The Doomers and Gloomers, Sony is dying thread.

24 Jun 2022
Well I'm watching a pretty big Twitch steamer right now and they had an, uh, interesting conversation on console gaming.

Actually it's two streamers, and one of them talked about how they moved from playing on PS4 to PC in 2018 and haven't looked back since. The other moved primarily to PC more recently (this generation), but they just outright said they have a PS5 that's done nothing for them this gen. They were also looking fondly back on PS2 & PS3 (specifically PS3) talking about how it seemed like there'd always be a great game to play on it, even if they weren't a big game.

What I'm willing to safely add on top of that is, that person was probably thinking of exclusives (genuine exclusives) not on other platforms like PC. And therein reveals a big problem in SIE's multiplat PC strategy this gen: more and more once console-only or console-primary gamers flirt with PC before going fully into that direction, and then suddenly systems like PS5 feel redundant when you get virtually all those games on PC (mainly, Steam) or wait a bit to get SIE's 1P games on PC (especially if you don't have FOMO for those games).

I was also watching the Twitch chat and a LOT of people in the chat agreed with their sentiments. Again, these are notable Twitch streamers and the audience they have are the type that platform holders like SIE need to court to keep the PlayStation install base healthy. And they're losing more of these gamers to PC over time. A lot of these gamers don't need balls-out amazing performance to play games at suitable fidelity levels, they don't even necessarily care about having "PS5-level" graphics, when they can play something like Fortnite at 240 FPS for a competitive advantage alongside KB&M, like a lot of their favorite content creators and streamers.

With the current strategy SIE have, unless there is decent console uptick in emerging markets (and even there, PC is still a very viable option for them or the absolute dominant gaming option sans mobile), I do think they are going to run into some major problems sustaining install base for PS5 (let alone PS6) comparable to past PlayStation consoles. And the craziest part is, like Microsoft, the vast majority of the problems contributing to that will have been self-inflicted, not because consoles suddenly became out-of-favor with more gamers.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Well I'm watching a pretty big Twitch steamer right now and they had an, uh, interesting conversation on console gaming.

Actually it's two streamers, and one of them talked about how they moved from playing on PS4 to PC in 2018 and haven't looked back since. The other moved primarily to PC more recently (this generation), but they just outright said they have a PS5 that's done nothing for them this gen. They were also looking fondly back on PS2 & PS3 (specifically PS3) talking about how it seemed like there'd always be a great game to play on it, even if they weren't a big game.

What I'm willing to safely add on top of that is, that person was probably thinking of exclusives (genuine exclusives) not on other platforms like PC. And therein reveals a big problem in SIE's multiplat PC strategy this gen: more and more once console-only or console-primary gamers flirt with PC before going fully into that direction, and then suddenly systems like PS5 feel redundant when you get virtually all those games on PC (mainly, Steam) or wait a bit to get SIE's 1P games on PC (especially if you don't have FOMO for those games).

I was also watching the Twitch chat and a LOT of people in the chat agreed with their sentiments. Again, these are notable Twitch streamers and the audience they have are the type that platform holders like SIE need to court to keep the PlayStation install base healthy. And they're losing more of these gamers to PC over time. A lot of these gamers don't need balls-out amazing performance to play games at suitable fidelity levels, they don't even necessarily care about having "PS5-level" graphics, when they can play something like Fortnite at 240 FPS for a competitive advantage alongside KB&M, like a lot of their favorite content creators and streamers.

With the current strategy SIE have, unless there is decent console uptick in emerging markets (and even there, PC is still a very viable option for them or the absolute dominant gaming option sans mobile), I do think they are going to run into some major problems sustaining install base for PS5 (let alone PS6) comparable to past PlayStation consoles. And the craziest part is, like Microsoft, the vast majority of the problems contributing to that will have been self-inflicted, not because consoles suddenly became out-of-favor with more gamers.
Corporate greed and this myth of never ending growth. Basically PlayStation cut off their nose to spite their face in the pursuit of never ending profit growth from PC a platform that wishes for them to simply not exist lol.

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
This traitor here is how it started.

24 Jun 2022
It’s ok that people are leaving PlayStation for PC. It’s part of Sony’s new brilliant strategy of expansion.

Every is A Ok Fine.

