Sony FY2023 Earnings Announcement: 4.5M PS5 sold in Q4 (20.8M in FY2023, 59.2M LTD). Allocating 11.5 billion in future acquisitions.


10 Jan 2023
But less profit than Nintendo sadly.
Nintendo is quite literally a profit golden standard. The #1 company in this industry in that regard, honestly I was hoping sony kept their prices locked at $70 for first party releases similar to them.
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21 Jun 2022
But less profit than Nintendo sadly.
Nintendo is quite literally a profit golden standard. The #1 company in this industry in that regard, honestly I was hoping sony kept their prices locked at $70 for first party releases similar to them.
According to @Puff Sony had more profits than Nintendo this quarter:

YTD Operating Income (Exchange Rate $1= ¥151.34)

Sony G&NS $700 m
Nintendo $426 m
Activision (loss) ($350 m)

The #1 company in this industry is Sony, who makes the biggest revenue (and this quarter more profit than Nintendo too).
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10 Jan 2023
He is right

i'am fine with Sony putting GAAS on PC like Helldrives 2. but Sony should keep the single player games exclusive to PlayStation.


10 Jan 2023


Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
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21 Jun 2022
Does that final pie chart slide mean that’s where they plan to make money or that’s where they’re investing into?
That final chart says that in their previous mid-term plan (3 years period ended in this March) they did grow their entertainment divisions + I&SS from making 58% of Sony's revenue to make 68% of it.

They are starting to remove their Financial Services divisions, which they plan to sell in October 2025 as part of their plan of focusing the company on their entertainment divisions.

Following that idea, in addition to spend most of their acquisitions and investments budget of these 3 years in these entertainment and I&SS divisions, they'll also allocate most of the cash allocation mostly in their growing areas of these 4 divisions.

This capital allocation isn't for acquisitions, but mosty for improving and enlarging existing teams, tools, officies, resources, signing deals etc. In case of gaming it could be to grow existing studios, open new ones, to sign deals for 2nd party games or 3rd party exclusives, create their PC & mobile stores, release PS cloud gaming in mobile, etc.
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21 Jun 2022
:ROFLMAO: yeah this post makes the doom and gloom even more funny. Sony is doing marginally better than quite literally everyone else.
Sony isn't doing "marginally better", SIE did 4,267.7B yen this FY and Nintendo did 1,671.87B yen. Over 2.5x difference.

And this only SIE, isn't counting the gaming areas under other divisions like Sony Music and Sony Pictures. Remember that Sony's top grossing game ever (generated over $7B LTD) is a mobile game that is under Sony Music.

He is right

i'am fine with Sony putting GAAS on PC like Helldrives 2. but Sony should keep the single player games exclusive to PlayStation.
The post you are quoting is wrong, the yearly hardware sales cycle of all consoles make a curve, all of them decline after the peak year. PS5 peaked this reported FY23, so going forward will decrease every year.

Regarding the data of the graph, here you have it by fiscal years:

Here you have the sales curve of all the main home consoles, normally they have their peak year between the 2nd and 5th fiscal year and keep decreasing every year after it (the last years of PS3, starting the 7th, are estimations):

Here you have the data limited to PS home consoles for better legibility (PS3's numbers after its 7th year weren't reported by Sony):

They estimated that in the current FY will sell around 18M PS5, with this the graph would be like this:

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24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
He is right

i'am fine with Sony putting GAAS on PC like Helldrives 2. but Sony should keep the single player games exclusive to PlayStation.
It can't be the PC push if it doesn't reflect in the software sales. Tens of millions of people apparently switched to PC to do what? Not buy games they switched to PC for? It doesn't make sense. It doesn't add up.
Also, it's a complete doom post taken out of context. The PS5 is lagging only 800 000 units behind the PS4. That's with a world wide pandemic, lack of actual units to sell due to supply constrains, no Pro model which further boosted PS4 sales and a damn price HIKE.

mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
It can't be the PC push if it doesn't reflect in the software sales. Tens of millions of people apparently switched to PC to do what? Not buy games they switched to PC for? It doesn't make sense. It doesn't add up.
Also, it's a complete doom post taken out of context. The PS5 is lagging only 800 000 units behind the PS4. That's with a world wide pandemic, lack of actual units to sell due to supply constrains, no Pro model which further boosted PS4 sales and a damn price HIKE.

Dude, they know all of this... they don't care. They just don't like the PC push.

Someone once said that Sony should sell Bungie and that the investment was a failure. I asked what would that M&A being successful look like, and they said there was nothing that would make it successful.
26 Nov 2023
I mean, this is after they've already had to re-adjust forecasts because that 25M was clearly not happening.
I don't know( I do know, it's da console warz!) why people care about Xbox comparisons really.
A company's financial health/success should only be compared to itself and its stated goals/objectives.
This is what matters to investors which is what the suits care about and ultimately what will influence decision making.
Yeah. Look they expect sales to go down and it's not 100% positive. I'm mostly just making fun of the severity of how some people paint the overall picture of console sales. Even though they *slightly* missed their revised targets, they did fail to hit it at the end of the day, no way around it and it's gonna be interesting to see how sharp of a decline is still to come, but this is far from a dire situation people were making out it to be.
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10 Jan 2023
Dang, so they fell behind their FY target by almost 5 million units 🤔...

