The GoWR, TLOU2, and GoT, megathread! The soup of PS 1st Party goodness

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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
I don't think Phil asked Jim to release in a different date. Sony probably had the 11th as some sort of response, but then whoever calls the shots thought it twice and said "we're just giving them attention". There's no need to use that date. Sony is the n1 gaming company, they don't need to take jabs at n3.
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21 Jun 2022
personally, i prefer mid week launch. majority of games i buy is physical, so monday and friday is very risky is not getting the game at all. was plenty of times when i didn't get the game on friday.

i like that they didn't trolled xbox or at least didn't have the intention to do it. xbox can play those petty wars themself and their cult.


Actually born in 1904!
22 Jun 2022
Are we sure it's not you bog standard open world game?
I am yet to play it... I had similar feelings about Days Gone but bought into the hype and that game was terrible :p
Could be your tastes you know


Actually born in 1904!
22 Jun 2022
Camera movement sucks, couldn't see shit half the time. mediocre combat, boring characters, boring story telling. 😴 how this is rated as good and sometimes better as RD2 or LAST2 is beyond me.
Mediocre combat and at same time yiu don't understand is better than red dead 2?
Red dead can't even do shooting right
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21 Jun 2022
The developers of the lead studio are always a tiny part of the total amount of people who works in a AAA game, traditionally around a 10%. The game credits include 1796 people (1697 in normal credits, 99 in "thanks")

As a rough average, multiply the number of the people credited in the normal credits by 100K to get the development costs (testers cost less, execs more but that number typically is accurate for AAA games) and then double it to add the marketing/PR/etc costs. The game costed around $340M aprox not counting DLC and DC.
1796. says nothing, it could be that 1600 worked like one day or one week. there should be context to it. anyways. didn't developer said that budget was 60M of Ghost of Tsushima?
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21 Jun 2022
Mediocre combat and at same time yiu don't understand is better than red dead 2?
Red dead can't even do shooting right
people should first check their facts straight. Red Dead 2 is 2010 game. second Ghost of Tsushima combat is top tier, maybe you didn't like for some odd reason but it is. from animations, to feeling weight and collision.
  • noneofmybizz
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Actually born in 1904!
22 Jun 2022
people should first check their facts straight. Red Dead 2 is 2010 game. second Ghost of Tsushima combat is top tier, maybe you didn't like for some odd reason but it is. from animations, to feeling weight and collision.
Wrong person...


1 Jul 2022
Yep then. The Last of Us part 2 official has underperformed.

Good, fantastic, I am happy. Cuz it's storytelling sucks big ass. They wanted to be all sophisticated and fancy and ended up a big convoluted mess.

Neil should know better.


21 Jun 2022
Those are great numbers but I'm disappointed, sorry.

It deserves to be in the big club with GOW and Spider-Man. The DC came out last year and Sony barely advertised it. It's now on PS+ so the sales will slow down even more.

Maybe the movie will help but it will never reach 15 millions at this rate 😥
Yep then. The Last of Us part 2 official has underperformed.

Lol, no. To sell over 10M copies in under 2 years is not underperform at all. Only a few exclusives achieved that.

As I remember TLOU2 was the fastest selling launch of the generation for an exclusive and after a couple years it's pretty much tied with GoT. 10 millions in 2 years are top tier sales for an exclusive (this goes for both TLOU2 and GoT), specially for a new IP.

As reference:
  • The most comparable case to GoT is Horizon, another top selling Sony exclusive new IP that sold 7.6M in almost a year and announced that it achieved 'well over' 10M copies in its 2nd anniversary and now counting the PC version is over 20M copies sold.
  • I think we don't have the Gran Turismo Sport sales release note for the 10M mark, but as IP it's the best selling Sony IP and according to Yamauchi it had 9.5M players 3 years and 3 months after launch.
  • GoW 2018 achieved 10M in a year, and it was a clear winner of the goty of its year, one of the best games of the generation, and one of the most well known and best selling Sony IPs.
  • Uncharted 4, another highly hyped GOTY, one of the best games of the generation and from one of their most popular and best selling exclusive IPs sold 8.7M in 8 months and over 15M 3 years after launch.
  • Spider-Man, one of the biggest IPs in the world, September 7, 2018 sold over 9M in almost 3 months and 13.2M almost a year after launch.
  • Regarding other Sony best selling new IPs, I think we have to go back to TLOU1 that in its first year sold 8M copies and I think its next update we had it was 17M units but almost 5 years after launch.
  • Other than these games I think we don't have any other Sony exclusive that achieved 10M that fast, specially a new IP. And well, regarding MS I think we don't have a single first party game from them who achieved 10M sold units sold at all that generation. Regarding Nintendo I don't remember the last time they released a new IP that sold 10M and that did it in 2 years.
10M sold in 2 years it's a stunning sales achievement for a console exclusive new IP that only a handful games achieved. It's in the top tier category, similar to the "recent" best selling exclusive new IPs (TLOU1, Horizon) and even similar to recent games of top selling exclusive IPs (TLOU2, Uncarted 4 and above GTS). Only GoW and Spider-Man are clearly above, and all the other exclusives go under GoT and TLOU2 sales.

GoT must be more than happy with this sales, specially considering its upcoming movie and potential PC port and sequel it may end selling around 20M. TLOU2 will also get sales bumps with TLOU1 remake, TLOU Factions 2, TLOU tv show and potential PS5 version and PC port. Make sure TLOU2 will end selling way beyond 20M copies.

I can’t think of a lot of single player franchises that do 10M + in two years, much less new IP. Big beloved japanese franchises are bragging about doing these numbers over a much longer period, for example Resident Evil 2 remake just crossed it after 3 years.
Or multiplayer that aren't F2P. There are only a few top franchises that sell over 10M copies per game and they are multiplatform.

As a reference only 3 Capcom games in their whole history achieved 10M sold (MHW, REVII and MHR), none of them were new IPs, all 3 were multiplatform and one of them (REVII) needed almost 5 years to achieve it.
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Actually born in 1904!
22 Jun 2022
Yep then. The Last of Us part 2 official has underperformed.

Good, fantastic, I am happy. Cuz it's storytelling sucks big ass. They wanted to be all sophisticated and fancy and ended up a big convoluted mess.

Neil should know better.
You crazy to think any exclusive that sold over 10 million copies underperformed
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Knack Ambassador
21 Jun 2022
There we go, my numbers were very pessimistic.
The game likely cost more since that 60 figure was from years before it released (2014-2016), but it probably was like 75-100 mil max.

And I bet they didn’t spend that much on marketing Ghost pre-release either. Was a lil more quiet in the build up.

Main cost saver is that Sucker Punch aren’t a big 300-400 head studio like ND, IG, SMS, GG.

With 10 mil sold they’ll have made quite a nice profit for Sony.

A SEQUEL of one the the greatest games ever made, selling roughly the same as a brand new IP?

Yep. Massive underperforming.
lol at least try when trolling
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