I know you're being sarcastic I just wanted to use the thinking man reactimoji 😁

Corporate greed and this myth of never ending growth. Basically PlayStation cut off their nose to spite their face in the pursuit of never ending profit growth from PC a platform that wishes for them to simply not exist lol.

Yep; that post from Luckett_X on Reset has made me think about if something similar has happened with shareholders/investors at Sony Corp. I.e you have sensible shareholders who won't tell you pursue profits at all costs if it jeopardizes something critical to the company's value. Then you have those who are less educated of the company's particulars, could be more like corporate vultures and just greedily want record growth no matter what.

You let enough of the latter buy into your company and they can negatively harm the company's stability. SIE in particular didn't get the idea to chase after GAAS and PC ports from nowhere; maybe the wrong investors started taking hold of influencing direction for the subsidiary and that's another part of how things are where they are. That and a departure of key upper-management talent over the years could've happened concurrently, or affected one another in a cyclical loop.

This traitor here is how it started.


Feels like an ominous omen in the making emanating from this photo :S


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
It’s ok that people are leaving PlayStation for PC. It’s part of Sony’s new brilliant strategy of expansion.

Every is A Ok Fine.
Wukang helped sell a lot of playstations in China, which should make you happy.

Plus, we have Astro just around the corner.

Robert Downey Jr Ok GIF
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Yep; that post from Luckett_X on Reset has made me think about if something similar has happened with shareholders/investors at Sony Corp. I.e you have sensible shareholders who won't tell you pursue profits at all costs if it jeopardizes something critical to the company's value. Then you have those who are less educated of the company's particulars, could be more like corporate vultures and just greedily want record growth no matter what.

You let enough of the latter buy into your company and they can negatively harm the company's stability. SIE in particular didn't get the idea to chase after GAAS and PC ports from nowhere; maybe the wrong investors started taking hold of influencing direction for the subsidiary and that's another part of how things are where they are. That and a departure of key upper-management talent over the years could've happened concurrently, or affected one another in a cyclical loop.

Feels like an ominous omen in the making emanating from this photo :S
Not to be a conspiracist but we did learn during the Activision trial Microsoft was actively deploying agents to infiltrate Nintendo shareholders board, who is to say the same didn't happen to Sony.
24 Jun 2022
Not to be a conspiracist but we did learn during the Activision trial Microsoft was actively deploying agents to infiltrate Nintendo shareholders board, who is to say the same didn't happen to Sony.

I'm sure that's happened with Sony as well but the difference there is, Sony & Microsoft naturally have a lot of the same investors. So probably less a case of Microsoft using shady investor groups like ValueAct to compromise Sony Corp, so much as Microsoft just needing its top folks to meet with Sony Corp's top folks at the time to "align" on a few things.

Hence things like that photo of Kenichiro & Satya that gets floated around for the Azure MoU. As for Nintendo, IIRC some story came about a few days ago that they were locking out Blackrock, Vanguard and some other investment firm from buying any more shares into the company, which would be great news. Nintendo also has its priority shares held by Japanese banks (like the Bank of Kyoto) and among select family members IIRC, which are the shares with the real voting power.

I don't know how Sony Corp has its shares set up, or if shares work differently if subsidiaries are involved (SIE is a subsidiary of Sony Corp), but their share arrangement is probably more vulnerable to hostile Western investors than a company that's extremely conservative on that front like Nintendo.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
I'm sure that's happened with Sony as well but the difference there is, Sony & Microsoft naturally have a lot of the same investors. So probably less a case of Microsoft using shady investor groups like ValueAct to compromise Sony Corp, so much as Microsoft just needing its top folks to meet with Sony Corp's top folks at the time to "align" on a few things.

Hence things like that photo of Kenichiro & Satya that gets floated around for the Azure MoU. As for Nintendo, IIRC some story came about a few days ago that they were locking out Blackrock, Vanguard and some other investment firm from buying any more shares into the company, which would be great news. Nintendo also has its priority shares held by Japanese banks (like the Bank of Kyoto) and among select family members IIRC, which are the shares with the real voting power.

