Sony's future and possible studio/publisher acquisitions


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
First off; hello everyone! And very good to be here. Thanks also @Papacheeks for hitting me up with a link, much appreciated. Been fun reading through the convos in some of the other threads, too.

On the topic of Sony acquisitions, I know a lot of you are speculating on who Sony could buy from a finances/strategy POV but I'm personally more interested in terms of who they could get WRT doing more with some of their legacy IP and maybe those of whoever it is they buy. That's why picks like Ubisoft or Netherrealm, despite how they seem in terms of the fiscals, I just don't give much a crap about. They have little to no IP I'm actually interested in outside of Rayman and maybe Rider's Republic, and Mortal Kombat & Batman.

However, I can kind of live without any of those tbh. You can sacrifice Batman for Spiderman & Venom (& Wolverine), you can sacrifice Rayman for Astrobot, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, Tomba! etc. You can even sacrifice Rider's Republic for Motorstorm. The only one of those IP-wise that Sony doesn't necessarily have a 1P equivalent for is Mortal Kombat, but if it's a matter of having an in-house fighter, why not just buy out the rights for Bloody Roar instead? That still has a lot of nostalgia tied to it IMO.

Same way I've been thinking of it these days for Microsoft, for Sony I'm more interested in the ways these acquisitions can maybe bring back some classic IP, as well as benefit the purchaser's finances. I'd like for these to have a balance; it's kind of why I saw the Zenimax acquisition for MS being an overall better pickup for them than ABK; yeah ABK brings in more money, but very few of their IP have any legacy with Xbox and they have less relevant IP (for my tastes) than Zenimax does, too. So I can see where Ubisoft, EA or WB make a ton of sense for Sony financially, and they all have some pretty strong legacy with PlayStation, but if it were me looking to buy, I wouldn't go after them, or maybe just limit it to one of those picks, mainly WB. Let someone else pick up Ubisoft, EA etc. if they want.

So for me, acquisitions I would be most interested in from Sony would be Capcom, Square-Enix and Sega, if we're talking publishers. The least likely is probably Sega; they just seem very close with Microsoft these days and I only hope in the case IF MS go after them, they will have already proven they can actually make Zenimax & ABK (as well as the 2018 studio pickups) better off or I'll be extremely pissed off, there's no reason for them to really buy more ATM when they still need to prove they can maximize the acquisitions they've already purchased so far, otherwise they look like patent trolls IMO. There are obviously some Sega IP I would like to see come back like Panzer Dragoon, Dragon Force, (classic) Phantasy Star, Outrun etc. but I don't know if there are any Sega teams that could do much for Sony's classic IPs and some of those Sega IP I like, Sony technically have equivalents for in some way (the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus/Last Guardian type games for Panzer Dragoon for example, thematically speaking).

OTOH, Capcom and Square-Enix have a lot of classic IP of their own I'd love to see come back as either AAA reboots/sequels or AA & indie remakes/reboots/sequels. Einhander, Parasite Eve, Mega Man, Power Stone, Dino Crisis, Racing Lagoon, etc. I think they also have some teams that could do really well for some of Sony's classic IPs like Legend of Dragoon, Parappa/UmJammer, Tomba!, Driveclub, Ueda Trilogy etc. There's a lot of synergy there, and that can extend beyond games because a lot of those IP could make for great anime/CG/live-action adaptations, manga adaptations, toy lines, artbook collections, clothing apparel, etc. It would also do really well in terms of utilizing nostalgia (something Nintendo are masters at...maybe almost TOO well) and be a great balance for their big marquee, more modern IP like TLOU, Spiderman, Ghosts of Tsushima, Horizon, etc.

So yeah in terms of publishers the two for Sony I'd be most interested in (and are also likely among the more realistic to happen anyway) are Square-Enix and Capcom. I wouldn't of mind Sega but it seems like they might be veering closer to Microsoft these days, tho the two have had some pretty strong historical relations (at least as far back as Windows CE for Dreamcast, but even a bit earlier). I do see the immediate value in WB and they have IP I'm interested in as well, but that's mainly in terms of comic book characters like Batman, and I wonder if Sony could just work out a licensing deal for the "Batman universe" for games and have right of first refusal in case they want to exclusively work with a certain character or characters. If they could do that while just buying select WB studios, even better.

