Sony Has A Crucial Decision To Make After Jim Ryan's Retirement.


21 Jun 2022
You’re coping hard dude. See it you have been multiple times wrong, you know nothing about Sony. What’s also so annoying, you can’t admit being wrong, always twist it so you look right.
Bullshit, provide some links where I was wrong about predictions. And I know a thing or two about the industry because I've been working there for almost two decades in different positions, in top companies and with friends and former cowkorkers in many other top companies.

I happy to admit I'm wrong when I see facts proving me wrong, not like in this case when there are no facts proving me wrong, but only a gaming flatearther or conspiracy theorist telling his/her personal guess with absolutely no fact behind to back it up and instead many facts proving him/her wrong.

Jim Ryan did not retire because of age lmao. That’s what they told the public. It’s same as an employer’s reference, it’s not written too negative as it could harm the ex-employee’s applications for future employers. He never intended to step down. They can’t say to public he was laid off because of certain results or his performance.
I have been correct and I said before 2023 ends, he will step down. Live with it or keep being delusional.
Let's see:
  • He's retiring at an age where most people (from USA or UK) retires, early sixties.
  • He will retire leaving the company in the best position where it ever has been, with the biggest revenue and profit they had (last FY was temporally down to acquisitions, but this FY will go back to be up) since starting the division and with the best revenue a console maker CEO ever had.
  • He retires keeping their traditional markets (console hardware, console software, accesories, game subs, first party games) in record numbers.
  • He retires with the road to expand to new markets already built, in a better than ever solid position to keep expanding them in the long term (VR, cloud gaming, PC ports, GaaS). Mobile is the only one (if we don't count Sony Music games) where Sony still isn't in a great position.
  • He retires keeping the company as market leader and growing their market share every month (at least in the main markets US/EU/JP, where we have numbers).
  • He retires saying it half a year before to plan and execute its succession and transition to the new CEO.
But according to you he has been fired because of "certain results or performance" that you may have seen in your dreams because such bad numbers don't exist: basically all their key main metrics, which I mention in this reply, prove wrong. You're the delusional here.

C'mon, show which are these supposed 'certain results or performance' that in your fantasy are the reason of why him was supposedly fired.


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Bullshit, provide some links where I was wrong about predictions. And I know a thing or two about the industry because I've been working there for almost two decades in different positions, in top companies and with friends and former cowkorkers in many other top companies.

I happy to admit I'm wrong when I see facts proving me wrong, not like in this case when there are no facts proving me wrong, but only a gaming flatearther or conspiracy theorist telling his/her personal guess with absolutely no fact behind to back it up and instead many facts proving him/her wrong.

Let's see:
  • He's retiring at an age where most people (from USA or UK) retires, early sixties.
  • He will retire leaving the company in the best position where it ever has been, with the biggest revenue and profit they had (last FY was temporally down to acquisitions, but this FY will go back to be up) since starting the division and with the best revenue a console maker CEO ever had.
  • He retires keeping their traditional markets (console hardware, console software, accesories, game subs, first party games) in record numbers.
  • He retires with the road to expand to new markets already built, in a better than ever solid position to keep expanding them in the long term (VR, cloud gaming, PC ports, GaaS). Mobile is the only one (if we don't count Sony Music games) where Sony still isn't in a great position.
  • He retires keeping the company as market leader and growing their market share every month (at least in the main markets US/EU/JP, where we have numbers).
  • He retires saying it half a year before to plan and execute its succession and transition to the new CEO.
But according to you he has been fired because of "certain results or performance" that you may have seen in your dreams because such bad numbers don't exist: basically all their key main metrics, which I mention in this reply, prove wrong. You're the delusional here.

