Why hasn’t Sony been able to create anything approaching the quality of a Zelda?

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They / Them
24 Jun 2022
Why hasn't Nintendo been able to create anything approaching the quality of Sony's best-in-the-industry AAA games? I mean, if for top 10 I won't even see Zelda exceeding a game like Mass Effect: Andromeda, and I'm 100% serious. Zelda is a cute, kiddo game that hasn't hit the puberty of today's gaming.
Maybe the day Legend of Zelda actually innovates and stars Zelda it’ll actually be innovative enough to compete with Sony titles


They / Them
24 Jun 2022
I would play that game.

Def would cause meltdowns, specially if Link would get Joel treatment in the beginning of the game.
Well I don’t know if quite Joel treatment since it is Nintendo! Some rated G version of it but come on let Zelda be the hero for ONCE and let Link be the one needing saving. How many decades have they continued with the same trope of the damsel in distress. FFS it’s 2022 take a chance


22 Jun 2022
Talking about gameplay, did anyone find the weapon durability system in BOTW game breaking?

Not only did your weapons break, they broke fast and you couldn't repair them.

Of course since it was Nintendo they got away with it. No way is BOTW one of the greatest games with this system.

For me Zelda peaked at Majoras Mask. That along with LTTP and OOT are the pinnacle of Zelda.


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
Talking about gameplay, did anyone find the weapon durability system in BOTW game breaking?

Not only did your weapons break, they broke fast and you couldn't repair them.

Of course since it was Nintendo they got away with it. No way is BOTW one of the greatest games with this system.

For me Zelda peaked at Majoras Mask. That along with LTTP and OOT are the pinnacle of Zelda.

not really, once I got the mastersword I didn't really care at all. I mostly used the master sword so i always had a stockpile of high level weapons


21 Jun 2022
Who has a problem with our games?
Youtube Meme GIF


22 Jun 2022
not really, once I got the mastersword I didn't really care at all. I mostly used the master sword so i always had a stockpile of high level weapons

And that's the issue. Once you have the Master Sword. Even that breaks and needs to recharge for 10 minutes.

What exactly did this feature add to the game?

Just hope it's not in the sequel. Pointless.
24 Jun 2022
Failure is relative. It’s objectively true that Horizon is a failure compared to Zelda.

First off, the premise for your thread is objectively dumb, so there's no way to have a genuine discussion given the premise is such a failure.

Secondly, what metric are you going by to assume Sony has "failed" to create anything like Zelda? Sales-wise? Most Zelda games outside of BOTW "only" do around 10-15 million, Sony has several games across a few IP that have done around that much or more. In terms of influencing game design? I think Gran Turismo, TLOU, and GOW 2018 are three obvious examples of games/IP which have had massive influence on various game design trends over the years, if you think otherwise you're being extremely foolish.

Do you mean artistically? Games like Ico and Shadow of the Colossus take aspects of fantasy aesthetics and do some pretty novel things like them, their influence can also be seen in a few various games. I would not even be surprised if Shadow of the Colossus was a particular inspiration for Zelda games like BOTW, there are certain worldbuilding and thematic elements similar between them.

So the entire premise of your thread is just a complete failure because you don't even quantify (at least in the OP) what metrics you're going by to define what Sony's Zelda should be. If it's literally just copycating Zelda wholesale, then yes they have tried that before with games like the Dark Cloud series which have their fans but didn't set the world on fire. However that's such a dumb metric because it would enforce unoriginality and have unrealistic expectations. By your logic, why has Nintendo utterly failed to make anything approaching Gran Turismo, or God of War, or TLOU, or Spiderman? Why do they have no games that meet the visual bar of titles like Returnal and R&C: Rift Apart?

See how short-sighted your premise for this thread actually was?

Why hasn't Nintendo been able to create anything approaching the quality of Sony's best-in-the-industry AAA games? I mean, if for top 10 I won't even see Zelda exceeding a game like Mass Effect: Andromeda, and I'm 100% serious. Zelda is a cute, kiddo game that hasn't hit the puberty of today's gaming.