As for companies like EA, Ubisoft or even Take-Two...I know they are massive but there's not a lot in terms of IP between those three I'm very interested in. Off the top of my head, I can think of Road Rash (dormant), Haunting Starring Poultryguy (dormant), Test Drive (dormant), Burnout (Dormant), Grand Theft Auto, Rayman, and Rider's Republic. Four of those are effectively racing games (and not much that something like a new Motorstorm couldn't incorporate gameplay elements of), one's so niche (tho very cool; play it if you haven't) that they could basically do their own take without the IP, one's a solid platformer that isn't without peers or betters (including some Sony themselves own already), and the last is...well admittedly, it's THE largest single IP in the industry, the quintessential open-world game but, honestly, it's not like GTA would go anywhere regardless who buys them, and Sony could still bring in some really good money with other options if money is focus.

For me tho, money isn't everything and that's why ultimately if they have to pick up a prominent publisher or two, the best fits are likely Capcom and Square-Enix. If they can work out licensing deals with Konami for, say, Castlevania, MGS etc. then cool; same with some of Sega's stuff, but in both cases, those wouldn't be vital. If there's any one Western publisher worth seriously considering, it's WB. I've seen some of y'all mention studios like Ember Labs, or small indie publishers like Devolver Digital...I think those would be very good fits too, even maybe a developer like Asobo if they were actually interested in being acquired (tho that one would probably be more hotly contested; I was always thinking a while back that MS should've tried picking them up but that moment might have passed for them).

At the end of the day tho, especially when it comes to publishers, for me it's about what pubs bring the IP (and the teams that can do right by their IP as well as those of a buyer like Sony's, particularly the classic IP) that perhaps can get love via some new indie, mid-tier & especially upper mid-tier and AAA games that we wouldn't of gotten otherwise. Because that's the most interesting in my eyes. If Sony buying SE means a new AAA Parasite Eve, that's awesome! If it "just" means securing permanent exclusivity for a Final Fantasy they would've already had multi-year exclusivity for before, then that's maybe smart for Sony's finances, but isn't as awesome because we would be getting that Final Fantasy regardless, as exclusive or multiplat, even. Same with Capcom; if Sony buying Capcom means we can get a new AAA Dino Crisis or a new AA Darkstalkers, that'd be amazing, especially if we have little to no chance of that happening without an acquisition. But if it just means Sony now getting more revenue off SFVI & RE4 Remake sales, again that's smart for their finances, but not nearly as exciting to me in terms of maximizing possibilities.

Hey Thicc, welcome to the forum. It's awesome to have you here and thanks for the detailed post on the topic....

I agree with you and I think we are gonna see the same few companies mentioned again and again as favorites for Sony to buy.

Square Enix seemingly the most obvious and anticipated move....however Capcom being the most versatile and like a Queen piece on the chessboard as opposed to the Bishop or Knight of Square Enix. (especially with Tomb Raider etc sold off)

While in the west WB as you said, seems to be the most speculated. I would also say that CDPR may be a possibility.
I think Ubisoft will resist takeovers and EA see themselves as buyers, not sellers and are aligned with MSFT already IMO.

I could also see Sony going for something out of left one of the rising Korean developers.

I would love to see them have a fighting game studio like Arc..... and maybe do a Marvel fighting game.


21 Jun 2022
What do you think about this?

Sony is hiring an Account manager for Japanese Publishers.

Yes, SIE is growing all their teams. Including the one who handles with 3rd party publishers. Some time ago they did put in charge of that team to ex-Capcom bosses, one for USA and another one for Japan. Jimbo said some time ago that they were strengtening bonds with Japanese 3rd parties, and also that they planned to have more exclusives for PS5 than for any previous console.


21 Jun 2022
First off; hello everyone! And very good to be here. Thanks also @Papacheeks for hitting me up with a link, much appreciated. Been fun reading through the convos in some of the other threads, too.