C'mon, show which are these supposed 'certain results or performance' that in your fantasy are the reason of why him was supposedly fired.
You’re an deluded Clown, the entire circus.
I am tired of your bullshit.
Working in the gaming-industry, your fantasy doesn’t count. 🤡🤡🤡
You’re 100% not working in the gaming industry and certainly not at Sony, you’re a blatant liar. You’re nothing but a bedroom CEO.
Either you’re not aware what nonsense you do write or you have some serious mental health issues. I don’t care what you believe, you will hide when Kiichiro Urata becomes CEO.
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Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
You’re an deluded Clown, the entire circus.
I am tired of your bullshit.
You’re 100% not working in gaming industry, you’re a blatant liar. You’re nothing but a bedroom CEO.
Either you’re not aware what nonsense you do write or you have some serious mental health issues. I don’t care what you believe, you will hide when Kiichiro Urata becomes CEO.
You're the delusional one. Jim Ryan didn't 'step down'. He retired. Let's round up all your other predictions and get a batting average, shall we?


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
You're the delusional one. Jim Ryan didn't 'step down'. He retired. Let's round up all your other predictions and get a batting average, shall we?
Oh you mean Square Enix? There is nothing off the table. Besides that I haven’t made many predictions than Square Enix. But I am not talking about Square right now.
Also I don’t care if you revert to insults. You will all stay silent when Kiichiro Urata becomes new CEO.


21 Jun 2022
You’re an deluded Clown, the entire circus.
I am tired of your bullshit.
Either you’re not aware what nonsense you do write or you have some serious mental health issues. I don’t care what you believe, you will hide when Kiichiro Urata becomes CEO.
A person whose fantasies I proved wrong with a few facts and that isn't capable to show a single fact that proves me wrong but instead insults me says that I'm the one with mental issues. What a joke.

I won't care about who's the next CEO when announced. I have my favorites now, who with my limited knowledge about them, their performake and skills I think are the best fit, but I'm pretty sure they'll carefully choose the best sucesor having way more info than us. In fact, Jimbo, Kenichiro Yoshida and Totoki and their teams may have been working on it for a while.

I'll send you a prize if the choosen one is who you say: a former MS employee that almost shut down Capcom USA and Europe and whose only work at Sony is to have handled 3rd party relationships with Asian publishers for the last couple of years.
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
A person whose fantasies I proved wrong with some facts and isn't capable to show a single fact that proves me wrong talks about being myself the one with mental issues. What a joke.

I won't care about who's the next CEO when announced. I have my favorites now, who with my limited knowledge about them, their performake and skills I think are the best fit, but I'm pretty sure they'll carefully choose the best sucesor having way more info than us.
Where did you prove me wrong???
All you do is posting some wall of text talking around, without definitive source. Make a screenshot and show me your evidence “disproving me”
You just can’t accept I was right with saying Jim Ryan would step down before 2023 ends. The formally response because of age or whatever doesn’t matter. I will say it again you’re not working in the gaming-industry, your fantasy doesn’t count here. But regardless I will not continue to do circles and wasting my time.


29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
So when you look for a new leader, would it perhaps make sense to bring in someone with a track record in live service and mobile, rather than an established PlayStation person whose primary experience has been launching major single-player AAA games and dedicated hardware? I am not sure what the right answer to that is.

Not that. As evidenced by this later observation:

Ryan ultimately leaves PlayStation in a strong position. It's the console market leader and growing its share with each passing month. Its global reach its expanding, and its games are continuing to win awards and break sales records. Whoever takes charge from here will be inheriting a company in an enviable position.

Hiring a new CEO whose goal is to hyperfocus on service games after multiple promises that those would NOT become the sole focus, to say nothing of focusing on MOBILE? That's how you rapidly lose momentum on that front.

Really though, it feels like this whole article says a whole lot of nothing.
  • they're_right_you_know
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29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
You’re coping hard dude. See it you have been multiple times wrong, you know nothing about Sony. What’s also so annoying, you can’t admit being wrong, always twist it so you look right.
Jim Ryan did not retire because of age lmao. That’s what they told the public. It’s same as an employer’s reference, it’s not written too negative as it could harm the ex-employee’s applications for future employers. He never intended to step down. They can’t say to public he was laid off because of certain results or his performance.
I have been correct and I said before 2023 ends, he will step down. Live with it or keep being delusional.
Kind of funny seeing someone who posted this call others delusional. Record performances, record profits and revenue, has their console on track to become their second-best seller at least (and through a global pandemic), had several games ready for launch through those early months and managed the logistics of getting those copies made and where they needed to go during said pandemic, moved the company toward becoming more self-sufficient and less reliant on third-party revenue so as to be less potentially shaken by Microsoft's antics in the future...

