Starfield | Review & Discussion Thread

What scores do you think StarfieId will get?

  • 50-55%

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • 55-60%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 65-70%

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • 70-75%

    Votes: 3 6.1%
  • 75-80%

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • 80-85%

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • 85-90%

    Votes: 17 34.7%
  • 90-95%

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • 95-100%

    Votes: 2 4.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


11 Jul 2023
FF16 definitely has a better story than Starfield so far. I'll leave full review until I've finished it, but FF16 was interesting and well presented, which so far appears to be the complete opposite of Starfield which presents its story as "travel around to isolated temples to unlock space magic." Most of the main story quests genuinely seem like they could be side quests, there isn't any pomp or prestige to them like you get in the main content usually.


11 Jul 2023
People are already seething on the Steam forums:

To quote user Tyke's comment in the thread about low CCUs:

"The low player count is a result of not low sales, but many of those sales being refunded.
Here you can see the recent large spike, which is solely Starfield's pre-release access. In total around 300,000 excess refunds, and that's just Steam alone. Quite ugly for Bethesda to have around 300,000 refunds just on Steam merely in the pre-release access period."

Very possible a lot of people got their money back when they could. If I had purchased on Steam instead of premium upgrade on Game Pass, I certainly would have requested a refund.


1 Jul 2022
FF16 definitely has a better story than Starfield so far. I'll leave full review until I've finished it, but FF16 was interesting and well presented, which so far appears to be the complete opposite of Starfield which presents its story as "travel around to isolated temples to unlock space magic." Most of the main story quests genuinely seem like they could be side quests, there isn't any pomp or prestige to them like you get in the main content usually.
imagine shitting on Starfield but praising FFXVI. 🤡🌎

hopefully, their creative and financial failures (we already know FF16 is one) serve as a wake the fuck up call for these companies and fix their bullshit.(we also know SE is trying to fix them, but they are so incompetent that think is going to take them 20 years).

yeah S-E is so fucked up.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Systemshock2023


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
imagine shitting on Starfield but praising FFXVI. 🤡🌎

hopefully, their creative and financial failures (we already know FF16 is one) serve as a wake the fuck up call for these companies and fix their bullshit.(we also know SE is trying to fix them, but they are so incompetent that think is going to take them 20 years).

yeah S-E is so fucked up.
FF16 is like a 16 oz ribeye that is cooked wrong, like they only put seasoning on one side of the steak so part of it is really good and part of it is really bad. Starfield is like a Mcdonald's burger, it's mediocre throughout.


11 Jul 2023
imagine shitting on Starfield but praising FFXVI. 🤡🌎

hopefully, their creative and financial failures (we already know FF16 is one) serve as a wake the fuck up call for these companies and fix their bullshit.(we also know SE is trying to fix them, but they are so incompetent that think is going to take them 20 years).

yeah S-E is so fucked up.
They're completely different games so I don't think it's possible to hold them as better or worse than other directly. I said FF16 has a better story and is presented better. What's the argument that Starfield does this better than FF16?

FWIW I think there is some good in Starfield and an enjoyable core, it's bogged down by a lot of bad, and conflicting design decisions. Same thing for FF16 in ways, but I don't think they're as obnoxious or as ruinous.
  • brain
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


15 Jul 2023
Strange, you were telling me popularity doesn't equal quality but now you're saying most reviews are positive? The game is objectively bad. BGS games don't get better over time BTW, mods make them better but they're not the BGS game itself.

So many people in Steam forums, Reddit, etc, are saying how great they love it because it procedurally generates serviceable content they can consume ("slop") so it's not an opinion, it's the mindset of the player base.
you can say the game is objectively bad all you want. And it won't change anything lol. Most people who played disagree with you. I can find bad reviews for all types of great games. Does that mean their valid? Since you keep implying good reviews don't matter even if most people say its a good game. Your opinion won't change into fact my boy. Its just how it is.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
The lack of a central design document really hurt Starfield, and I think that is why many systems seem to be competing with one another. The game is two games rolled into one (Space sim lite and BGS RPG) with each half cannibalising the other. Good example of this is a quest I played last night. I'll spoil it in case anyone cares, but it is side quest and nothing to do (as far as I know) with main quest or any of the factions:

