Why hasn’t Sony been able to create anything approaching the quality of a Zelda?

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21 Jun 2022
Isn’t Dark Cloud on there?

Pretty sure I noticed it and Dark Chronicle/Dark Cloud 2.

I’m in the UK so maybe we got it first.
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Nice, need to check when I get back, been out of the house for midsummer so haven't seen what's on offer.


21 Jun 2022
Seriously guys, they’ve had 25 years and 127 “Zelda killers” later, they can’t seem to create anything even remotely close. From Dark Cloud to Horizon, it’s been fail after fail. It’s frankly pathetic at this point. Maybe it’s for the best they’re pretty much pulling out of Japan or else they’d be forced to commit ritual suicide.
The best selling Zeldas are:
  • Breath of the Wild (Switch + WiiU) : 28.2M
  • Ocarina (including Ocarina 3D): 13.9M
  • Link's Awakening (including DX and Switch remake): 11.5M
  • Twilight Princess (including HD): 10M
  • Skyward Sword (including HD): 7.6M
  • A Link to the Past (including Four Swords: 7.4M
As of now the first Horizon sold over 20M copies (and will continue selling) and the second one started with strong sales and seems to have sales spikes as new PS5 shipments are available. Someone compares GoW to Zelda (I don't) and GoW 2018 also sold 20M (not counting PC sales) copies and counting. Some people also compare to Zelda Elden Ring, which sold 13.4M in five weeks and will continue selling. There's also Ghost of Tsushima, that may also has some stuff in common and is also on track to sell beyond 15-20M copies.

So relax your tits, Zelda isn't that special or big. In fact, none of these games or any Sony games were designed as Zelda killers, they were their own thing instead and did that numbers being new IPs and not having a fanbase nurtured during 40 years. They don't give a fuck about Nintendo or Zelda, they are super successful doing their own things (like Spider-Man, Uncharted, TLOU or GT).

Failure is relative. It’s objectively true that Horizon is a failure compared to Zelda.
Bullshit, to sell over 20M million copies and get a 89 Metacritic with a new IP is a super success. Specially when unlike in Switch or WiiU in PS4 and PC there is a huge competition with a ton more of huge super seller 3rd party AAA games. And not only in the whole life in the system: with the releases of every year.
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26 Jun 2022
I will not argue about Sony not being able to do anything like a Zelda.

That being said, I think that Zelda peaked with OOT on the n64... This is when I mostly moved to Sony consoles and PC (i kept getting Nintendo consoles until the Wii, got all "zeldas" until then.

These games are just not for me, so I would not want Sony to go down that road.
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24 Jun 2022
There is a fundamental game creation difference between Sony today, and Nintendo. Nintendo has often historically put story on the backburner for gameplay, while Sony does the opposite with their cinematic games.

And that’s why they will always fail.


The Legend - Scourge of the Green Rats
21 Jun 2022
Twilight Princess is the only good Zelda game, every other game is average at best but Nintendo fan base are mostly kids so they buy anything, just look at trash like Animal crossing and how much it's selling, i wouldn't touch that "game" for free

and BoTW is overrated trash that got a high score because Nintendo gets special treatment, and breakable weapons? get da fuck outta here
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21 Jun 2022
There is a fundamental game creation difference between Sony today, and Nintendo. Nintendo has often historically put story on the backburner for gameplay, while Sony does the opposite with their cinematic games.
sony did this maybe before, but not any more. i don't how many years sony already producing top notch gameplay in their blockbuster games.
producing values and quality of games is second to non in this gaming market. very very few could get close.
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