A goal is developing more replayable, unique activities like The Coil. If we are leaving the system (my speculation) this is where we’d see those new worlds to visit. I am not sure if this is free.
  • That will be the main release of a given year (I believe starting with Frontiers launch) and then six months later, there will be another “pack” of smaller content that’s more something along the lines of what we got with Into the Light. This should be free.
  • Between these, there may be something akin to current Episodes, though the scale and schedule is not clear.
  • Generally speaking, the idea is less sprawling, one-off campaigns and a greater focus on replayable activities, the “hobby” aspects. With the new Frontiers format, there aren’t widespread updates that will hit every facet of the game at once like most expansions used to. It will be less than players are used to, not to say there will not be things worth playing.

It's possible the Destiny 2 team is roughly the same size but as we get closer and closer to Marathon, I expect that team to be just as big.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Here's what Paul Tassi wrote about Destiny 2's future just three weeks ago. He's fairly reliable when it comes to Destiny news.

  • The larger “content packs,” though not true expansions, will contain familiar elements like new destinations, raids and campaigns, just much smaller scale on the whole. Shadowkeep-ish size, maybe, though not that same format. A goal is developing more replayable, unique activities like The Coil. If we are leaving the system (my speculation) this is where we’d see those new worlds to visit. I am not sure if this is free.
  • That will be the main release of a given year (I believe starting with Frontiers launch) and then six months later, there will be another “pack” of smaller content that’s more something along the lines of what we got with Into the Light. This should be free.
  • Between these, there may be something akin to current Episodes, though the scale and schedule is not clear.
  • Generally speaking, the idea is less sprawling, one-off campaigns and a greater focus on replayable activities, the “hobby” aspects. With the new Frontiers format, there aren’t widespread updates that will hit every facet of the game at once like most expansions used to. It will be less than players are used to, not to say there will not be things worth playing.

It's possible the Destiny 2 team is roughly the same size but as we get closer and closer to Marathon, I expect that team to be just as big.
People like to say that but forget that Destiny always used to have episodic content each 3-4 months in the past.
They are just moving form a big update per year like the recent years back to how it was before.

Why they moved at first? The excuse was that it become hard to create new content in Destiny so focusing in a big update per year instead 3-4 months could bring better quality.
Now they are backing to old business model? Something feel really off with these "leaks".

That is why I believe the official changes done by Bungie was to increase the focus in Destiny 2, and except for Marathon that is probably near the end of development, to not put resources in side projects anymore.

And that makes sense now that they are owned by Sony because Sony has others studios that can do the these side projects... Bungie doesn't need to put resource on them anymore and focus in what matter most for Bungie's business.

The last thing Sony wants is Bungie to lose focus in their golden egg.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Bets on if the majority of vg forums will be against or for Marathon? @ethomaz @Men_in_Boxes

Ill put my money down now without seeing a single second of gameplay. That the majority will be hating on it in social media without playing it. There will be a shitstorm.

“Sony spent all this money on Bungie and look”

“I want Sony to go back to Japan so I can play games likes before”

“I hate gaas, where is single player games”

“Dead on arrival”

“Its the same as (random extraction shooter)”

This will be a mix from ps fans who hate gaas, and haters from other platforms feeding the fire

Ive noticed its kind of human nature to want to be right, even if its for something you like.
I know its a silly comparison but, its like Manchester United Football fans last year. Some wanted the manager out so much, they got visibly upset when the team won lol


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Sony is having Bungie double down on Destiny 2 and Marathon. Bungie has announced a change to the service model. The reports were that Sony wants Destiny successful as fans of the product. This is done by canceling spin-offs and focusing on the game proper (terrible idea).

They’re not moving off of Destiny in any way. You’re getting two Shadowkeep sized dlcs and a narrower narrative focus during the year. All of this can make a better game as the old model is clearly obsolete. (Episode 1 sucks so far)

Marathon 2025 is not a spiritual successor like OG Marathon -> Halo > Destiny. Destiny will continue that tradition as it figures out its newest form of service.

Marathon 2025 is uncharted territory.