I travelled to a planet, Porrima II, because I was doing a quest that required me to visit the main city on Porrima II, Paradiso. As I entered orbit of Porrima II, you get hailed from the planet and I believe it is the chief security officer tells you there is a strange ship orbiting Porrima II which he wants you to examine. I board the strange ship, and it turns out it is a bunch of human colonists from Earth who left Earth 200 years ago, but because they had slow tech it took them 200 years to reach Porrima II, but human groups who left later with more advanced tech managed to arrive at much before those colonists. As such there is a dilemma: the Captain is staking claim to ownership of the planet, and wants you to enforce those demands on the leaders of Paradiso/Porrima II. I went down to Paradiso, which is a hotel/resort planet ruled by a corporation, and met with the three board members. The CEO told me they own Porrima II, so there are three options:
  1. Destroy the ship so the problem is solved for Paradiso.
  2. I pay for a new grav drive for the colonists so they can go settle elsewhere.
  3. Let them land on Porrima II, but they'll be indentured servants (see: slaves) until they pay off their debt to the corporation.
None of these are good really. The only normally acceptable one is pay to get them a new grav drive, but why is there NO other option to resolve this? I went back to the Captain and tried to speak to her, to pass on what was said and find a solution, but she has no new dialogue. Went back to the board to discuss it, nothing, they ask you to choose one of the three options. I said I would pay for a new grav drive, which cost 40k credits (bartered down to 25k with the guy outfitting it) which was over 50% of all the credits I had because I haven't been spending them. Grav drive goes on ship, they go away, all done (unless I encounter them again in the future) but it was immensely unsatisfying. Where is the narrative choice? Kill people, enslave them or pay? There is no way to resolve this somehow else? No parties want to discuss options who have preferences, both parties wait and do what YOU, a stranger, want? That's bizarre and terrible. It's noninteractive and none of the parties care about anything, they just nod their heads and wait for you to finish the quest in the ways they offer without you giving any feedback.

But that isn't the bad part, that's just a summary of what happened and why it is narratively weak. The issue is Porrima II, and Paradiso, is EMPTY. You can land at Paradiso and within 30 seconds be out in the weeds, no buildings in site, yet there isn't room for the colonists? They're colonists, not refugees without means or something, they survived on the ship (without cryo) for 200 years, have food and resource systems (such as greenhouses) on the ship, so they won't be a drain on the resources of Paradiso. Even excluding the surrounding area of Paradiso, what about the other side of the planet? Oh that's right! This game has procgen tiles. So I went to the opposite side of the planet, generated a tile and landed, and........nothing! It was empty, endless dirt and plants. So the entire worldbuilding and stucture of this quest makes NO SENSE because there is so much empty SPACE in this game that it's the defining feature. But turn your brain off guys, it makes plenty of sense despite being able to run for ten minutes in each direction in vast emptiness that it's impossible that there would be any convincing argument that the corporation lets these people settle. The CEO character makes one offhand comment about this worldbuilding flaw when you ask him if you can settle them elsewhere on the planet, he says something to the effect of "We can't let them go build over there because what if they do weird landscaping!" What???? Le whacky zany millennial humor, the evil CEO is so worried about landscaping so that is a fair and normal and impassable reason you can't settle on the other side of the planet. It makes no sense and is fundamentally flawed in everyway. The BGS narrative experience is undermined by the space mechanics and gameplay, creating an irrational play experience.

Worse yet is the scope of the world makes little sense. Take the Freestar Collective for example, I'm not sure how many star systems they control but it is at least a few. They have twelve (12!) Freestar Rangers, which are high level agents who enforce law and order, solve problems, etc, for several star systems. How many humans are there, they only have 12 people to manage several planets? Think of the logistics. One of the quests has you go and help a farm that is being attacked, that's what they're sending one of 12 people light years away to manage. Is there less than 12 severe problems concurrently happening on tens of planets? What kind of scale is that? Is the population of space in Starfield ~1 million people? But look at this scale issue with the Porrima II quest mentioned above. Why can't the colonists settle on the otherside of the planet? Who is going to stop them? The Freestar Collective is bigger than the Paradiso organisation, is Paradiso going to be sending 12 people across the planet to fight colonists (who appear to have at least 12 people armed with weapons)? What is the logistics of such a military conflict, because there don't appear to be any infrastructure, based on the empty planet, to support and land based supply lines? Will they be flying ships up and over? Well that seems like it would waste as much money as they are trying to save by forcing you to pay, or directly impact their business operations more than some "weird landscaping" on the OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET.