On the topic of Sony acquisitions, I know a lot of you are speculating on who Sony could buy from a finances/strategy POV but I'm personally more interested in terms of who they could get WRT doing more with some of their legacy IP and maybe those of whoever it is they buy. That's why picks like Ubisoft or Netherrealm, despite how they seem in terms of the fiscals, I just don't give much a crap about. They have little to no IP I'm actually interested in outside of Rayman and maybe Rider's Republic, and Mortal Kombat & Batman.

However, I can kind of live without any of those tbh. You can sacrifice Batman for Spiderman & Venom (& Wolverine), you can sacrifice Rayman for Astrobot, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, Tomba! etc. You can even sacrifice Rider's Republic for Motorstorm. The only one of those IP-wise that Sony doesn't necessarily have a 1P equivalent for is Mortal Kombat, but if it's a matter of having an in-house fighter, why not just buy out the rights for Bloody Roar instead? That still has a lot of nostalgia tied to it IMO.

Same way I've been thinking of it these days for Microsoft, for Sony I'm more interested in the ways these acquisitions can maybe bring back some classic IP, as well as benefit the purchaser's finances. I'd like for these to have a balance; it's kind of why I saw the Zenimax acquisition for MS being an overall better pickup for them than ABK; yeah ABK brings in more money, but very few of their IP have any legacy with Xbox and they have less relevant IP (for my tastes) than Zenimax does, too. So I can see where Ubisoft, EA or WB make a ton of sense for Sony financially, and they all have some pretty strong legacy with PlayStation, but if it were me looking to buy, I wouldn't go after them, or maybe just limit it to one of those picks, mainly WB. Let someone else pick up Ubisoft, EA etc. if they want.

So for me, acquisitions I would be most interested in from Sony would be Capcom, Square-Enix and Sega, if we're talking publishers. The least likely is probably Sega; they just seem very close with Microsoft these days and I only hope in the case IF MS go after them, they will have already proven they can actually make Zenimax & ABK (as well as the 2018 studio pickups) better off or I'll be extremely pissed off, there's no reason for them to really buy more ATM when they still need to prove they can maximize the acquisitions they've already purchased so far, otherwise they look like patent trolls IMO. There are obviously some Sega IP I would like to see come back like Panzer Dragoon, Dragon Force, (classic) Phantasy Star, Outrun etc. but I don't know if there are any Sega teams that could do much for Sony's classic IPs and some of those Sega IP I like, Sony technically have equivalents for in some way (the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus/Last Guardian type games for Panzer Dragoon for example, thematically speaking).

OTOH, Capcom and Square-Enix have a lot of classic IP of their own I'd love to see come back as either AAA reboots/sequels or AA & indie remakes/reboots/sequels. Einhander, Parasite Eve, Mega Man, Power Stone, Dino Crisis, Racing Lagoon, etc. I think they also have some teams that could do really well for some of Sony's classic IPs like Legend of Dragoon, Parappa/UmJammer, Tomba!, Driveclub, Ueda Trilogy etc. There's a lot of synergy there, and that can extend beyond games because a lot of those IP could make for great anime/CG/live-action adaptations, manga adaptations, toy lines, artbook collections, clothing apparel, etc. It would also do really well in terms of utilizing nostalgia (something Nintendo are masters at...maybe almost TOO well) and be a great balance for their big marquee, more modern IP like TLOU, Spiderman, Ghosts of Tsushima, Horizon, etc.

So yeah in terms of publishers the two for Sony I'd be most interested in (and are also likely among the more realistic to happen anyway) are Square-Enix and Capcom. I wouldn't of mind Sega but it seems like they might be veering closer to Microsoft these days, tho the two have had some pretty strong historical relations (at least as far back as Windows CE for Dreamcast, but even a bit earlier). I do see the immediate value in WB and they have IP I'm interested in as well, but that's mainly in terms of comic book characters like Batman, and I wonder if Sony could just work out a licensing deal for the "Batman universe" for games and have right of first refusal in case they want to exclusively work with a certain character or characters. If they could do that while just buying select WB studios, even better.