I've got not axe to grind with Zelda but the OP clearly wasn't thinking things through here. Nintendo have their way of making games, Sony have theirs.

TBH any metric someone can try saying Sony's games fail at compared to Nintendo, you can generate just as many for any of Nintendo's games that fail compared to Sony's.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Why hasn't Nintendo been able to create anything approaching the quality of Sony's best-in-the-industry AAA games? I mean, if for top 10 I won't even see Zelda exceeding a game like Mass Effect: Andromeda, and I'm 100% serious. Zelda is a cute, kiddo game that hasn't hit the puberty of today's gaming.

Still an amazing series of games :) Just like Astrobot, Ratchet, Sly are amazing games but people call them games for kids.

OOT & Majoras Mark as amongst my favourite games of all time, top 15

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
First off, the premise for your thread is objectively dumb, so there's no way to have a genuine discussion given the premise is such a failure.

Secondly, what metric are you going by to assume Sony has "failed" to create anything like Zelda? Sales-wise? Most Zelda games outside of BOTW "only" do around 10-15 million, Sony has several games across a few IP that have done around that much or more. In terms of influencing game design? I think Gran Turismo, TLOU, and GOW 2018 are three obvious examples of games/IP which have had massive influence on various game design trends over the years, if you think otherwise you're being extremely foolish.

Do you mean artistically? Games like Ico and Shadow of the Colossus take aspects of fantasy aesthetics and do some pretty novel things like them, their influence can also be seen in a few various games. I would not even be surprised if Shadow of the Colossus was a particular inspiration for Zelda games like BOTW, there are certain worldbuilding and thematic elements similar between them.

So the entire premise of your thread is just a complete failure because you don't even quantify (at least in the OP) what metrics you're going by to define what Sony's Zelda should be. If it's literally just copycating Zelda wholesale, then yes they have tried that before with games like the Dark Cloud series which have their fans but didn't set the world on fire. However that's such a dumb metric because it would enforce unoriginality and have unrealistic expectations. By your logic, why has Nintendo utterly failed to make anything approaching Gran Turismo, or God of War, or TLOU, or Spiderman? Why do they have no games that meet the visual bar of titles like Returnal and R&C: Rift Apart?

See how short-sighted your premise for this thread actually was?

I've got not axe to grind with Zelda but the OP clearly wasn't thinking things through here. Nintendo have their way of making games, Sony have theirs.

TBH any metric someone can try saying Sony's games fail at compared to Nintendo, you can generate just as many for any of Nintendo's games that fail compared to Sony's.
Nvm I'm dumb - removed what I wrote.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Twilight Princess is the only good Zelda game, every other game is average at best but Nintendo fan base are mostly kids so they buy anything, just look at trash like Animal crossing and how much it's selling, i wouldn't touch that "game" for free

and BoTW is overrated trash that got a high score because Nintendo gets special treatment, and breakable weapons? get da fuck outta here
I don't think this is a fair assessment of Nintendo's fanbase. Most of my friend gamers have switches and they play animal crossing.

Also, Nintendo has great games, like Mario Odyssey, Luigi's mansion, etc.
20 Jun 2022
Salalah, Oman
Still an amazing series of games :) Just like Astrobot, Ratchet, Sly are amazing games but people call them games for kids.

OOT & Majoras Mark as amongst my favourite games of all time, top 15

I would take Astrobot, Ratchet anyday over the over-exaggerated Japanese cringe you get from the likes of Zelda. Astrobot and such games are just appetizers to me, Ratchet is way, way mature compared Zelda and the very first game to feel like a playable CGI animation movie.

Zelda games are pretty old in their concept, and I would enjoy something unoriginal like Fenyx with it's sense of humor over a Zelda game. Do I think it's a bad game? No, it just doesn't take us seriously, so I don't take it seriously like most JRPG's.
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Reactions: Kokoloko
24 Jun 2022
I don't think this is a fair assessment of Nintendo's fanbase. Most of my friend gamers have switches and they play animal crossing.

