Sony Has A Crucial Decision To Make After Jim Ryan's Retirement.


8 May 2023
Here we have another example of a toxic person who doesn't know how to properly debate and instead of using facts to back opinions simply insults people who doesn't agree with.

I only ask for two things:
  • Some fact that shows that Jim Ryan has been fired
  • Factual numbers that show his supposed bad results/performance, which are supposed to be the reason of why he was supposedly fired
I think he wasn't fired and instead retired, because the facts we have reasonably lead to think he retired due to his age (he mentioned that travels to USA, Japan and Europe every month, so jet lag must be a pain in the ass) and that the had great results/performance in most areas, specially the key KPIs.
I’m not toxic, it’s not my fault you have a bad reputation around these parts
  • they're_right_you_know
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Wanna bet? How about a tag/avatar bet?
I don’t know about that. I can see how these disbeliever will twist it like: “You were just lucky”. I have been saying it for half a year before that Jim Ryan would step down before 2023 ends, but they’re still being in denial. Something like this is impossible to guess. Also no single outlet reported about taking Kiichiro Urata as possible candidate…Out of anger they call me delusional and it’s clearly them clowning here. So why the effort to bet?
I honestly don’t care what these salty Jim Ryan cheerleader say anymore. I am staying with it’s going to be Kiichiro Urata who will be appointed as new CEO. Well if they don’t like hearing it, they can just ignore me lol.
  • haha
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Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
I don’t know about that. I can see how these disbeliever will twist it like: “You were just lucky”. I have been saying it for half a year before that Jim Ryan would step down before 2023 ends, but they’re still being in denial. Something like this is impossible to guess. Also no single outlet reported about taking Kiichiro Urata as possible candidate…Out of anger they call me delusional and it’s clearly them clowning here. So why the effort to bet?
I honestly don’t care what these salty Jim Ryan cheerleader say anymore. I am staying with it’s going to be Kiichiro Urata who will be appointed as new CEO. Well if they don’t like hearing it, they can just ignore me lol.
The bet is clear cut - if it happens, whether you were 'lucky' or not, you win the bet.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: KiryuRealty


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
The bet is clear cut - if it happens, whether you were 'lucky' or not, you win the bet.
Well I don’t mind. If I lose I will have Phil Spencer as my avatar until 2024 ends. If I win you guys will change your avatar to Aaron Greenberg until 2024 ends. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Does it really matter who the next ceo is as long as they have the right ideas and priorities?
Yes it does. Because different cultures, different mindest. 🤷🏻‍♂️
It’s simple as it sounds. Not saying they will completely shift their focus on a new direction but it will be much different under a Japanese rule then lead by a western guy.
They (PS western fans) don’t like the idea that Sony could focus more on their home market (Japan). They fear it will shift to a stronger focus on Japanese audience m. Honestly I would love that but that’s not that would happen over night. I value Japanese and their principles. I am tired of western guys westernising PlayStation, that’s why I am rooting for Japanese leader. For record I don’t know Urata Kiichiro nor is “he my uncle”.
Well I have told you why I do favour Kiichiro Urata because of his experience and impressive Vita. He has definitely leadership skills. Addendum: If Kiichiro Urata becomes elected to CEO I can see them reallocating back their HQ to Minato and rename current HQ to SIE of America. Would be an long-term investment but definitely the right step forward. PlayStation being under stronger watch by the parent company (Sony Group) would help strengthen their business.