As for companies like EA, Ubisoft or even Take-Two...I know they are massive but there's not a lot in terms of IP between those three I'm very interested in. Off the top of my head, I can think of Road Rash (dormant), Haunting Starring Poultryguy (dormant), Test Drive (dormant), Burnout (Dormant), Grand Theft Auto, Rayman, and Rider's Republic. Four of those are effectively racing games (and not much that something like a new Motorstorm couldn't incorporate gameplay elements of), one's so niche (tho very cool; play it if you haven't) that they could basically do their own take without the IP, one's a solid platformer that isn't without peers or betters (including some Sony themselves own already), and the last is...well admittedly, it's THE largest single IP in the industry, the quintessential open-world game but, honestly, it's not like GTA would go anywhere regardless who buys them, and Sony could still bring in some really good money with other options if money is focus.

For me tho, money isn't everything and that's why ultimately if they have to pick up a prominent publisher or two, the best fits are likely Capcom and Square-Enix. If they can work out licensing deals with Konami for, say, Castlevania, MGS etc. then cool; same with some of Sega's stuff, but in both cases, those wouldn't be vital. If there's any one Western publisher worth seriously considering, it's WB. I've seen some of y'all mention studios like Ember Labs, or small indie publishers like Devolver Digital...I think those would be very good fits too, even maybe a developer like Asobo if they were actually interested in being acquired (tho that one would probably be more hotly contested; I was always thinking a while back that MS should've tried picking them up but that moment might have passed for them).

At the end of the day tho, especially when it comes to publishers, for me it's about what pubs bring the IP (and the teams that can do right by their IP as well as those of a buyer like Sony's, particularly the classic IP) that perhaps can get love via some new indie, mid-tier & especially upper mid-tier and AAA games that we wouldn't of gotten otherwise. Because that's the most interesting in my eyes. If Sony buying SE means a new AAA Parasite Eve, that's awesome! If it "just" means securing permanent exclusivity for a Final Fantasy they would've already had multi-year exclusivity for before, then that's maybe smart for Sony's finances, but isn't as awesome because we would be getting that Final Fantasy regardless, as exclusive or multiplat, even. Same with Capcom; if Sony buying Capcom means we can get a new AAA Dino Crisis or a new AA Darkstalkers, that'd be amazing, especially if we have little to no chance of that happening without an acquisition. But if it just means Sony now getting more revenue off SFVI & RE4 Remake sales, again that's smart for their finances, but not nearly as exciting to me in terms of maximizing possibilities.
Nice to see you here, thicc. Welcome! I assume that as Sony does with their own studios and now also Bungie or other studios bought recently like Firesprite, they will help grow the manpower of companies they may buy in the mid term.

That would mean that these acquired companies would be able to release more games than the ones they are actually releasing, which would allow them to recover more dormant classic IPs from both Sony or from themselves. I think it would be very interesting to see Square Enix rebooting Sony JRPG or Japanese adventure ames, from Warner Bros would be interesting to give Marvel superhero games or some cool Sony Pictures IP to Rocksteady, or maybe some of the 3rd person action adventure IPs from Sony (they have many of them), or to give kids friendly PS (or Sony Pictures) to Traveller's Tale or Avalanche.

I'd like to see from Sega PSVR2 reboots of some of their classic arcades like Crazy Taxi, Daytona USA, Afterburner, Out Run or Sega Rally. Or with Capcom, I'd try to give SSM a DMC and Capcom a GoW (or to make them to work together in a crossover that would mix these IPs), a Marvel vs PlayStation (the playStation side would include Capcom characters too since they would be bought by SIE) fighting game, or maybe a Resident Evil x Uncharted crossover or to put SotC characters in Monster Hunter or something like that. And well, there are many series I'd like them to bring back (they seem to be working on several of them like Final Fight, Onimusha, Power Stone or Captain Commando).

There are tons of possibilities. I also specially like the idea of buying Devolver, Annapurna, Dotemu or Raw Fury and to allow the indies who work with them to use PS IPs in addition to continue delivering new normal indies.


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022

After our presentation, I think the team at SIE and PlayStation immediately saw the potential in our title and I think that speaks a lot about who they are as publishers. They saw the potential even in the early phase. They fostered it and wanted to see it flourish. They have been our champions from the very beginning and knew we had something special to share with the world."