It just makes little sense. If you want to turn your brain off and mindlessly do quests whatever, but this new IP 25 years in the making already makes little sense, no surprise since this is the BGS that made "Kid in a Fridge", didn't realise Jet was a post-war drug, and messed up Power Armor development timelines. They can't even get their new games to have a good narrative with options, let alone the quest itself by rational within the game they designed. The mechanics and core gameplay design do not mesh well with the narrative, quests, and so forth. It's a structural issue and one that nags you in most of what you do. This quest is just a perfect encapsulation of the game fighting itself, having an interesting idea that is immediately destroyed by the scope of the game, or the scope of the game being undermined by it trying to be bent in such a way it suits a narrative RPG.
This is so accurate and I’ve often just said “ … what?!” While playing this game. Reminds me of one of the main missions where a certain character SWEARS you aren’t getting your hands on a particular map, as a result of a feud going back decades. But you go talk to him for literally 15 seconds and he goes “well … ok. It’s in the next room.” Like I said … what?! Lol

The entire game has this exact feeling of being breezily inconsequential. We are finding these so called miraculous artifacts and no one really seems to care. Every mission is wrapped up really quickly and then it’s on to the next thing, which also wraps up really quickly.

Combine that with dated visuals, the barren maps, the fact so much of the game feels like it happens in menus.

I think it feels less fun and less impressive than Skyrim personally. You can run around that game and it feels like you’re actually somewhere. You can be running through the mountains, the sun goes down, and the fantastic soundtrack is playing while you hear crickets chirping as you explore. There is none of that feeling in this game. At least so far. But I’m only ten hours in of course. 🙄

I am going to try and still finish it because I’d like to have completing it under my belt. But it is an outdated, extremely average game.
Last edited:


1 Jul 2022
FF16 is like a 16 oz ribeye that is cooked wrong, like they only put seasoning on one side of the steak so part of it is really good and part of it is really bad. Starfield is like a Mcdonald's burger, it's mediocre throughout.
it doesn't matter. both are shitty travesties of bad management , lack of vision and lack of tech investment.

is like trying that dish expecting the familiar taste of a flavourful and filling Japanese soup but instead, you were served an entirely unexpected, unrelated bland and tasteless cuisine; it's like ordering ramen and getting white bread.

in the other case is like trying a dish with a comforting taste of a beloved classic, but it felt like the ingredients were half-baked. It's like ordering a pizza with all your favorite toppings, but the undercooked crust and unbalanced flavors ruin the entire food.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
it doesn't matter. both are shitty travesties of bad management , lack of vision and lack of tech investment.

is like trying that dish expecting the familiar taste of a flavourful and filling Japanese soup but instead, you were served an entirely unexpected, unrelated bland and tasteless cuisine; it's like ordering ramen and getting white bread.

in the other case is like trying a dish with a comforting taste of a beloved classic, but it felt like the ingredients were half-baked. It's like ordering a pizza with all your favorite toppings, but the undercooked crust and unbalanced flavors ruin the entire food.
regardless go play bg3


11 Jul 2023
This is so accurate and I’ve often just said “ … what?!” While playing this game. Reminds me of one of the main missions where a certain character SWEARS you aren’t getting your hands on a particular map, as a result of a feud going back decades. But you go talk to him for literally 15 seconds and he goes “well … ok. It’s in the next room.” Like I said … what?! Lol

The entire game has this exact feeling of being breezily inconsequential. We are finding these so called miraculous artifacts and no one really seems to care. Every mission is wrapped up really quickly and then it’s on to the next thing, which also wraps up really quickly.

Combine that with dated visuals, the barren maps, the fact so much of the game feels like it happens in menus.

I think it feels less fun and less impressive than Skyrim personally. You can run around that game and it feels like you’re actually somewhere. You can be running through the mountains, the sun goes down, and the fantastic soundtrack is playing while you hear crickets chirping as you explore. There is none of that feeling in this game. At least so far. But I’m only ten hours in of course. 🙄

I am going to try and still finish it because I’d like to have completing it under my belt. But it is an outdated, extremely average game.
Yep 100% agree with all this. I've done the map quest, and I chose
bringing the daughter to get the maps, and there was zero push back. I just asked the daughter, the guy says uh I'd prefer not to, but you just overrule him and it's done.
It feels immensely weak where everything floats by you, as you said breezy inconsequential. You don't get much push back anywhere. I've been doing the Ryujin faction quest and it's the same principle there as well.

I saw a comment elsewhere that said "In Skyrim when you're running to A, you get distracted by B, and explore the world." Which is true, and in Starfield you don't get that because you usually fast travel where you're going, and the way the world is designed you're never travelling in places where lots of content may distract you. In procgen content you go right to the POI, everything else is empty.

I will finish it because I don't want to be accused of not doing so, or missing something that might redeem it a little. I have to say it's interesting that most people who are positive about the game don't appear to quantify what they're talking about in the manner we are doing with criticism. Why can't Crow say how the mechanics and world are good in an in-depth way, but we can point out the flaws? I think many people lauding it haven't played it but for some reason, whether it's Xbox or BGS related, want to defend it.
  • brain
Reactions: Gods&Monsters