PS - Fortnite is no longer a service. It’s a platform.
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Well-known member
4 Apr 2024
''Issue'' rather is that Marathon got delayed and Totoki coming in for his profit margins. The overhead costs are too big to support these projects without recurring revenue (the point of live-service) and Final Shape is out, but what's next to support it all? Marathon should'v been out by now but it is at least a year away. The staff on Marathon are those that were tired of doing Destiny and the IP is basically Bungie's baby so I have no doubt in it to deliver.

2 other projects that are years away as well? It's for the better to garner and cultivate the fruitful one internally (not putting it on Xbox) and have a internal talent extracted Bungie team. Firewalk for example could help out or support on their down time.
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Well-known member
18 Aug 2024
Bets on if the majority of vg forums will be against or for Marathon? @ethomaz @Men_in_Boxes
Internet notoriously hates PvP GAAS games. The only way Marathon receives a month or two of positive internet buzz is if the gameplay looks exceptional. That said, the internet mocked PUBG and Fortnite pre release so I don't put much stock into what that group says.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Well-known member
18 Aug 2024
''Issue'' rather is that Marathon got delayed and Totoki coming in for his profit margins. The overhead costs are too big to support these projects without recurring revenue (the point of live-service) and Final Shape is out, but what's next to support it all? Marathon should'v been out by now but it is at least a year away. The staff on Marathon are those that were tired of doing Destiny and the IP is basically Bungie's baby so I have no doubt in it to deliver.

2 other projects that are years away as well? It's for the better to garner and cultivate the fruitful one internally (not putting it on Xbox) and have a internal talent extracted Bungie team. Firewalk for example could help out or support on their down time.
Pete Parsons said in 2023 Bungie "started to operate in the red". This means it's likely Bungie was not only profitable for years, but so profitable that it was able to support a 1,500 team (then 1,300 team) studio the entire time.

I think it's probably safe to say that Destiny 2 will generate enough revenue at its current pace to support the 850 employees the studio has left.

People don't realize how profitable Destiny 2 has actually been. They just buy the media narrative that its been dying for years when the numbers really don't show that.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Marathon was already received well in its reveal. Not looking like Fortnite and doing something unique looking does wonders.

Do gaming forums notoriously hate all online games? Yes. But I think it will mostly get a pass aside from the haters that would’ve hated anyway.

Those most recent Jason comments on skillup’s podcast seem kinda off to me. The “not great” seemed in regards to when it will actually launch. There was a recent playtest and his comments don’t reflect impressions from that either.

I expect Marathon to launch alongside the PS5 Pro. Like … the day of.
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Well-known member
18 Aug 2024
Marathon was already received well in its reveal. Not looking like Fortnite and doing something unique looking does wonders.

Do gaming forums notoriously hate all online games? Yes. But I think it will mostly get a pass aside from the haters that would’ve hated anyway.

Those most recent Jason comments on skillup’s podcast seem kinda off to me. The “not great” seemed in regards to when it will actually launch. There was a recent playtest and his comments don’t reflect impressions from that either.

I expect Marathon to launch alongside the PS5 Pro. Like … the day of.

Yeah. Jason Schreiers "Not great" comment left him a lot of room to explain himself if Marathon launches successfully.

"Well, I said it wasn't great according to the people I talked to a few months prior. I never said it wouldn't launch great. Games often come together in the final 6 months of development."

Then he made comments about how he wasn't sure if Extraction Shooters were still popular (they are) or that the Live Service boom is over (it's not). Red flags everywhere.
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Pete Parsons said in 2023 Bungie "started to operate in the red". This means it's likely Bungie was not only profitable for years, but so profitable that it was able to support a 1,500 team (then 1,300 team) studio the entire time.

I think it's probably safe to say that Destiny 2 will generate enough revenue at its current pace to support the 850 employees the studio has left.

People don't realize how profitable Destiny 2 has actually been. They just buy the media narrative that its been dying for years when the numbers really don't show that.
If Sony didn't buy bungie back in 2022 they were at risk of shutting down they didn't suddenly start losing money in 2023 parsons is a bare faced liar