This support from SIE extended beyond the Future of Gaming showcase reveal. Ember Lab had initially planned on developing Kena: Bridge of Spirits for PlayStation 4, but then a PlayStation 5 dev kit arrived. "To be honest, it was a little bit out of nowhere, but also, as consumers, we kind of knew something was coming. But once we had access to the technology, we needed to ask how the game was going to look? What will the challenges be to port it to a new platform? What are our goals to have Kena on PS5?" Mike said about next-gen development. "To the [SIE] team's credit, they provided us with a lot of trust, but knew that in order to present Kena properly, we needed to start touching the hardware and developing it for a new platform. Once we were provided with access, there was this mutual sense of 'you guys are in the mix now for the next generation.'"

24 Jun 2022
@thicc_girls_are_teh_best SQEX could revive many legacy IPs from Sony. They could make new Wild Arms games, Legend of the Dragoon Remake and sequels, Alundra, continue Arc the Lad series, Reboot of White Knight Chronicles, maybe a collaboration game for Playstation All-Stars Battle with Final Fantasy characters. But I really have the feeling it will be SQE. Not just because I am prefering them, because of many others aspects. Like more collaborations in movies, animes, no FF7R for Xbox, Hardware with SQEX designs for example the Sony Walkman in Kingdom Hearts branding and more. I am really cheering for that buyout by Sony. Let’s hope it will happen!

Oh those are some good mentions, I didn't even remember SE had Alundra; could also throw in Vagrant Story as another such IP they could bring back, and they actually would get a fighter under SE alone in the form of Ergheiz, but that would be more a Power Stone-type fighter than a Street Fighter one.

Forgot about the Walkman inserts in KH too 😂. I've been watching some older anime the past few weeks, it's always neat to see the PS1/Super Famicom/PC-Engine/Saturn references (or in some cases, outright official versions) of them in. I should look up what anime Sony helped co-fund or produce, just to catch the PS1 & PS2 references in them.

Hey Thicc, welcome to the forum. It's awesome to have you here and thanks for the detailed post on the topic....

I agree with you and I think we are gonna see the same few companies mentioned again and again as favorites for Sony to buy.

Square Enix seemingly the most obvious and anticipated move....however Capcom being the most versatile and like a Queen piece on the chessboard as opposed to the Bishop or Knight of Square Enix. (especially with Tomb Raider etc sold off)

While in the west WB as you said, seems to be the most speculated. I would also say that CDPR may be a possibility.
I think Ubisoft will resist takeovers and EA see themselves as buyers, not sellers and are aligned with MSFT already IMO.

I could also see Sony going for something out of left one of the rising Korean developers.

I would love to see them have a fighting game studio like Arc..... and maybe do a Marvel fighting game.

Thanks Bryank; glad to be here, and long posts have just kinda become a thing for me (tho @Yurinka might have me beat there xD).

Square-Enix is one of those publishers where, alongside Capcom, it just makes almost too much strategic sense for Sony and also satisfies a lot of potential in terms of maximizing nostalgia for big groups of diehard fans, especially for games that maybe would not have been made without such an acquisition happening. It's why even though I'm extremely weary of MS acquiring ABK, the most interesting aspects of that to me would be seeing if they bring back Leisure Suit Larry, Gabriel Knight, Guitar Hero etc....IP that are pretty much completely dormant but could now be brought back.

Just going from what they've managed to do with their ground-up studios for all these years and the acquisitions they've made so far (especially Insomniac), I'm personally a LOT more comfortable with Sony looking into pursuing a big publisher acquisition at this point compared to Microsoft; past results matter and we still haven't seen much anything from Ninja Theory, InExile, or the Zenimax teams that's really "showing" how MS being their new owner has pushed them beyond previous limits and elevated their output massively. OTOH, we've seen in real-timme just over the past 3-4 years how Sony's partnership and then purchase of Insomniac have enabled that team to grow from being a reliable modest team to arguably one of Sony's most important studios period alongside Naughty Dog, SSM etc. (especially considering the sales potential of their games). And I think for a majority of gamers, their sentiments are the same.

So while I don't necessarily agree with acquisitions in general, if they are inevitable, there are certain companies better suited to really enable and push teams to exceed previous results and expectations, compared to others. But since IMO Sony need to definitely keep in mind it's the Japanese devs who helped put the PS brand on the map, if they need to lock any down pub-wise, it's SE and Capcom. I agree tho that they can also look into some of emerging Korean and Chinese dev teams; if that DokeV game turns out to be really good I'd definitely like to at least see a publisher like Sony partner with them to develop even bigger & better games.