I don't know how Sony Corp has its shares set up, or if shares work differently if subsidiaries are involved (SIE is a subsidiary of Sony Corp), but their share arrangement is probably more vulnerable to hostile Western investors than a company that's extremely conservative on that front like Nintendo.
I think the threat to Sony is an inside job. Their current CFO and President is a bloodsucking leech who subscribes to the idea of infinite growth. That can only lead to disaster because it's only a matter of time before he starts cutting into the load bearing pillars of the company in an effort to grow profitability quarter after quarter. It's always the same with these hedge fund manager types.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I think the threat to Sony is an inside job. Their current CFO and President is a bloodsucking leech who subscribes to the idea of infinite growth. That can only lead to disaster because it's only a matter of time before he starts cutting into the load bearing pillars of the company in an effort to grow profitability quarter after quarter. It's always the same with these hedge fund manager types.

I am in the same page as you here. It's certainly either the CEO or CFO that is causing a lot of the biggest issues.

Massive focus on shareholders and almost no importance put in customers and their feedback.


27 Feb 2024
Its going to be all downhill after GTA VI, these lame ass decisions are tipping me towards upgrading to the 50 series when it launches, Squeenix is going to launch day 1 on pc from now onwards and the chinese and koreans will not make console exclusive games for PS. There is frankly no pull for me to buy a PS 6 next gen
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24 Jun 2022
I think the threat to Sony is an inside job. Their current CFO and President is a bloodsucking leech who subscribes to the idea of infinite growth. That can only lead to disaster because it's only a matter of time before he starts cutting into the load bearing pillars of the company in an effort to grow profitability quarter after quarter. It's always the same with these hedge fund manager types.

Only a matter of time? It's already been happening, and now it's getting worst.

I have very little faith in the PlayStation brand anymore, in terms of its appeal to me by staying true to core values from the brand's history. And what they've been doing is going to eventually hurt them in terms of future console adoption rates and profits from cuts of B2P revenue, and subscription drop-off.

Wonder what some of the money-focused people for the brand around these parts will be saying once that happens :/


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
will be ever see a communicative Sony ever again?
Everyone who was part of that era has left the company except Shu. He's still active but no longer has the keys to the AAA to say much, so he focus on the indie stuff, which PS fans don't really care about.


27 Jun 2023

As much as I hate this dude because he clickbait’s & is just slow he’s speaking facts.

Astro Bot design for PC the ultimate & best place to play PS games 👀 Astro bot not available for PS4 or PSVR2 but available on a Steamdeck & who knows it will probably get a Nintendo Switch port seeing how the devs are talking. Also if it’s on PC it will get a VR mod allowing it to be played on Steam VR bolstering Steam VR market without doing nothing.

PS going day n date is inevitable. Wouldn’t be surprised if more PS studios push for PC port if not day n date I mean PS allowed PC ports eventually so why not strive for day n date clearly Sony or PS leadership don’t mind diminishing the PS platform & future damages to the PS business, it’s all about small shortsighted profits.

Astro bot looks good but I’ll be waiting for the PC port knowing it’s being made & will play best on PC & the Steam ecosystem that includes the Steamdeck. Crazy how Steam has a better ecosystem then PS & it ain’t even with there own games Steam literally makes any 3rd party game much better on the Steam ecosystem then other platforms that don’t have true permanent exclusive games.

Japanese gamers questioning & comparing the price increase. Essentially saying why tf would you buy a PS when it has no exclusive games when you can buy multiple Nintendo Switch w true permanent exclusive games + the same 3rd party in the future. Casuals are starting to notice & it will continue to grow when Steam & Nintendo closes the gap in power & 3rd party/exclusive games.

Steam/Steamdeck will be the PS killer. Nintendo will be fine as long as they don’t change
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10 Jan 2023
  • Astro Bot details:
  • Team size is 65 people
  • Not designed for PSVR2 at all
  • 80 Levels
  • 15 New abilities
  • 150 Special Bot Cameos
  • Will have characters that are important to PlayStation history
  • Legend of Dragoon and Dark Cloud cameos
  • PaRappa the Rapper will rap
  • 3 or 4 team members worked on Ape Escape
  • They want to hear from PC players that want to play Astro Bot
  • Mark Cerny played it, put the controller down and said "Now this is a game"

I just can’t hear it anymore 🤢