Active member
31 May 2023
Yes it does. Because different cultures, different mindest. 🤷🏻‍♂️
It’s simple as it sounds. Not saying they will completely shift their focus on a new direction but it will be much different under a Japanese rule then lead by a western guy.
They (PS western fans) don’t like the idea that Sony could focus more on their home market (Japan). They fear it will shift to a stronger focus on Japanese audience m. Honestly I would love that but that’s not that would happen over night. I value Japanese and their principles. I am tired of western guys westernising PlayStation, that’s why I am rooting for Japanese leader. For record I don’t know Urata Kiichiro nor is “he my uncle”.
Well I have told you why I do favour Kiichiro Urata because of his experience and impressive Vita. He has definitely leadership skills. Addendum: If Kiichiro Urata becomes elected to CEO I can see them reallocating back their HQ to Minato and rename current HQ to SIE of America. Would be an long-term investment but definitely the right step forward. PlayStation being under stronger watch by the parent company (Sony Group) would help strengthen their business.
You better be right about this, I really really want the next CEO of SIE to be Japanese so my hopium is very strong. Jim Ryan will not retire until April next year so I wonder whether Sony can find a new CEO in the next 6 months.


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
You better be right about this, I really really want the next CEO of SIE to be Japanese so my hopium is very strong. Jim Ryan will not retire until April next year so I wonder whether Sony can find a new CEO in the next 6 months.
No Jim Ryan is leaving in October this year. Decisions will be made by Totoki Hiroki as chairman. In 2024 April then Hiroki becomes Interim CEO for an certain period.
  • thinking_hard
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
No Jim Ryan is leaving in October this year. Decisions will be made by Totoki Hiroki as chairman. In 2024 April then Hiroki becomes Interim CEO for an certain period.
Screenshot 2023-10-02 01.42.39.png

Bro how can you be so confidently wrong every single time?


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
View attachment 2435

Bro how can you be so confidently wrong every single time?
“A chairman is technically “higher” than a CEO.A chairman can appoint, evaluate, and fire the CEO. The CEO still holds the highest position in the operational structure of the company, and all other executives answer to the CEO.”

I have misread the part with his resignation date.
But still the part with Totoki making decisions is true. A Chairman is higher than a CEO.


Well-known member
10 Jan 2023
If they do, it'll be the death of PlayStation and would be completely deserved.

There's only really room for like 5-6 big or moderately big GaaS titles any given generation, it seems like. Even heavily established IPs like Halo and Diablo have died on the hill of trying to go GaaS and failing spectacularly.

Sony may have much better management of their studios and IPs when it comes to traditional and limited live-service titles but how much of that really translates over to GaaS? Because it will not be 100% that much I can promise. And, how much would they need to compete against the MiHoYos, NetEases, EAs, Ubisofts (or whoever owns CounterStrike...I think it's Valve?), Epics etc. because that will be Sony's competition in the GaaS space (alongside others I didn't name).

I'm not saying Sony shouldn't go for GaaS at all. But, they need to very smart about it, and aim for genres and takes that would be extremely novel and unique in the GaaS market. Something like a PvPvE-style rhythm game, or GaaS platformer. With all due respect stuff like FairGame$ ain't it and Marathon mainly has such a strong shot because it's Bungie, otherwise it'd be one of many scifi-themed FPS GaaS titles in the market.
Playstation sold well back when they barely made any games of their own. People bought PS1s for MGS, FF, Crash, Resident Evil, etc.

They are the defacto home console. The only thing that would hurt playstation is if consumers decide they don't want traditional home consoles.
24 Jun 2022
Playstation sold well back when they barely made any games of their own. People bought PS1s for MGS, FF, Crash, Resident Evil, etc.

They are the defacto home console. The only thing that would hurt playstation is if consumers decide they don't want traditional home consoles.

Yeah, and those games were also exclusive to PS1, more or less. RE got an inferior port to Saturn after the PS1 version dropped, and RE2 didn't come to N64 until 2000.

The games may've had PC versions maybe 6 months or something after PS1 (FF7 got a PC port less than a year after PS1 ver released), but gaming space/audience on PC and console was WAY different back then, and there was very, very little customer & audience crossover.

Again, Jim Ryan said it himself: PC is a competitor to PS (modern day). PC was not a competitor to PS1, or PS2. As PC gains more users (well, as Steam gains more users), that increases competition for traditional consoles like PS, Nintendo and even Xbox (in spite of Xbox's downwards spiral) from Valve and Microsoft (since PC gaming is synonymous with Windows, which Microsoft owns).
  • thinking_hard
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Deleted member 223

Don't like the term of those bets. Not that I'm taking part in the circus but since I'm chief brawler in this forum the terms are as follows:

Winner side (Eternal Wings): Keeps his avatar, forces losing side to sport a feminized anime spiky hair male avatar - preferably Cloud. Repulsive and insulting - no worse punishment for any straight male.