From a corporate standpoint, my guy, I'm not sure what reason you see for them to have "fired" him. Especially when he made comments a ways back about how exhausted he was and the toll the job had been taking on him.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
You’re an deluded Clown, the entire circus.
I am tired of your bullshit.
Working in the gaming-industry, your fantasy doesn’t count. 🤡🤡🤡
You’re 100% not working in the gaming industry and certainly not at Sony, you’re a blatant liar. You’re nothing but a bedroom CEO.
Either you’re not aware what nonsense you do write or you have some serious mental health issues. I don’t care what you believe, you will hide when Kiichiro Urata becomes CEO.
Imagine getting this triggered because internet strangers are telling you that your uncle isn't going to become CEO of playstation


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Say what you want. We will see who is delusional and triggered. It’s coincidentally only the people replying here who held Jim Ryqn in high regards. If you don’t see what wrongs Jim Ryan has done, then I am sorry to further explain.

Well I am not saying more than this.


29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
Say what you want. We will see who is delusional and triggered. It’s coincidentally only the people replying here who held Jim Ryqn in high regards. If you don’t see what wrongs Jim Ryan has done, then I am sorry to further explain.

Well I am not saying more than this.

I see a lot of entitled fanboys who think the company has to run exactly as it did ten years ago and pretend things aren't changing.

I see a lot of people who don't understand how business actually works commenting on how business works.

I see a lot of people who don't understand how game development works trying to comment about how game development works.

I'm not sure what point you think you're making here. This is par for the course in all parts of gaming discourse.
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21 Jun 2022
Where did you prove me wrong???
All you do is posting some wall of text talking around, without definitive source. Make a screenshot and show me your evidence “disproving me”
You said "he was laid off because of certain results or his performance" (source: your ass) and I proved it wrong listing his key results or performance in most of their areas (source: Sony fiscal reports) and they range from great to gaming history records for any console maker ever or best Sony numbers ever. And there are way more like ARPU, engagement etc., I only listed a few ones.

So it's impossible that he could have been fired due to bad results/performance when the bad results/performance only exist in your fantasies. His real world result/performance are great and in many cases record breaking.

You just can’t accept I was right with saying Jim Ryan would step down before 2023 ends.
If you said that, you simply were lucky. Seems that in your fantasy it isn't clear if he stepped down or if he was fired, before you were saying that he was fired and now that he stepped down.

The formally response because of age or whatever doesn’t matter. I
The age is the main reason of retirement for most people.

will say it again you’re not working in the gaming-industry, your fantasy doesn’t count here. But regardless I will not continue to do circles and wasting my time.
What fantasy? I'm the one who proved you wrong, not the opposite
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Cool hand luke


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
I don’t care what you say.
Sure, sure you proved me wrong lmao.
Like I said we will see who is living in his fantasy.
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21 Jun 2022
I didn't read anything but don't worry, @Yurinka is always wrong about pretty much everything 👍 it's best to ignore trolls like him
Here we have another example of a toxic person who doesn't know how to properly debate and instead of using facts to back opinions simply insults people who doesn't agree with.

I only ask for two things:
  • Some fact that shows that Jim Ryan has been fired
  • Factual numbers that show his supposed bad results/performance, which are supposed to be the reason of why he was supposedly fired
I think he wasn't fired and instead retired, because the facts we have reasonably lead to think he retired due to his age (he mentioned that travels to USA, Japan and Europe every month, so jet lag must be a pain in the ass) and that the had great results/performance in most areas, specially the key KPIs.