Will Sony's PC Push Hurt their Console Business in the Mid to Longterm?

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2 Jul 2022
Days Gone and God of War arent in the millions. Only hzd is. Those numbers are still millions less than what they did on Playstation

God of War = 2-5 million
Days Gone = 1-2 million
Horizon = 1-2 million

That's triple digit millions of revenue just from 3 titles, they're not going anywhere.

Explosive Zombie

Well-known member
21 Jun 2022
If they start putting their prestige titles on PC day/date you may see some real issues, hard to say... but as is? I dunno, the average gamer doesn't have patience for the games they actually care about.


22 Jun 2022

God of War = 2-5 million
Days Gone = 1-2 million
Horizon = 1-2 million

That's triple digit millions of revenue just from 3 titles, they're not going anywhere.

Right so you know better than Sony regarding sales figures for these games?



2 Jul 2022
Right so you know better than Sony regarding sales figures for these games?

That chart is a month and a half outdated, not to mention there's no word as to when that data was culled. Furthermore there are sites which track sales metrics through Steam with various methods.


20 Jun 2022
That chart is a month and a half outdated, not to mention there's no word as to when that data was culled. Furthermore there are sites which track sales metrics through Steam with various methods.
So you're saying those sites are more reliable than Sony when a lot of them arent that reliable to begin with


20 Jun 2022
You underestimate the patience of PC gamers not to mention they have about a billion other things to play so no one actually cares. We play the games when they come.
If all of you are waiting for those games then why are the sales of those games so abysmally low compared to how much they sold on console?


2 Jul 2022
If all of you are waiting for those games then why are the sales of those games so abysmally low compared to how much they sold on console?
Like I said there's a billion other things to play on PC. These waits pass by without significance. It's also a completely different market and it will take some time for their games to make a real footing.


22 Jun 2022
That chart is a month and a half outdated, not to mention there's no word as to when that data was culled. Furthermore there are sites which track sales metrics through Steam with various methods.

Are you having a laugh?

Steam sales trackers are more accurate than Sony themselves? To put things into perspective, Elden Ring is showing 20,000,000 to 50,000,000 owners on these trackers for PC alone. Yet Bandai Namco have confirmed only 13.4 million on all platforms.

Secondly, are you telling me in 45 days these games have doubled/tripled in sales. Horizon has been out 2 years. Days Gone a year.


22 Jun 2022
I don't think they should release every exclusive on PC. It doesn't bother me to release some games though.

I agree PC players aren't buying a PS though. Keep your core games that define your brand on your console though Jimmy.

You want to publish on PC build some live service games for it.


2 Jul 2022
Are you having a laugh?

Steam sales trackers are more accurate than Sony themselves? To put things into perspective, Elden Ring is showing 20,000,000 to 50,000,000 owners on these trackers for PC alone. Yet Bandai Namco have confirmed only 13.4 million on all platforms.

Secondly, are you telling me in 45 days these games have doubled/tripled in sales. Horizon has been out 2 years. Days Gone a year.
No, you don't view them in isolation. You look at all the metrics to get a general idea. I'm also not suggesting that. That slide is a month and a half old with no idea as to when the data was compiled for it.

The point remains, they're selling millions of units and making hundreds of millions in revenue as a result. To suggest they would backtrack on this initiative is just delusional fanboy drivel from people who are frankly butthurt.

The same garbage came out of the Xbox camp, the sooner it's embraced and accepted the better for your own sanity.


22 Jun 2022
No, you don't view them in isolation. You look at all the metrics to get a general idea. I'm also not suggesting that. That slide is a month and a half old with no idea as to when the data was compiled for it.

The point remains, they're selling millions of units and making hundreds of millions in revenue as a result. To suggest they would backtrack on this initiative is just delusional fanboy drivel from people who are frankly butthurt.

The same garbage came out of the Xbox camp, the sooner it's embraced and accepted the better for your own sanity.

It shows March 2022 in the bottom left corner.

No one is suggesting Sony should backtrack other than you.

I'm just stating those PC sales number for these games are poor. More people have downloaded these games for free than purchased them.
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2 Jul 2022
It shows March 2022 in the bottom left corner.

No one is suggesting Sony should backtrack other than you.

I'm just stating those PC sales number for these games are poor. More people have downloaded these games for free than purchased them.
No one is suggesting lmfao? Short term memory loss?

Let's wait and see what happens this generation.

I guarantee you Sony will reverse this decision to port to PC the moment their Hardware sales are affected.

Unfortunately it might be too late cause many PS gamers might not return.


1 Jul 2022
It absolutely will. Every single game that gets ported loses a little prestige and weight behind the title, everyone knows this but it's seldom talked about because it pushes the wrong buttons nowadays. 'Bu Bu gatekeeping' and all that.

As a game collector for instance, if a game is exclusive to a certain console, it becomes more valuable. Take for instance Dreamcast, it's most expensive and sought after games are all exclusives unreleased elsewhere (GigaWing 2, IllBleed, etc). That's because an exclusive carries WEIGHT behind its name.

I know the situations are different, but the fact remains, a title loses something when it's ported.

Persona for instance, as a PlayStation exclusive, was the cool, niche, underground JRPG. It had an aura of mystery and PRESTIGE surrounding it precisely because it was locked to one console.