Winner (Yurinka and the rest): Eternal Wings gets to sport a western dudebro avatar, full of western toxic masculinity on display. Repulsive and insulting superiority message of the western ideal model of men, and culture.


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8 May 2023
Yeah, and those games were also exclusive to PS1, more or less. RE got an inferior port to Saturn after the PS1 version dropped, and RE2 didn't come to N64 until 2000.

The games may've had PC versions maybe 6 months or something after PS1 (FF7 got a PC port less than a year after PS1 ver released), but gaming space/audience on PC and console was WAY different back then, and there was very, very little customer & audience crossover.

Again, Jim Ryan said it himself: PC is a competitor to PS (modern day). PC was not a competitor to PS1, or PS2. As PC gains more users (well, as Steam gains more users), that increases competition for traditional consoles like PS, Nintendo and even Xbox (in spite of Xbox's downwards spiral) from Valve and Microsoft (since PC gaming is synonymous with Windows, which Microsoft owns).

Those were very specific market conditions from the 5th and 6th generation. Nintendo and Sega dropping the ball for 2 generations and PC gaming, while advancing at a breakneck pace tech wise, was the Wild west as a market for games. Thats why Sony had the de facto monopoly with many games, even without having to cut exclusivity deals.

Those things changed with the 7th generation, the 360 and Steam. and with the Switch for Nintendo. Its in third parties best interest to release their games in as many platforms as possible. At most, some will negotiate timed exclusivity deals, giving devs time to work on the game for the platform with the largest target market first, while getting some funding.

Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
Those were very specific market conditions from the 5th and 6th generation. Nintendo and Sega dropping the ball for 2 generations and PC gaming, while advancing at a breakneck pace tech wise, was the Wild west as a market for games. Thats why Sony had the de facto monopoly with many games, even without having to cut exclusivity deals.

Those things changed with the 7th generation, the 360 and Steam. and with the Switch for Nintendo. Its in third parties best interest to release their games in as many platforms as possible. At most, some will negotiate timed exclusivity deals, giving devs time to work on the game for the platform with the largest target market first, while getting some funding.
There's a tradeoff between cost and return. As many platforms as possible is not a viable strategy, but as many as you can secure a return on might be without consideration of othe goals.

It's in devs' best interests to reach the broadest audience possible, profitably, and if gaming consolidates around the Playstation home console again, that's where they'll be. We all want a one console future. Easier for devs, easier for consumers. Die, Microsoft, die.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: KiryuRealty


8 May 2023
There's a tradeoff between cost and return. As many platforms as possible is not a viable strategy, but as many as you can secure a return on might be without consideration of othe goals.

It's in devs' best interests to reach the broadest audience possible, profitably, and if gaming consolidates around the Playstation home console again, that's where they'll be. We all want a one console future. Easier for devs, easier for consumers. Die, Microsoft, die.

Believe me. You don't want that. I get this is Icon Era but you don't want a return to the NES days. You think those PS Plus increases were bad? Picture with a single console calling the shots. All Playstations better come bundled with bottles of lube. Although seeing the levels of fanboysm I am confident many would choose not to use it.
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Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
Believe me. You don't want that. I get this is Icon Era but you don't want a return to the NES days. You think those PS Plus increases were bad? Picture with a single console calling the shots. All Playstations better come bundled with bottles of lube. Although seeing the levels of fanboysm I am confident many would choose not to use it.
One console hardware standard where the competition in the market is on software would be ideal. PC would still exist as a 'competitor'. Handheld/mobile would still exist. Cloud would still exist. These were not viable alternatives during the NES days.

As it stands Xbox doesn't need to exist and the market would be demonstrably better if they went 3rd party.