Seen some of y'all also mention Arc System Works...they're more or less seen as PS developer, I can't think of too many games they've put out on say Xbox or Nintendo platforms, so if that were to be a pickup it'd at least be one not too many people on those platforms exclusively would get mad over. It could be interesting for several reasons, tbh. There should've been a Guilty Gear anime series AGES ago IMHO, not to mention you could get a pseudo sequel to PS All-Stars that's actually good! In some insane scenario where a publisher like Sony could get them and Capcom, maybe you can get Arc to do some kind of crazy Guilty Gear x Darkstalkers style crossover!

Nice to see you here, thicc. Welcome! I assume that as Sony does with their own studios and now also Bungie or other studios bought recently like Firesprite, they will help grow the manpower of companies they may buy in the mid term.

That would mean that these acquired companies would be able to release more games than the ones they are actually releasing, which would allow them to recover more dormant classic IPs from both Sony or from themselves. I think it would be very interesting to see Square Enix rebooting Sony JRPG or Japanese adventure ames, from Warner Bros would be interesting to give Marvel superhero games or some cool Sony Pictures IP to Rocksteady, or maybe some of the 3rd person action adventure IPs from Sony (they have many of them), or to give kids friendly PS (or Sony Pictures) to Traveller's Tale or Avalanche.

I'd like to see from Sega PSVR2 reboots of some of their classic arcades like Crazy Taxi, Daytona USA, Afterburner, Out Run or Sega Rally. Or with Capcom, I'd try to give SSM a DMC and Capcom a GoW (or to make them to work together in a crossover that would mix these IPs), a Marvel vs PlayStation (the playStation side would include Capcom characters too since they would be bought by SIE) fighting game, or maybe a Resident Evil x Uncharted crossover or to put SotC characters in Monster Hunter or something like that. And well, there are many series I'd like them to bring back (they seem to be working on several of them like Final Fight, Onimusha, Power Stone or Captain Commando).

You know, technically Sega are making a new Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio, but they may not exactly be what a lot of fans were hoping for if they are going for a big live-service GaaS angle. I'm personally just glad those two are coming back, and hope they're solid; if it means we can get more traditional follow-ups for them or even other dormant Sega IP that'd be a dream.

Some cool ideas there with some of those Capcom/Sony crossovers; merging GoW and DMC universes into something like a singular event, Marvel vs PS (which would be even cooler than a new PS All-Stars tbh)...there's a ton of possibilities. In the likelihood Sony pick up SE, I'd be down for a new ActRaiser and maybe a re-release (at the very least) of Planet Laika. I don't think a lot of people have every played this game, it recently got an English fan translation, and it's a pretty good game with a great story and powerful themes. You don't really get games like anymore, sadly.

Oh, something's happening 😲
  • fire
Reactions: ARCANE and Bryank75


21 Jun 2022
Oh, something's happening 😲
It is very strange to see them on the SIE blog instead of in the PS blog. Maybe in SIE wanted to share a success story of one of the many indie teams they support via PlayStation Indies. Or maybe it's a hint of an upcoming 2nd party game deal or even an acquisition. But in any case seems they are very happy with each other.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
A major reason for Sony buying a Japanese developer is to revive their Japanese business. We all know Japanese prefer Mobiles and Handhelds.

Square Enix out of those 3 could probably help the most to revive Sonys Business in Japan and Handhelds.

Dragon Quest is a major player.

Yep i think Dragon Quest is the biggest franchise outside of Pokemon and Zelda In Japan. Then its Animal crossing then Final Fantasy. Square would be great. I think lol, can’t find the link I read it on before


22 Jun 2022
Yep i think Dragon Quest is the biggest franchise outside of Pokemon and Zelda In Japan. Then its Animal crossing then Final Fantasy. Square would be great. I think lol, can’t find the link I read it on before
Yes last time I checked Dragon Quest was number 3.

I think Monster Hunter is catching up to these franchises.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
IMO Tomb Raider is a dead IP, or pretty close to that. I'd love to see what Sony could do with it, sure, but they already have Uncharted.