And people are still trying to say this PC strategy isn't eating into potential PS5 console sales? I'll give you the price increases do too, and at a bigger role, but it's not like the PC strategy has been making it easier for Sony to sell PS5s...

They missed their FY target in unit sales by almost 5 million.

Sure the price hike played a bigger part in that, but the PC ports sure aren't helping them sell PS5s. They previously said they wanted to be comfortably ahead of PS4 launch-aligned by this point. That clearly isn't happening.
What are they going to do, buy an xbox? Lmao

Sure, might lose some core gamers to PC, but that's been happening long before sony started porting tbh. Maybe sony needs to make the ps5 about playing games instead of worrying about banning people for using VC, stop taxing them to use their internet, stop with the woke bs, stop censoring japanese games.

Give people a reason to actually use a ps5 other than their inability to afford something better.


19 Dec 2023
Yeah. Look they expect sales to go down and it's not 100% positive. I'm mostly just making fun of the severity of how some people paint the overall picture of console sales. Even though they *slightly* missed their revised targets, they did fail to hit it at the end of the day, no way around it and it's gonna be interesting to see how sharp of a decline is still to come, but this is far from a dire situation people were making out it to be.

People are PS enthusiasts here and this 18M forecast for next FY will also see the distance between PS4 and PS5 increase.
They want PS5 to sell more consoles than PS4, it's simple as that.
All current signs point to this not being the case so you're going to see some people caught in their feelings.

It doesn't help that we've been made aware of multiple cancelled projects in recent times which means that certain studios are not going to be ready to release software as we've come to expect them to which doesn't instill confidence for the short to medium term.
26 Nov 2023
People are PS enthusiasts here and this 18M forecast for next FY will also see the distance between PS4 and PS5 increase.
They want PS5 to sell more consoles than PS4, it's simple as that.
All current signs point to this not being the case so you're going to see some people caught in their feelings.

It doesn't help that we've been made aware of multiple cancelled projects in recent times which means that certain studios are not going to be ready to release software as we've come to expect them to which doesn't instill confidence for the short to medium term.

People getting caught in their feels is going to be different reasons lol For as many people that will want to ignore that trend, there'll be equal amounts of effort to paint a much grimmer picture. People expected a much wider gap than what is currently presented, especially accompanied by overall really positive results for Sony. So eh, to me it's gonna be interesting following how this gen plays out.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Dude, they know all of this... they don't care. They just don't like the PC push.

Someone once said that Sony should sell Bungie and that the investment was a failure. I asked what would that M&A being successful look like, and they said there was nothing that would make it successful.

Bungie is a great buy, it was a little expensive but it will pay off.

They have the best FPS gameplay in the industry and so much unique knowledge... look at hot Helldivers 2 turned out, some of that help from Bungie must have helped.

I don't get the hate boner people have for Bungie.

mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
Bungie is a great buy, it was a little expensive but it will pay off.

They have the best FPS gameplay in the industry and so much unique knowledge... look at hot Helldivers 2 turned out, some of that help from Bungie must have helped.

I don't get the hate boner people have for Bungie.

I mean you can easily boil it down.

Bungie means PC and GaaS... which is what a lot of people don't want/like.

Bungie could make Sony 10 billion dollars and these people will still say that it was a mistake.

Final Shape is about to come out in less than a month and all signs are that it will be massively successful. It won't change people's tune, but it will make them more outwardly ridiculous.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I mean you can easily boil it down.

Bungie means PC and GaaS... which is what a lot of people don't want/like.

Bungie could make Sony 10 billion dollars and these people will still say that it was a mistake.

Final Shape is about to come out in less than a month and all signs are that it will be massively successful. It won't change people's tune, but it will make them more outwardly ridiculous.

Sony can have a very healthy and growing console business and then a multiplatform GAAS service initiative..

The issue I have is that they sacrifice single player games as like a peace offering to Steam gamers and all you see is visceral hate from them towards Sony... the amount of hate videos about PS i've seen in the last week is staggering.

They need to just put the GAAS on PC with PSN and say " thats what you get, take it or leave it".

Rest is a waste of time and effort for people that will never like Sony / PS.


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Bungie is a great buy, it was a little expensive but it will pay off.

They have the best FPS gameplay in the industry and so much unique knowledge... look at hot Helldivers 2 turned out, some of that help from Bungie must have helped.

I don't get the hate boner people have for Bungie.
They also need to cater/fill their other gaps. The portfolio is lacking Japanese RPGs, Fighting games. This needs to change, to offer a more diversified portfolio.