I'm starting to see that change already, as Persona becomes more mainstream. It's worrying.

Sony, in one foul swoop has ported several of the best, once-in-a-lifetime games like GoW, Spider-Man, etc. We'll see what the effects are to come, but I guarantee you it will NOT be good, or beneficial for PlayStation in the long run.

Look at how Xbox owners act: they hate not having exclusives, it bothers them immensely. They're the first to cheer on the sidelines when sony ports a game to PC, because misery loves company. They know their entire console, and their purchase, has been devalued immensely by PC.


2 Jul 2022
Yes it will hurt Playstation as a brand. If they are not careful Playstation would lose loyal fans. Recent ports such as Spider-Man pissed alot of Playstation fans. Look at Nintendo why Switch is selling like hot cakes, because you can't play their game anywhere else.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
I’ve long said PC releases are fine and just let more people play the games.

I’m starting to change my mind and think that long term it does devalue the brand. They should maybe focus on bringing more people to the console and ensuring pc-like BC over the next several generations.


27 Jun 2022
Yes it will hurt Playstation as a brand. If they are not careful Playstation would lose loyal fans. Recent ports such as Spider-Man pissed alot of Playstation fans. Look at Nintendo why Switch is selling like hot cakes, because you can't play their game anywhere else.
The "loyal fans" community is probably not what Sony cares about the most. It's a loud (online) community but their numbers are likely insignificant.
Most of you criticizing Sony for PC ports are looking at it from a narrow "Super-Fan" perspective.

What makes money for Sony is not 1 million "loyal fans" who will buy everything PlayStation but the 90-100 million casuals who play COD, FIFA, GTA, Fortnite and the occasional exclusive. You won't see a massive exodus of those 90-100 million players to PC because of 2-3 years old ports that are already free or cheap on console. How many are buying PS5 in 2022 because of God of War 2018 and Uncharted 4? Not many.

Horizon was released on PC 2 years ago and we're not seeing any slowdowns in their console business, you literally can't find the PS5 on store shelves.
There are also facts you can't ignore: 1. PC has seen an large increase of its user base thanks to Steam, lock-downs and Twitch/Youtube. 2. GAAS is bringing billion of dollars to the industry year after year and a large amount of that money is historically coming from PC. Don't get me wrong, I love my single-player cinematic experience, but in 2022, you can't only rely on this to move forward.

Sony is obviously not breaking the bank on PC with old games but it's almost "free/easy money" for them and ensure them a spot in the PC space where they potentially can make it BIG one day with their new GAAS strategy. Also, for as much love and praise PS exclusives get, sometimes it's not enough. Returnal sold poorly. Releasing it on PC could give them extra cash and even become a PC favorite since that kind of game is usually more popular on PC than on consoles.

You can't ask Sony to ignore how the industry is moving forward because you feel nostalgic of how things used to be or because you feel entitled to exclusives.

Just my 2 cents, don't murder me. :)


2 Jul 2022
The "loyal fans" community is probably not what Sony cares about the most. It's a loud (online) community but their numbers are likely insignificant.
Most of you criticizing Sony for PC ports are looking at it from a narrow "Super-Fan" perspective.

What makes money for Sony is not 1 million "loyal fans" who will buy everything PlayStation but the 90-100 million casuals who play COD, FIFA, GTA, Fortnite and the occasional exclusive. You won't see a massive exodus of those 90-100 million players to PC because of 2-3 years old ports that are already free or cheap on console. How many are buying PS5 in 2022 because of God of War 2018 and Uncharted 4? Not many.

Horizon was released on PC 2 years ago and we're not seeing any slowdowns in their console business, you literally can't find the PS5 on store shelves.
There are also facts you can't ignore: 1. PC has seen an large increase of its user base thanks to Steam, lock-downs and Twitch/Youtube. 2. GAAS is bringing billion of dollars to the industry year after year and a large amount of that money is historically coming from PC. Don't get me wrong, I love my single-player cinematic experience, but in 2022, you can't only rely on this to move forward.

Sony is obviously not breaking the bank on PC with old games but it's almost "free/easy money" for them and ensure them a spot in the PC space where they potentially can make it BIG one day with their new GAAS strategy. Also, for as much love and praise PS exclusives get, sometimes it's not enough. Returnal sold poorly. Releasing it on PC could give them extra cash and even become a PC favorite since that kind of game is usually more popular on PC than on consoles.

You can't ask Sony to ignore how the industry is moving forward because you feel nostalgic of how things used to be or because you feel entitled to exclusives.

Just my 2 cents, don't murder me. :)

idc laughing GIF


21 Jun 2022
Right so you know better than Sony regarding sales figures for these games?

That chart is a month and a half outdated, not to mention there's no word as to when that data was culled. Furthermore there are sites which track sales metrics through Steam with various methods.
Sony numbers are the real numbers, Steam sales estimation pages aren't that accurate.

But the sales numbers of this slide are from March (mentioned in the bottom left corner), probably until the end of the fiscal year (March 31). GoW was released January 14th so these numbers only covered maximum its first 2 months and a half.

These games will sell way more, specially considering PC users mostly buy when the games are very cheap.
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