Unfortunately they really dulled Laras personality in the new games IMO.

I liked her with double pistols and the exaggerated dimensions, it made it unique.

I actually think Chloe is a far better protag than Lara as things stand these days.....


Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
IMO Tomb Raider is a dead IP, or pretty close to that. I'd love to see what Sony could do with it, sure, but they already have Uncharted.
UC or no UC, it seems unfathomable Sony weren't interested in TR. From a gaming nostalgia, pr recoup after "losing" Crash/Spyro, usage of TR in media, and if the conventional opinion is SE should be a lock-in any month now anyway standpoint. SE wouldn't have sold those properties to Sony a few months earlier than a would-be acquisition? Sony wouldnt have invested in SE to finance their dabble into NFT's and gain their IP's for PS, SE being a comapny they saved from bankruptcy before by buying and selling back shares? (cant remember proper details off-hand).

For that small price, for the IP's involved but especially with TR's importance to PS in mind, you'd do it just to cut through some liscensing red tape as you'd now own it.

So yeah... from what I can see, very weird moves all around?

Edit: and on UC... you wouldn't want both Drake and Croft under your house? Tik Tiok the releases, give each IP time to breathe as the other releases. Throw them both into multiverse fare that seems to be so popular these days. They'll play different from each other, but still fufill the action game quota for Sony that year. I guess its a moot point now as Embracer own TR and the others.
Last edited:


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
UC or no UC, it seems unfathomable Sony weren't interested in TR. From a gaming nostalgia, pr recoup after "losing" Crash/Spyro, usage of TR in media, and if the conventional opinion is SE should be a lock-in any month now anyway standpoint. SE wouldn't have sold those properties to Sony a few months earlier than a would-be acquisition? Sony wouldnt have invested in SE to finance their dabble into NFT's and gain their IP's for PS, se being a comapny they saved from bankruptcy before by buying and selling back shares? (cant remember proper details off-hand).

For that small price, for the IP's involved but especially with TR's importance to PS in mind, you'd do it just to cut through some liscensing red tape as you'd now own it.

So yeah... from what I can see, very weird moves all around?

I just think Square management are not good at things outside Japan. They don't seem to have global awareness. Their unrealistic expectations are hilariously out of touch.


Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
I just think Square management are not good at things outside Japan. They don't seem to have global awareness. Their unrealistic expectations are hilariously out of touch.
But this is more on Sony missing the opportunity. If SE wanna sell those IP that's already established. Sony Jpn and USA should know the value of TR to PS, or indeed to Sony's media in a wider sense. Why did (seemingly only?) Embracer get the nod, or did others pass on the IP's?
  • fire
Reactions: Bryank75


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
But this is more on Sony missing the opportunity. If SE wanna sell those IP that's already established. Sony Jpn and USA should know the value of TR to PS, or indeed to Sony's media in a wider sense. Why did (seemingly only?) Embracer get the nod, or did others pass on the IP's?

Absolutely, it is really really weird.

P.S. - Do you like your new tag?


20 Jun 2022
UC or no UC, it seems unfathomable Sony weren't interested in TR. From a gaming nostalgia, pr recoup after "losing" Crash/Spyro, usage of TR in media, and if the conventional opinion is SE should be a lock-in any month now anyway standpoint. SE wouldn't have sold those properties to Sony a few months earlier than a would-be acquisition? Sony wouldnt have invested in SE to finance their dabble into NFT's and gain their IP's for PS, SE being a comapny they saved from bankruptcy before by buying and selling back shares? (cant remember proper details off-hand).

For that small price, for the IP's involved but especially with TR's importance to PS in mind, you'd do it just to cut through some liscensing red tape as you'd now own it.

So yeah... from what I can see, very weird moves all around?

Edit: and on UC... you wouldn't want both Drake and Croft under your house? Tik Tiok the releases, give each IP time to breathe as the other releases. Throw them both into multiverse fare that seems to be so popular these days. They'll play different from each other, but still fufill the action game quota for Sony that year. I guess its a moot point now as Embracer own TR and the others.
I agree with your comment, however my point is that PS Studios don't need tomb raider. That doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good addition, but it's a dead IP imo.