Also, Nintendo has great games, like Mario Odyssey, Luigi's mansion, etc.

I'm cool with some of Nintendo's stuff too; LTTP is one of my favorite action-RPGs ever, Yoshi's Island is awesome, Mario Kart is always fun etc. Mario Galaxy is one of the Top 5 platforming games of all time IMO. But rabid Nintendo fanboys/fangirls can be a whole heap of headaches.

I don't know how much of that is holdover from older fans still angry at Sony for basically dethroning Nintendo from #1 (worldwide, and consistently. Sega only managed it in two territories for one generation and it was still pretty close in both territories anyway) and some probably blame them for pushing Nintendo out of the traditional console market.

But the sooner they can accept both of those things are more or less Nintendo's faults, they would feel better about it.


Hello there!
24 Jun 2022
I’ve been doing this too long. I don’t mean to beat anyone over the head with it, but at this point I’m just like if people love Game A, cool. If people love Game B, cool.

Comparisons can be fun but if you’re enjoying yourself, that’s all that matters.

As much as Nintendo doesn’t need to be Sony, Sony doesn’t need to be Nintendo. I’m glad we have both those entities doing their thing.


21 Jun 2022
Talking about gameplay, did anyone find the weapon durability system in BOTW game breaking?

Not only did your weapons break, they broke fast and you couldn't repair them.
It was crap. Same goes with the stamina to climb stuff until you farm it enough after so many hours of gameplay, or too limited weapon inventory space during early stages. Or having 900 kolok collectables, specially with no indication of where to find them or if you had a certain area cleared of them. I also think they did a good job when copying some Monster Hunter stuff like the cooking, but did a bad job copying some ubi open world stuff like the climbing or the Far Cry enemy camps.

I completed everyting in the game except the kolok and dlcs and think it's a trully awesome game, probably with Mario Odyssey the best game in Nintendo platforms since the Super Nintendo. But still had flaws like any other game. I think that with all the money Nintendo has, they should focus more the AAA-ish approach of Mario Odyssey and BotW and to avoid stuff like PS2/PS3 like visuals of Pokemon Atrocious.

Still an amazing series of games :) Just like Astrobot, Ratchet, Sly are amazing games but people call them games for kids.

OOT & Majoras Mark as amongst my favourite games of all time, top 15
Sony has a ton of great kid friendly stuff like Loco Roco, Little Big Plannet (ripped off by Nintendo with the level editor of Mario Maker, the 4P coop multiplayer of New Super Mario Bros Wii or its aesthetics in games like Yoshi Crafted World, Yoshi Wolly World etc), Parappa or Singstar. And maybe isn't that good, but you're also forgetting the all-mighty 3D action platformer that outsould Super Mario in Japan: Knack.

I think being kid friendly, or games for kids, isn't bad. I think there should be games for everybody, and that includes kids.
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Twitter Legend
26 Jun 2022
Well, they haven't and probably never will, these kinds of questions aren't fruitful & would inevitably end up having fanboyish discussions, I could ask the same question but I'll make it sound good in Sony's favor, like: "Why hasn’t NINTENDO been able to create anything approaching the quality of God of War 2018?"

You see? It's that simple, every company can have its own amazing games & IPs, well except for Microsoft...IDK what they're doing. 😂


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I’ve been doing this too long. I don’t mean to beat anyone over the head with it, but at this point I’m just like if people love Game A, cool. If people love Game B, cool.

Comparisons can be fun but if you’re enjoying yourself, that’s all that matters.

As much as Nintendo doesn’t need to be Sony, Sony doesn’t need to be Nintendo. I’m glad we have both those entities doing their thing.

There..... Obi is wiser than anyone and this is more proof.

Obi-Wan has the high ground!
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